The Game UNO Sucks

in writing •  7 years ago 

First of all, a game named after the Spanish word for “one” should be a pretty clear signal that the game isn’t any fun for a group of people, but I guess I understand some of it’s appeal… for slow children. There are bright colors, you get to spite your friends with skips and reverses and give them extra cards. But at the end of the day, this game is terrible.

There is little to no strategy involved. You either have a card that can play or you don’t. And the only way of acquiring these cards is by sheer, literal luck of the draw. And then at the end of each hand, a score is tallied up by the cards left in your hand. But again, it all really just comes down to luck the entire way, and takes about three brain cells to even play it.

Unless you’re color blind and dyslexic… for those unfortunate souls, it’s the most complicated game on the market today.

Maybe they should advertise it as such. What do you think? Good game? Garbage pile of colored paper for slow children and their deadbeat parents?

Let me know!

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very cool

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I love Uno, especially after a few drinks with a group of friends. It can be quite entertaining and I disagree that there is no strategy to it. For starters, you choose when to use a draw card or wildcard.

A great strategy is to wait for someone to make you draw cards and as a defence, plop your draw card down and make the next person pick up the total sum of those cards. The satisfaction of making someone draw 8 cards is almost orgasmic.

Or better still, do you know someone doesn't have a particular colour? Use a reverse and make them pick up another card. Does someone have two cards left and you don't want them to win? Throw down your skip card to skip them.

I think the chance aspect of getting the right card is no different than poker. You have to hope that you get the right cards in your hand or it's quite possibly game over.

Or maybe I am just retarded and this game appeals to me because of the pretty colours, haha.

OK, now this I get. If the conversation is good and the emphasis on the game is low, then it can be fine. But I will say, if you're drinking and you keep forgetting which way the game is going (because of reverses and skips, especially in small groups) it can be more annoying than fun. Plus you always get that one friend, that is paying WAY to close attention, and keeps yelling at people for taking too long on their turns. hahaha

Umm. Haha , and i taught i was the only one hating the game ... not exactly hate but feeling unatracted to it . .... There are so many games that just gets you in the treasure of it , more interesting , actually there is a game called " do not be mad at me brother " . The point is to get to the top of a rope but there are obstacles in the process and there is the posibility you get to the bottom right at the end . It is really cool and makes you feel the competition sense ...

I just found that once I played PHASE 10, UNO just didn't stand up. It was like, once I learned chess, checkers became boring as shit.

Yeah. Ough

I think it's a fun game and sorry I have to disagree. I believe that winning in this game is not because of pure luck, you can have all the nice cards and still lose if you don't know how to strategically win the game. You can be a winner with all those crappy cards if you're wise enough in using it. Example the power cards should be left for the last draw because drawing it at the beginning will lessen your chance of winning. You have to draw it when the time is right.

I love your passion for the game. Hell yeah.

I play it to eat my friends alive MWAHAHAHAHAHA

Garbage pile of colored paper for slow children.

Sometimes having your own words quoted back at you is bad. Sometimes it's hilarious.

Hopefully this was the latter.

"Unless you’re color blind and dyslexic…"

I am not color blind, but I have dyschromatopsia (disorder of color vision) and other visual impairments, but I used to play Uno many years ago and I enjoyed the game very much!
So I like it, it's a good game in my opinion.

But I forgot the game rules during the years, so I would have to learn the game rules again, if I would like to play nowadays.


I have never understood this game and whenener I heard someone call up: "Who wants to play uno?" I aiways run to the hills.