I had years of partying, and I was kind of surprised and happy I survived it all. Now, being a parent, I look back on it thinking, Oh God, the things you did!
--Jeff Bridges


A drunken reveler, or a drunken revelry
A follower of Bacchus
First known use 1594
Latin (Bacchānālia "a festival to honor Bacchus")
20, woo-hoo!
"Jeremy is a young satyr looking forward to the event that defines his passage into adulthood – his first BACCHANAL."
--My First Bacchanal
by Andrew Grey, 2008
"O trance of rapture, when, reeling aside
From the BACCHANAL rout o'er the mountains flying,
One sinks to the earth, and the fawn's flecked hide
Covers him lying
With its sacred vesture, wherein he hath chased
The goat to the death for its blood -- for the taste
Of the feast raw-reeking, when over the hills
Of Phrygia, of Lydia, the wild feet haste,
And the Clamour-king leads, and our hearts he thrills 'Evoe!' crying!"
--Euripides and the Spirit of His Dramas
by Paul Decharme, 1906

--Rio Carnival
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