Twist of Fate - Chapter 6: It's a Date [an original novel]

in writing •  7 years ago 

The following Monday greeted Lizzy with a sudden request.

Chase happened to be in the area and asked if she wanted to grab a bite at a nearby coffee shop. Lizzy proceeded to shock him by immediately accepting his invitation. She had been meaning show him the designs he inspired.

"Someone's looking chipper," Shauna grinned, waggling her eyebrows when she saw Lizzy heading out. The seamstress had spied Chase the first time he had dropped by the boutique and had immediately inquired about the apparently handsome individual. Ever since, Lizzy had to keep fighting off Shauna's attempts at hinting at something more. The notion was enough to make it awkward for her to look Chase in the eyes.

She saw him leaning against the steel railing with his phone in hand. He was quite handsome, she had to admit. For once, he wasn't wearing a hat, so his straight dark hair was finally given some freedom. When she made her presence known to him, he looked up and whistled, proceeding to compliment her on looking fresh and lively when fashion week was just around the bend. Apparently, he had seen the state of everyone at Starbright and knew that it was no cakewalk.

At that point, Lizzy wasn't surprised by his knowledge of the ins and outs of prolific companies. She was shocked when she found out that he wasn't merely the slacking yet skilled photographer he appeared to be at the Cove. Chase was a proud owner of a photography and graphic design company, one of repute that was outsourced by various agencies. When she had first learned this, she had failed to mask her surprise. She hadn't pegged him for the business man. However, it explained his close and equal relationship with O'Hare and other higher ups of Sane Agency.

Since he wasn't very forthcoming with details, appearing quite humble about it, she had to resort to Google for more information.

"Yeah, one of my photographers called in sick, so I took his place that day," he went on to explain when she brought up their first meeting.

"So, since you're a seasoned business man, think you could give me some advice?"

"I'm glad you asked. What area were you thinking of setting up in? Have you thought about getting a sponsor on board, especially for the early stages?'"

Lizzy blinked. She was quite surprised by this demeanour as opposed to his usual nonchalance. It seemed Chase could get quite serious when the need arose.

"Hey, hold on there," she stopped him, smiling weakly. "Talking about sponsors and you haven't even seen what my designs look like..."

"I've seen your work back at the shoot, remember?"

"Yes, but..."

"A little birdie also told me you've been in the industry for a while."

"Was the little birdie called the internet by any chance?"

He grinned. "Maybe."

She showed him a picture of the little mock-up she had thrown together. The garment was layered silk in varying shades of green. Gold accents rimmed the corners. It was simplistic, but stylish and modest. His smile brightened when she told him what inspired the look. She began speaking about her plan to make a few more and then take some photos for her portfolio. She had been so caught up in the conversation that she mentioned her blog without being aware of it. Unable to get out of it now that she had brought it up, she found herself having to share her little space on the internet.

Despite having shared her work with others, even completely random strangers, she felt doubly self-conscious when she handed her phone to him. It felt like she was baring her soul to him.

After a few minutes of silent scrolling, he fixed his gaze on her. His eyes glimmered with adoration. He seemed impressed.

"This is brilliant. I love it, love your vision. Oh, and it seems you have quite the following. When were you planning on telling me you're a famous blogger, Lizzy McShaw?"

She felt her cheeks warming. Hiding her blush, Lizzy waved off his words, reminding him that he was just as elusive when it came to details.

"So, Boutique Ala Moi. When is that happening?" he said as he finished off his milkshake. He seemed more eager about it than she was. His enthusiasm was wonderfully infectious, and she appreciated it.

She told him she'd have to re-check all her plans and start her research all over again. Chase was supportive of her idea and said he would keep a look out for possible locations. Unfortunately, Fashion Week was impending and everyone in Flourish would be crazily trying to re-dress the shop. Granger had been hoping to score a place on the runway, so would naturally enlist her designers for multiple brainstorming sessions. So, Lizzy resolved to think more on the subject a bit later.

"If there's something you want, you should go for it," he had told her.

She wondered aloud about how she would breach the news to Granger when the time came, explaining to Chase that the woman was like her second mom. He found the idea of her boss being a parental figure quite amusing.

Later that day, a messaged tone sounded. She clicked into it. It was a picture of a bee floating above a leaf... Chase's spur of the moment photography, no doubt.

This is how I feel about your boutique idea. Say what you see out loud.

"A leaf and a bee? A bee and a leaf?" she murmured, repeating it a couple of times before the message sunk in. It was so classically Chase that she had to laugh.

He believed in her.

"Don't take this the wrong way, Liz, it's just..." Tarryn's voice murmured from the other end of the receiver. "I didn't think your new friend was a guy. Are you sure he's only interested in friendship? You always hear stories about those bright and bubbly types preying on the weak. Especially in that industry!"

Lizzy had called in to see if Tarryn would be free for a catch-up. As they spoke, she briefly mentioned her idea to resurrect her dream boutique, and how it was all due to the insistence of the new person in her life.

"I'm not a clueless little girl, Tarryn. Chase is my friend just like you are. You haven't even met yet, but I get the feeling you don't approve of him?"

"Err. Maybe that's because I haven't met him yet, hello?"

Lizzy smiled at her friend's protectiveness.

"Does he know about David?"

"I haven't told him," she admitted. She didn't quite know how to go about it, in the first place.

Tarryn's tone soured. "Well, I mean, I guess it makes sense not to tell him since it's not like you two are seeing each other in that way or anything."

Something about her offhanded tone rubbed Lizzy the wrong way. She couldn't quite understand why her friend was so sensitive about this. Surely, she didn't feel threatened by how much space Chase was taking in her life? Tarryn had been work-centric for the bulk of the year. They'd seen each other less and less, but still, as far as Lizzy was concerned their connection was just as strong.

"That is true," she agreed. "But hey, I was going to ask him to help me with a project after Fashion Week blows by. And that brings me to my point. Would you like to join us? Then you two can finally meet and you can judge him all you want."

"I'd like to see this guy who's captured your attention, of course," Tarryn chuckled. "But you'll have to tell me more later. I need to hang up now." She sighed heavily. "I've got to finish my report, or this migraine is going to get worse."

"Yeah, good luck, talk soon," Lizzy managed before the call ended.

Lizzy didn't have much time to be upset about how unenthusiastic he friend's response was. Fashion Week came and went in a series of drama, satisfaction, blood, sweat and tears. When they returned to the boutique, entering the sweet realm of air-conditioning and background music, Granger had everyone listen to her latest speech. The hype did not die down in the least. Granger seemed intent on reaching further heights and scoring contracts with the industries big shots. Lizzy found the Boss Lady's motivational speeches very informative, and already her mind raced as she thought up ways she could apply the lessons learned here to her own store one day.

She was carrying out board of fabric swatches Josh requested. She had just come out from the back room and was casually walking into the storefront, when she noticed a familiar figure. Pitch black hair that reached the base of his neck, tinted glasses, and a beige beret. Chase stood nearby a mannequin, seemingly out of place. He appeared to be inspecting a skirt. That, or he didn't know what else to do with himself.

Lizzy placed the clipboard onto the countertop. "Interested in buying that?" she asked as she approached him with a wily smile.

His expression brightened upon seeing her. He gestured at the skirt. "Is it one of your creations?"


Chase flicked over the price tag, his eyes widening considerably. "Wow, then I'm afraid I'm not willing to blow my income on that."

"What brings you here?" she questioned, curious.

He swayed his head side to side, humming in suspense, before revealing, "I guess you could say I have ulterior motives."
Lizzy laughed. She crossed her arms and raised her brow in a signature pose of 'Do Explain.'

Just then, Granger walked in, the click of her stilettos indicating her arrival.

"Why hello there, darlings," she greeted the man, assessing him from top to bottom. She placed her manicured hand on his bicep and squeezed. Chase seemed a bit uncomfortable, wearing an expression Lizzy didn't think was possible for him. Granger clicked her tongue. "Are you a model by any chance?"

"No, but I'm certainly flattered you think so," he said after clearing his throat. Lizzy was amazed at how humble he could be with others, and how the endearingly obnoxious side of him only seemed to surface around her.

"What do you want with my employee? Business? Pleasure? We're still on the clock, so the latter will have to wait."

Oh, gosh! Granger! Stop!

Lizzy felt so flustered, she prayed for the ground to open up and swallow her whole. However, Chase seemed composed. With full confidence, he asked Granger if she would consider letting Lizzy off early that Friday.

"There's a cultural market at the pier starting Friday afternoon, and I hear there will be fireworks. I think Lizzy would find the vibe inspirational, and I know for a fact I'd enjoy her company. I was hoping to ask her to join me, but I'm not so sure about her work schedule. Do you think it would be possible for me to steal her away perhaps?"

Lizzy's mouth was most likely hanging open. Had she heard correctly? Did Chase just ask her out? Indirectly? In front of her boss? Miss Granger looked between the two of them with great interest.

"I didn't think she'd go along with that," he whispered when Granger had left them alone in favour of answering her cell phone. The woman had signalled her approval with a wink and a thumbs-up.

"I think you shocked both of us with your forwardness," she said. "Though I suppose I should be used to it by now."
Chase rubbed the back of his neck, offering her an apologetic grin. "So," he clapped his hands together, suddenly shifting his attitude. "This Friday, 3PM, at the pier. Is that okay? I'll pick you up."

"Um, I'd rather go back home first and freshen up before leaving directly."

As a result, she had to give him her address.

"So, it's a date," he said those words teasingly as he stepped out of the boutique, away from the curious glances of Lizzy's co-workers. He was expecting her to roll her eyes or downplay their plan to a casual outing. Suffice to say, Chase was more than a little surprised when Lizzy ducked her head, tucking a golden lock of hair behind her ear.

"I look forward to it," she beamed.

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