Raiders of the Middle Sea - forking and cumulation

in writing •  7 years ago  (edited)

Many thanks!

I must say firstly that I am pleased by the reception that Raiders of the Middle Sea has had on Steemit. The support of my friends and readers is greatly appreciated.

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Recently I have been having thoughts on how to proceed from where I stand and to this end I would like to discuss the various comments, questions and suggestions that have come to me from the various parties involved. There has been a lot of feedback from inside and outside the Steemit community.

Positive remarks keep me moving!

Here is a roundup of praise, commentary and suggestions that I have gotten over the last week:

"Enjoying it like a large packet of Lay's Caribbean Onion & Balsamic Vinegar Crips. One crisp at a time." - Raymond (in Whatsapp, he is waiting for a Steemit account)

"Very exciting. Nice combat action sequences, very well thought-out." - @jeffstoner

"I like the short and sweet approach. This was my favorite line hahaha

but the creature’s skull popped like a ripe melon and smashed the rest of the body into the ground. The crowd roared its approval." - @soundwavesphoton

"Good pacing and tension. And it ends in a good spot - that's the sort of thing that makes me want to know more." - @naquoya

"I really enjoyed this tale! I'm eager to know what ate Dieter! Can't wait!" - @rachelrick

And so on. Not to toot my horn.
Thank you so much for these encouragements and compliments guys! It really helps me to keep going!

People ask for MORE of Kedra

Now for items with a bit of substance on them:

"I love the pacing as well. The imagery is beautiful, and I can't wait to know more about the backstory and plots of individual characters. The world seems to be fully fleshed with a rich history that is still new to me. It takes me awhile to get excited about new characters and worlds, but I'm invested in the story now and eagerly await its unfolding." - @soulturtle

"Good work, question what is jhakarti? Thanks and have a great day!" - @gre3n

" ...If I were to make any suggestion, I would say that you need to add more "meat" to the story. It feels as though I'm reading instead of experiencing it." - @dbzfan4awhile

"...I do also want to know more about Kayden right out of the gate. Why should I care about him? You hint about his backstory in the second paragraph, but I want to know what sort of guy this fellow is."
"Aha, the world expands a bit here. And I like the sneak preview of the next episode. Moving along nicely here!" - @negativer

"I love stories with multiple character arcs. I haven't visited the world of Kedra in a while, but I'm glad I waited cause I could binge those episodes. Your world is getting revealed slowly like peeling layers off an onion and I'm looking forward to future episodes." - @soulturtle (again lol)

Basically what I see these posts are getting at is that people enjoy what I have been hinting at and people want MORE!

There is also a call for information that branches out from what was planned of the original Raiders. I generally have tendency to create more world than fiction. It is what gives everyone that feeling that things are deeper than what is being read. It is completely true.

Where do I go from here? What are your suggestions?

Right now I have the two characters:

Kayden - The sailor that was sold into slavery to become a gladiator.
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Leland - The coin counter that became voted as the acting Captain after the leadership were killed.
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@soulturtle mentioned that he enjoyed binging on a couple episodes at a time.

1 - Is it advisable to post an "omnibus" post every once in a while that removes all the starts and stops and is edited and edited better.

2 - Should I post Kayden and Leland as branches of the story as the timeline continues without trying to merge them into one story with two arcs? This would make that at a certain time of the week I would continue one and another day the other.

3 - Additional arcs. I was asked if I was ever going to expand on the story of the "Lone Turka" (Episode 1)

Feedback would be great. This is a community and I have enjoyed entertaining you all. So I am open for people to weigh in on how they would like to get the presented material.

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Spamming your own links in a comment is very bad form and more likely to get you flagged than upvoted. Read the damn post, and say something intelligent about it. It would help you a lot more than producing mindless comment spam.

Hey guys. As an addition to my post after chatting to @tinypaleokitchen about what I am trying to achieve here is a possible fix for the omnibus idea:

The idea is to have a condensed version for a binge reader to get to. Also if someone wants to read Raiders long after it came out as part of an ongoing World of Kedra fiction.

Thus I would post these Omnibuses as a "Decline Payout" post. My intention is not to earn again for my same work, rather as a service to be easily accessible.

Again. Comments votes and suggestions are welcome!

I like the idea of a condensed and edited version as a one-stop read for new folks to get current with what is going on in the Kedra world. It's sometimes hard to keep current and follow a bunch of separate story posts (such is the nature of steemit, alas), but a nicely edited omnibus version would get them up to speed quickly.

Yeah. I think that is the way to go regarding the condensed editions.

I will snoop around my known readership and ask them what they would like to see regarding story arcs.