A thought for the ones who aren't thought about enough.

in writing •  9 years ago  (edited)

08 11 2015

I sit with impure tobacco between my fingers, staring at a virtual page, hoping that spewing my thoughts with this untouchable ink, will allow one to realize that they are more than they are told.
My eyes shifting over to breadcrumbs left by an adolescent of blood. Inhaling the light breeze that keeps me alive and sensitively accepting the echoes of the voices around me, my subconscious dives into the depths of my true conscience. A place still so new to me, a place indescribable, a place of nothing and everything.

Slouching slightly, I am greeted by strong emotions and powerful words being thrown into existence, of which, I have no control. A thought, leading me to wonder about my people, about humanity. A disconnect between the divine is so clear. The divine they forget is within themselves. There is beauty in this world but the views my dark receptors have spied on are unsightly.

I take three mindful steps backwards, to think about my people. I feel a warm anger caress my neck as visions of a youth no more than two years, lies on the street. Shot by ignorance, miscommunication, greed and the darkness that can overpower a beings soul. Internal tears flow as my vessel is depleted of its joy.
When looking in the eyes of a child who holds no hate toward you, how does one agree to end that pureness so willingly? I accept no reasons that concern your financial matter. I accept no reason stating their kind are your enemy. I accept no reason at all.
… …
There goes my train of thought as I am engrossed by flickering images on a TV screen. I fade away into the stupidity and control it teaches the minds of those who accept this life for what it is not. I have a thought within a thought about how often I think and decide it’s best to lift my hand and gently install the transparent plug.
I am back. I am in the matrix where love & knowledge of self does not exist.

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