in wrongpost •  7 years ago  (edited)

Sshhhhhh..., I'm thinking.
Lower your voices, I'm trying to think.
I'm trying to get things together, I'm trying to get it done, my shit; I need it together.
I'm trying to mould these words into sense; alphabets, single words scattered all over, I'm trying to organise them into paragraphs, into meaningful paragraphs.

Here it goes......

A man biggest problem is in his head.

Definitely not the one he whines about, not the one he sings into songs neither is it the one he brandishes as he shares bottles with his friends.

smoking-boy-in-sad-love-picture (1).jpg
Damn, I confused myself once again. This is not what I had in mind, after I began writing the whole thing just went in another direction. Trying to make this right will complicate things even further.

I'm sorry. I'll try to make it right in another post.

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