WTF is Going on With Steemit Lately??

in wtf •  7 years ago 

I just wasted nearly two 90 minutes of my day attempting to upload two posts which I had already completed writing elsewhere. I was continually forced to wait for minutes until nothing happened except me having to start again from scratch.

It also took me about seven tries to flag someone earlier, and somewhat ironically, I already wrote this post twenty minutes ago only for it all to disappear when I attempted to post it.

Does anyone have an answer as to what is going on, and when it will be resolved?

It seems to me that the Steem blockchain is having difficulty handling all the traffic, but I don't really know shit, so it makes sense to ask rather than guess.

Thanks in advance to any who provide a sufficient answer.

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ddos aqttacks on, and the RPC server

try posting thru chainbb or busy

attacks started right after many Steemers suggested steemit to Assange on Twitter

wow, Steemit is making waves so that hackers are pissed off.

we weather this storm, and the platform becomes that much more attractive!

Yes, exactly! It might be a pain in the butt, but it's good news that we've become important enough to be attacked :)

Thanks for the info.

Been having the same problems recently. My posts were not posting after multiple attempts, and would delete themselves sporadically. Not sure what the issue is (maybe a large influx of new users?) Not sure, but hope they resolve the issues soon.

I am inclined to agree with your suspicions that this seems to be related to an overload of traffic on the network, and may also explain why there is a waiting list for a site that is supposedly attempting to grow.

Maybe the technology is reaching its limits and so we are being told its an attack of some kind while the development team try to figure out a way to deal with the extra traffic.

Does that sound too far-fetched to you?

it's plausible; I don't have the skill to look at it one way or another

For a company that prides itself on transparency, I would hate to think they are telling us one thing while it is a completely different thing. If it's too many people and the site needs to grow, tell us. What's the harm in being honest with your loyal users? It's not far-fetched, it would just be a shame if it were true.

Is the DDoS attack still ongoing?

Other sites seem to recover from such attacks within 24 hours.

I'd like to know as well. I've wasted too much time on Steemit lately over the littlest things, like trying to upvote a post or even getting the site to launch in the first place!

Yes, I am having problems with voting too. Someone above says that it is reportedly a DDoS attack, so if that is truly case then I would expect a resolution soon.

You'd think that would be the case, yet these types of problems have been happening for over a week on Steemit. That being said, today is, by far, the worst responsiveness that I've experienced here and I use Steemit daily.

What concerns me most is the lack of communication about the issue from Steemit devs and Ned. I'm starting to wonder whether this is going to be a perpetual issue on Steemit.

What is a DDoS attack?

I see what you mean. I could only submit my post on my fifth try. And the site took some time to respond between every attempt.

I'm no expert, but I think the steem blockchain is fine. It is perfectly accessible through other platforms, like I used it to check other posts and comment, because it was difficult to do it here on steemit.

As others have already noted, I can only assume this is a problem with the steemit website on the server-side. Probably the same problem we had days ago with the DDoS attack. But only the developers or someone related can confirm.

I believe they're aware of this and are trying to solve it. But I also understand the frustration it might cause.

All the best

I appreciate your response. Pretty much answers everything for me. Thanks-

we all believe they're solving it but where are the updates, changes, transparency on fixes the problems are just swept under the rug every time.

why doesn't anyone have a real answer after all these seperate downtimes? why is it still anybodies guess?

I would resteem this if I could. A great question.

I've been trying to post in 4 attempts already but it goes to limbo. It could be another DDoS attack but I'm not so sure about it. On the 5th attempt, I got through.

You are lucky. The first took me far more than five attempts.

In truth, the Steemit website has started getting slow page loading times for at least a few weeks. I am starting to wonder whether there really was a DDOS attack of whether it is a server/blockchain issue. Perhaps they don't have what is needed to run this site properly, but obviously cannot come out and say that.

I am probably wrong. But, the error messages that are often returned seem to speak to a blockchain overload of some kind.

I only get 502 Bad Gateway Error.But you are probably right about the necessary stuff to run the site and the user base is also increasing.

Works for me perfectly