Why Qanon is NOT real

in wtp •  7 years ago 

The Qanon phenomenon is amazing. Not because its actually a legitimate thing. Rather, because its likened to "hope porn."

Personally, speaking...

It's a very surreal experience, that when groups of highly intelligent individuals are split in half by some farce. Usually this happens with hardcore Jones and Icke, disciples.

I say this because it's valid truth. That's the tactic of cointelpro, fakes, shills... is to divide and create opposition within societies, groups or assemblies. None though compare to the Qanon movement.

I mean, highly intelligent people believe in this? Qanon is president? President is staging a counter coup, against all the criminals. No.

Qanon gets debunked

I normally dont include YT videos in my posts. I generally unlike anything video format. But in this post I wanted to share one that is really hitting home.

Video is approx 13 minutes long as I am not the creator, source attributed to author

You can also read about a former Qanon admin, on pastebin.

But to save you time here is a summary:

Why we don't need Qanon

We don't need Qanon because we then have a voice. We can shape the outcome, be wary of anyone that says it's being;been;will be done on your behalf.

The truth is we the people hold all the power. We are the proverbial dust that forms the proverbial mountains and rivers. We vest our powers in government and its time to reconsider.

Are listed above

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I'm not even reading this but you get my upboat. I'm not sure of the ins and outs of why QAnon is a fraud but I know it is.

You know what else? The channels on YT that push that nibba's shit, they're in on it too. The Amazing Polly is one of them. She's a beastly woman past her prime who probably was never much anyway.

I would bet $1k that that is one way the CIA or the Mossad multiplies the force of the general Q Posts.

I'm not happy that "Q" posts on the chans either. Were they trying to get the Alt Right only to get noobs and cretins instead and decided to go with it? It is interesting, like watching Faces of Death.

Edit: This is you IHashBlox? I might not have written so openly if I knew it was you. I'm still not reading the article. Not yet.

hey froyo. The super cool dude in video is @defango i believe. Hes a cool guy. Our paths briefly crossed shortly after vegas incident.

Q is the greatest money making larp yet. Oneday everyone on chan is like, we where hacked? The next Q appears.

You can talk freely if you'd like. I'm not going to judge anyone.

we have q proofs.... https://www.qproofs.com/

q is either with the president... and they are going to screw us over...


q is with the president and they are doing what they say.

it won't take much longer to find out.. they keep being right... so i'm not sure what you are looking at.. but you have absolutely no proof here. just a wall of text from someone claiming to be on the team..


How then do you trust Q ? He is exactly same as you describe. Just writing stuff some place.

Burden of proof is on you buddy. He had been wrong countless times. So.........?

Plus i remember looking at mismatching id on the boards themselves. I guess you'll have to wait until anonymous exposes them. Maybe then you'll believe me.

i literally linked you to the proof. https://www.qproofs.com/ .. oh there it is again.

but until you hang around and see a drop that then leads to action in the real world... yeah it can be hard to swallow.

what i can say is the narrative i get from q makes more sense.. it makes sense of the world..

i was literally watching when q talked about peace with nk... and showed us documents that peace was coming..

then boom... peace.

that was pretty awesome.

he has succeeded on helping american return to a fair trade agreement with the world. china just gave in... did you hear?

anon isn't going to expose them, there is nothing to expose but the truth.

Time will tell. Qanon is not real. Youre "proofs" do nothing to explain mismatching ID signatures of Q.

There is ways to replicate Q, by constructing high speed wire servers that transmit info (intel) to reporters, etc etc. Meh.

Two, you trust some people whom willfully spread dishonest material?

According to whom are we at peace with China and NK? Because China is ordering ships to leave its territories. NK still has not discontinued their programs.

I think. Perhaps there is no reasoning with you. Cult members are like that. But time will demonstrate as well, Q is a larp. Comeback and talk with me on that day ok?

i'm interested in content, not trip codes. if the information came from pluto and it was a dog that had the information.. i would listen. because he isn't telling me to believe him, he is telling me to explore ideas and see for myself what is true.

guess what? i did all that research 17 years ago. i found satanists rule the world. that is coming to an end. the night is over.. the light doesn't ask the darkness to leave, its very presence makes the darkness disappear.... and absolutely nothing the darkness does can stop it.. because that is just how it is.. the good guys always win ; )

we are in a time of great awakening. you too are a child of God, you too have a light that you could shine. we all have it.

you attack things like trip codes, and claim nk and china want war. where is your proof of these allegations?

oh, and then you say i can't be reasoned with.. when you provide absolutely nothing that would sway anyone.

doesn't appear anything is out of the ordinary in your posts... (except the forcing china to give up manhatten building... that says we are suspicious of their manipulations)

so basically nk is back to doing the same shit. maybe. this really would be business as usual (pre-trump)

and the china islands.. that was a thing two years ago and they promised not to militarize the islands.. now they have.. and they are claiming the airspace. that is what we were shown.

this is more interesting ...

(888) 373-7888

and we found out that human trafficking phone links back to hillary... and that podesta has his hands on amber alert. do you understand the implications?

if hillary/podesta are child traffickers... anyone calling to report it would... end up dead or missing.

no wonder why we haven't heard about it before...

by constructing high speed wire servers that transmit info (intel) to reporters

you mean the internet? are you trying to talk over my head? because i was a network engineer for a few years.

and what you just said makes no sense.

and no, i'm certainly not talking about what reporters say, but the president in relation to q.

Sorry if you misunderstood... but it's how I'm going to phrase it and all i should really say.

Q is not anywhere near to president. Sorry. If you don't understand that mismatching id means inauthentic. Seriously if i carried two would you trust my identity?

Man as a network engineer i bet you would have thought about who benefits from Q. Chan boards/servers. I mean looking at all the traffic ... nice fat profit off of pleb material.

did you miss the part about me not caring where the information came from? and do you think it is possible they use more than one computer... or proxies? i could simply have two browsers running and get to different trip codes.

besides that, as we have seen trip codes can be hacked. so we must be discerning in the content, and i am always vigilant for betrayal.

so no, i don't trust the source, but i trust the information it leads to.

Man as a network engineer i bet you would have thought about who benefits from Q

content is what matters. they went to 4chan, then 8chan because the folks there are nuts about researching shit. i respect them for that... and i respect that they have dug up corruption.

i think if you look at the content, you understand the implications... the 'profit' for traffic to a webpage is insignificant compared to the billions/trillions of dollars these folks normally deal in. there is no big pay day from this. if 8chan pulled in a million bucks in a year i'd be shocked.

Tonight I'm not going to discuss it further. It's late here.

I can see youre a decent person, whom also is searching for truth. We just see things differently. You believe in The Upperforce, so i simply say peace be unto you and your home.

I respect your right to believe what you wish.