Acient zen concept - Wu Wei
Wu Wei actually is sometimes translated as “non-doing” or “non-action” Wu wei refers to a state of being in which our actions are quite effortlessly in alignment with the ebb and flow of the elemental cycles of the natural world. It is a kind of like “going with the flow” that is characterized by great ease and awake-ness, in which - without even trying - we’re able to respond perfectly to whatever situations arise. Like in Sports when you get in the “Zone” you go into this space that will not stop until you complete your goal, time slows down, and you have all the awareness to do what needs to be done.
This art is very powerful to create success in our modern day and age, and to become the happiest we can possibly be as we build our business to have the most powerful possible result/outcomes while having the least resistance, least struggle, least friction, pain, misery, least effort. The is something that takes an entire life time to practice. Because you sometimes loose the patterns, so its must be practiced always.. Ect (Jon budd)
Like I have said before you are brainwashed a certain way...whatever way you were brought up and taught today. So your mind will revert back to this ways at times, unless you are completely aware of it.
This concept is will change your life. I believe it is another level up to everything I practice and learn about everyday. Energy, living in the moment, going with intuition. At some points when I feel I am connected with this art, I have such a powerful focus and feels like I can create almost any outcome I want.
In today’s Society & Modern world we are always doing so many things, rushing here and there. Even when we relax we are “doing” ... watch tv, play on your phone, ect.
We are not a culture of “non-doing” and this concept is something not to look past. While majority of people are not using this technique and at least having an understanding of it, don’t you think it may benefit you to have this knowledge that many do not know of or use at all? This concepts are what very successful people in the world learn and practice while the majority of others shut down something knew or that of they don’t understand.
A quick summary of this concept is... For most people work, business, success, day to day life is a struggle. It’s non stop trying,effort to get where you need to get. Hard work, doing , doing , hard work non stop. In the background of all this is a sense of worry/tension/ non stop effort worrying that if you don’t give it this hard, this much effort or hard work then you will fail, your life will not unfold the way you plan. Most peoples daily lives is a struggle...working many jobs just to support there family.
The non-doing AKA Wu Wei – is the opposite is of all these feelings and outcomes. This “hard work” “Striving” “Tension” “Worry about failure or success” No forcing, no resistance, no pain, no struggle. The art of Wu Wei teaches you how to find the path of least resistance, which is usually always the first most easiest choice you have in business/skill/life. With this you can become a master at a skill like no other. All while doing it with the least resistance, the easiest way to possibly do it. It is essentially living within your intuition. Going with your intuition and trusting it, not having a second thought about anything. Another way to describe it is “Going with the Flow” as many talk about. When you are in this “flow” you are unstoppable.