Has Any Wrestling Fans On Steem Just See Samoa Joe v Brock Lesnar? - Warning Spoiler Alerts -steemCreated with Sketch.

in wwe •  7 years ago 
Has Any Wrestling Fans On Steem Just See Samoa Joe v Brock Lesnar? Warning Spoiler Alerts

What a crazy night in the wwe and considering how bad the shows have been lately, Great Balls Of Fire actually surprised me.

Sadly, I didn't feel that way about Samoa Joe v Brock Lesnar because for a dream match that has had the best build up in some time - it kind of fell short for me. I mean, it started off strong with Joe putting Lesnar through a table after shocking the crowd with a surprise attack. But after all of that energy built up everything just slowed down too much for it's own good. Granted that Joe would have to do everything he could to defeat the monster. However, for such an experienced wrestler that has been through war around the world his methods sort of felt a little bit too green for me to believe.

Not to mention that Brock hasn't really been on TV for months now so his momentum has been slowed. He also had the nerve to come off simple after defeating a once unbeatable Goldberg at this years biggest event. Meaning, the guy applying what Goldberg was getting heat for and that was only resorting to a couple of moves in the ring. Yet, for some odd reason the crowd ate it up and also accepted the fact that a winded worn down version of Brock Lesnar could defeat Joe with one F5. Because that's all it would take to bring down what we are supposed to believe is one the next big dominant superstars of WWE.

It's things like this that make this company's decision making come off weird at this point. Which has caused me to stop watching the WWE and supporting them in any financial way. That meant no more TV ratings or being subscribed to their lack luster network. Because that's the only way to force them to change for the better and even if they never do, I wouldn't really care. Because at least I wouldn't be subjected to what I feel at this point is becoming a...

"nonsensical waste of everyone's time"

Which should be the most valuable thing to people in their lives. Something that company clearly doesn't care about so long as people are still putting money in their pockets. So as a fan I'd rather remember the good things about the characters that caught my eye instead of letting WWE ruin them for me. Samoa Joe was one of those guys and for them to allow Brock to do as he pleases while they fill up his bank is just another poison slowly eating at their system.

Now I'm just waiting for them to ruin another potential cash cow in Broken Matt Hardy. Because it's not hard to believe after seeing how they buried one in Bayley A.K.A The female John Cena.

Review Written by @AntonioWestley

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Sorry that you weren't impressed the title match - I didn't see it but came here to read the results! It looks like they are giving it all to the part timer, such a shame. I understand that Lesnar is a big draw, but I have to cheer for the guys who are in the ring night after night. I thought Samoa Joe really had a chance. Maybe he had to lose this one, but will be built up stronger as the future heel threat in the WWE!

Let me start off with saying thank you for leaving a comment but as far as Brock selling that he was a threat, he did a good job. I just didn't agree with the choices in the match and the way it ended. I was hoping for a no dq so they could maybe follow up with another match. I wasn't expecting a clean win over Joe at all which is what holds wrestling back these days. It's like wwe wants to show anyone worth a damn these days as a wrestler can barely keep up the stars of their past.

Like those were real stars and the new talent is just wannabes which becomes more realistic to the viewer when they are seeing it constantly. Look at that pool of talent they have the luxury of having and practically feed to the part time big draws instead of creating another big draw out of one of their full time talents.

It's insane and I'd rather not torture myself with trying to figure out why they keep doing this. Because truthfully if this keeps up that bullet club roster that's building up will eventually land some where that has some real financial backing and TNA or now gfw / Impact is one of those entities.

It's only a matter of when at this point and that I'm watching!