Wwe Smackdown Results - Handicap Mainevent, squash match , US championship Tournament

in wwe •  7 years ago 

Tonight's WWE SmackDown opens with an eye back on last week's main event, which saw Sami Zayn win the title on a non-achieving WWE Champion AJ Styles.

-We welcome us to Birmingham, as Tom Phillips is staying from Alabama. He is joined by Corey Graves and Saxton.

-We go to the ring and Renee Young has set some chairs. He brings out his guest, WWE champion AJ Styles.

Renee asks if the obstacle match in the Royal Rumble was a fair decision. Styles says he was being sarcastic when he mentioned the obstacle match last week but he did not take back what he said and the match that could be made SmackDown general manager Daniel Bryan. Styles goes on and says he can lose the title, but his strategy is simple-hit the unhen fast and hit the Unhen hard. AJ Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens are pros and the argument tells him that the longer the match goes, the better the chance they can tag in because they are a fresh man. Renee asks again if AJ thinks then the verdict was fair. Chant AJ for fans. AJ says the decision was not fair but neither is life. Brian is playing favourite if he goes and asks Renee. Fans chant "Yes!". AJ says he doesn't know what Bryan's deal is and he tries not getting into Bryan's business but it looks like Brian is pushing into him. Renee asks about SmackDown Commissioner Shane McMahon next and AJ says she's not going to be in it, she's not pointing to fingers.

AJ goes on and says he cannot allow those 2 idiots to take his title from him, to keep him intact. AJ says he will beat quality and Owens the same night in the same match and then there is no doubt that SmackDown is... Interrupts music and comes out Owens and Sami. Owens AJ Imitation and calls him as a sorry or forcefully rather than guilt. The fans chant for AJ as Owens goes. Owens says AJ has no chance of running out of thunder to applause with WWE titles. With Sami chiming in a "Ya!" When it's all said and done, they will be the first co-WWE champions, says Owens. Some fans boo. Owens talks a few more trash before they start a "Ya!" chant. Interrupts music and comes out Shane.

Shen says he agrees with AJ here, he does not think it is appropriate that AJ is protected in this way. Shane does not understand why Bryan would match this or why he would give these ya clowns another chance at becoming WWE champion. With that said, Shane Backer makes Brian's decision to match the Royal Rumble, for now. Shane wants to talk about a different obstacle match here tonight in Birmingham. Fan pop. Shane announces Sami and Owens vs. Shinsuke Nakamura, Randy Orton and AJ. Shane hits the music and leaves as he hits the music. We see Shane go out of the stage and approach Brian, who was watching. Bryan on Brian comments amazed at the decision and says he is being made a helluva main event for tonight. They shake hands and Shane Bryan looks confused, then walks off. We refuse to see AJ ramp up by holding the title in the air.

-Still to come, WWE wraps up the first round of the United States title tournament. Also, Becky Lynch vs. Ruby Riott. We go to commercial.

Ruby Riott vs Becky Lynch

Before the break back and out comes Becky Lynch. SmackDown Women's champ Charlotte Flair is out next, followed by Naomi. They will be looking at the odds from ringside too. Out comes the next Riott squad-Ruby Riott, Liv Morgan and Sarah Logan.

The bell rings and they bring the right ruby mat to go over it with Becky. Becky is a few more bars of slam and Ruby and tall stands. Becky grabs Ruby again and they go to the ropes as the referees count. Becky maintains control. Logan tries to grab Becky's feet. Ruby tries to exploit the distraction but it backfires. Becky toss Ruby in the rest of the team. We go to the commercial with the tall stand in Becky Ring.

Back from the break and Ruby has a body scissoring on Becky, who has been confirmed for Royal Rumble. Becky breaks free and gets some humiliation in the corner, but Ruby turns it back around. Ruby Becky lives down and drives her knees in now. Ruby with an abdominal stretch in the middle of the ring. Becky make another comeback and find the Ruby roll for a 2 count.

Unloading Becky and Ruby drops with an uppercut now. Becky with more guilt and a suplex. Becky Nails another suplex. Becky goes a kick but Ruby moves in and goes for Becky drops with a kick. Ruby Riott kick But Becky goes for the block and puts her in her disarm to win.

Winner: Becky Lynch

-After the match, the Riott squad retreated to the podium as the babyfaces stand tall in the ring.

-We see the video from Sami Zayn's earlier today revealing to Becky Lynch that they are mixed match challenge partners.

-Still come, a 2-on-3 handicap main event. Back to commercial.

Bludgeon Brothers vs. Ascension

Break from behind and wait as the ascension make the bludgeon brother his way. We watch the fashion files video from earlier ending with Breezango backing out of being in that Ascension Corner tonight.

Bell rings and the Ascension Harper to starting double teams. It eventually backfires and Harper's floors are thrown Konnor after the victor.

In the Rowan tag and they double team Victor for a quick squash.

Winners: the Bludgeon Brothers

-After the match, Rowan and Harper stand longer than Rowan as their music hits. He invites Konnor to enter the ring but he holds off. They go away and the victor checks on the Konnor. Rowan and Harper turn their attention back to Konnor and the attack, leaving him laying. Leave as they plays their music.

-Still to come, Chad corner and Shelton Benjamin want Nyaya from last week.

-Bobby Roode is next to a pop. We go to commercial.

WWE United States title tournament match: Jack Ryder vs. Mojo Ravale

Break and Jack back from rider with a new theme song is out. Mojo Ravale makes his way with his new theme song as Bobby Roode watches from ringside. The winner of this match will have to face Roode in the second-round tournament match. Mojo enters the ring and gets a look at the WWE USA title belt on display at ringside on the way.

The bell rings and the rider connects with a Dropkick as Mojo tries to stall and talk some trash. Mojo comes back in the ring and takes the rider into the corner with a thrust. Mojo runs in the knees but comes right back and knocks rider off the top rope. In Mojo as Roode clocks back and talks trashes while beating on him while the rider mounts. Rider with a 2 count.

Mojo keeps controlling and beating rider around the ring while talking more trash. Rider counters A trick and nails a neckbreaker. Mojo charges but rider drops him. Rider with humiliation now. Rider Broski goes to boot, but mojo rolls onto the floor. Rider kicks him through the ropes anyway. Rider thus and roll mojo back into the ring for a 2 count. The mojo ends up turning it around and winning with the big running right hand in the corner. Advance to the match with Mojo Roode.

Winner: Mojo Ravale

-After the match, Mojo stands tall as his music hits. We get a look at the updated tournament brackets. Roode enters the ring and now faces off with Mojo. Backs away while pointing at Mojo Roode. Roode does his posture as his music hits.

The Palace of Jind is on stage with the Singh brothers. Jind says the 2017 was defined by him because of his WWE title reign. Jind says that no one thought it was possible and no one thought he was qualified except himself. Jind says he now has his eyes on a new prize-the WWE United States title. Jind says he will face Xavier Woods in a tournament match occurring next week but they hope Woods knows that he has already defeated Jind the woods and the new day are a fad but the modern day Maharaja is forever.

-We see Shelton Benjamin and Chad corner walking above the stage. We go to commercial.

-Break back from the announcers and plug the Raw 25th anniversary show.

-We see mixed match Challenge Partners Natalya and Shinsuke Nakamura backstage after their team was first announced today.

Chad Corner and Shelton are out as Benjamin for Nyaya back to the ring.

Corner and Binyamin Enter the ring as we watch the footage from last week's controversial loss to the SmackDown tag Team Champions Usos. Nook asks fans if any of them know this is what it takes to be a winner-hours of training, neglect to chase family & friends all under one goal. The corner asks if they know what it means to be a success, have paid off to show your risk and that your life means something. Binyamin gets a pop for mentioning Alabama's big college football win, but they turn to boos when it starts knocking fans for sitting on their sofas and stuffing their faces. Binyamin says Georgia was robbed because of a bad referee's call in last night's game, just like on SmackDown last week. The boos continue.

Corner talks about how they won last week and set free title from USO Penitentiary. They were running ramps, happy as can be, and then.. । It seems like fans are chanting "roll tide" to disrupt unhen. Binyamin now overturned his victory last week to talk about how the second referee came down. The Nook asks if the referee was also in the match. It boils down to jealousy, says Binyamin. Fans are chanting "what?!" now. They knock the fan and move on to the referee from last week, saying that he has a nose and snitches get stitches. The corner says a crime was committed last week and demanded Binyamin Nyaya. The Nook says he didn't lose to the Usos last week, they lost to the immediate replay. They call the referee to the ring but the music hits and out comes instead of Daniel Bryan.

Fans chanted Bryan's name. He understands the enthusiasm of thinking you have won and he definitely understands what it is like to work hard and something you have taken from. Bryan doesn't care about what they say about his opponents but when they start knocking management.. । Brian says there is a need to understand the cold, tough rules that roster and one of them is that the referee's decision is final. Binyamin goes on about how they won the match last week. Brian says he did not get a win, they are pinned on the wrong USO. Brian goes on and says they stand behind the referee and his decision. The corner mocks Brian and says he is taking it out on them because Brian's boss is mad at him. The segment ends with Brian apparently making 2 royal rumbles of the 3 Falls title match between the two teams. Brian leaves after launching a "Yes!" chant.

-We see Randy Orton warming up backstage. AJ runs in styles and they get on the same page for the main event tonight. Orton needs AJ believe him when he says he is on the same page but also believes when he wins the Royal Burr because he is the WWE title on the WrestleMania 34, whoever is coming. Shinsuke Nakamura appears and says it's not so fast. Nakamura indicates he is also going for the title.

— still have to come, Rusev Day vs. Breezango. Back to commercial.

Rusev Day vs. Breezango

Break from behind and the Rusev is in the ring with Aiden English. Launching English singing has announced that both of them will be in the Royal Burr match. Tyler Breeze and Fandango are the next out.

The English starts off with Fandango and they go at it. Fandango takes control and English places on the top rope, tagging in the air for a quick double team. The English falls on the floor. The English is irritating as Rusev checks on him and we go back to commercial.

Break and have control of English back air. English with more guilt before going to the top is missing a senton. The wind finally gets a tag and with the chops on English comes Fandango, taking him to the corner. Now Fandango with a big back drop and more chops. English Rusev in Fandango and tag kicks.

Fandango drops English but Rusev runs him off. Rusev takes control and yells out for a pop. Rusev charges Fandango in the corner and then hits a spinning heel kick for another pop. Reading for Rusev runs in applause but wind. Rusev throws air on the floor. Fandango with close 2 count on Rusev. The wind comes back, but Rusev drops him. Fandango takes advantage of Rusev for chaos and roll pins.

Winner: Breezango

-To celebrate Breezango after the match and are retreated to be fine. Rusev Day is jolted in the ring. Breezango celebrates the ramp as their music hits, while Rusev throws a fit.

-looking Daniel Bryan is atop the stage. Shane McMahon walks in and praises Brian to add Breezango, with fans resorting to the tag team division. Shane says he and Brian are not on the same page yet. Shane Bryan knocks the decision-making and points for the WWE Title Handicap match and how we could be the co-WWE champions. Shane also points to 2 of the 3 Falls matches for the SmackDown tag Team titles and says the Usos won last week so they shouldn't have to give the corner and Benjamin another shot.

Brian is coming off as volatile, says Shen. Brian can say the same thing, especially Shane gave the gene pool. They would just agree to disagree, and she is going to leave Brian alone, "says Shen. Shane walks out.

-to come still, styles teams with Orton and Nakamura to confront Owens and Sami. Back to commercial.

-Break back and plug the announcers pay per view of the Royal Rumble.

2-on-3 hurdles match: Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn vs. AJ Styles, Randy Orton and Shinsuke Nakamura

We go to the ring for tonight's main event and the first out comes the WWE champion AJ Styles as Greg Hamilton introduces. Randy Orton is out next, followed by Shinsuke Nakamura. Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn are next out. Back to commercial.

Break back and starts chatting with Owens from Orton. The Orton takes control, but runs in a boot in the corner. Owens avoids an early RKO attempt and goes to the floor for a breather. Orton follows from behind and drops Owens. Orton slams Owens sometime in the barrier and brings it back in the ring. Owens turns it around and beats Orton in the corner. Sami takes over tags and orton.

Sami talks Orton on some trash and works. Orton drops Sami and starts stomping away. Nakamura takes on the tag and Sami, hitting him with the knees. Nakamura drops Sami and kills him with a big kick to knock him down the back. Nakamura with kicks while Sami is now on his knees. Nakamura puts the boots to Sami in the corner as the referee has warned him. The styles tag in to keep the attack on Sami. The quality rams back into the corner and Owens comes in. Sami ends up taking Owens for safety and avoiding a styles clash. The referee counts both of them. The music interrupts and comes out Shane McMahon.

Shane says it's not happening on their watch-the match is no longer a counting boycott. Shane calls for the match to be resumed. AJ and Orton run up the ramp and attacked quality and Owens. We go back to commercial.

Break and AJ back from Sami, which is in control of accessibility for a tag. Sami brings the mat right back to AJ. Owens tags in and keeps aj near his corner. Owens talks some trash while working AJ over. Owens with a cloth for a 2 count. Owens maintains longer AJ ground with a headlock.

AJ finally gets a break from a neckbreaker wedge to counter Owens. Orton gets the tag and unloads on Sami as she also comes in Clotheslines and Orton with a powerslam. Forward quality with the second rope draping DDT on the Orton. Orton hits the mat and adds to the RKO as the fans cheer. becomes Sami and blocks RKO as Owens runs with a steel chair shot to the belly of the Orton. The referee made the call for the bell.

Winners by DQ: AJ Styles, Randy Orton and Shinsuke Nakamura

-After the bell, Owens saves more chair shots as all of his opponents are now down. Quality and Owens landed back and came out but Shane McMahon went out once again. Shane tells Sami and Owens just have to hold on to each other. He declares that no match will now be counted out, no DQ, anything goes. Shane has started the match again.

AJ Ramp runs and delivers steel chair shots. AJ around with chair beats Owens. They walk to the top of the podium. Quality is now at ringside with Nakamura. Orton appears on the other side of Sami as he is trapped at ringside. Quality try to walk away from the crowd but they stop him and send him into the ring post. Orton Steel takes steps and Sami with half of the deck. Sami gets tossed on the announced table next. Orton slam fan cheering on top of table announcement as admirer. Orton brings it back in the ring and Nakamura hits a Kinshasa on Sami. Orton RKO and nails covered for pins.

Winners: AJ Styles, Randy Orton and Shinsuke Nakamura

-After the match Orton and Nakamura give Long pose. SmackDown Air goes off.

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Source: http://www.24wrestling.com/live-wwe-smackdown-videos-results-1-9-2018/

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