WWE in the 2020's part #1

in wwwe •  9 years ago  (edited)

WWE was once called the WWF. I believe before that it was called WWWF. Extra W. Lots of history . It keeps evolving, continuous to evolve. From 10 million tuning in to 1 million. Arena 's selling out. Family's making memories. WWE is tradition. Fans are life long. It will not end. WWE will continue. This article is about how it will be in the year 2020

   There are the ones who are true. To the Heart. Pure marks. They are the ones who keep the business earning . There are also the snoops ,who check in now and then to stay connected too the WWE universe. They are one and the same, life long fans. It can't be explained fully in words. Wresting fans will always be wresting fans. Everyone on planet earth knows it's scripted entertainment. Some how the wresting fan can disconnect from this reality and suspend their belief. It's magical.

    As we approach a new era in the WWE , there seems to be a recurring theme . There is always mention of a new era but this talk of a new era keeps getting talked about. We have been in a new era in the WWE for like 2 years now. The show that is being produced now  is good. It's safe. Nothing is not unfamilar. Is it a better product then the 70's 80's 90' 00's ..... of course it is.   The talent are athletes through and through. Grinding house show circuit, they are also expected to rock the mic like Dwayne. I believe the WWE has done a fantastic job at continuing to be the torch bearers of  keeping the wresting  industry alive . NXT is the brainchild of a visionary in this business and also a no brainier.  Every big league needs a farm league system.

 The internet changed wresting. Kayfabe got crushed.  Congratulations to the family who where able to keep the boat afloat.  I am truly grateful for your efforts. You have let me continue to have my suspend disbelief once a week. I find myself now listening more to podcast of the workers from my era. I like listening to their shoot interviews about  all the "Boys" from back in the day. Brett Hart is 60. That's messed up. Vinny Mac must be like 80 year's old. That's crazy crazy. That dude looks immortal. Honestly  Corrnett and Russo  need too compete in some sorta made for streaming event. There are 50 thousand of us that would pay to watch those two face off. WHY?, cause we know they really don't like each other. 

That is my lead in to wresting 2020's.  It is time to evolve once again. 5 hrs a week. The networks obviously needs the WWE for content. I feel bad for the production team and the writers. That is a huge workload.  Everything must channel through  back into the WWE Network. For survival and max profits the product must always be focused on drawing to fans too the WWE network.  I believe  that the traditional format of Raw needs to be revamped.  The house shows are the house shows. Going to a live WWE show is an event. It's like going to a rock concert but instead it's a live action movie. When it comes to town fans will buy a ticket . Parents will want  their  children to have the same positive experience they had when they were kids. WWE is that event.

As for my opinion  on how WWE should proceed in the 2020's it's simple, lets reinvent kayfabe.  We would have to really be clever about it, but with social media , it really makes it kinda easy. I 'll elaborate on that later.

The show it self has to be re invented. You do not need the arena audience every week. The key objective is to bring all the attention back to the WWE network. The WWE 2020's new era is who can draw a crowd to the WWE Network. The house shows will always be there. I will further explain how ....when the WWE does in the 2020's evolve, the positive effect it will have on the house shows later in this Jerry Maguire missive statement on WWE continuing the legacy of professional wresting.

Everything leads back to the PPV on the WWE Network. Once a month twelve times a year .

RAW First Monday of the month. The Arrival . They boys show up. Things have change backstage in WWE. Big V an't around as much. He has settled back a bit from the sports entertainment business . A new era has begun . Upper management has informed the talent that while they are under contract to the WWE they will always be filmed entertaining any arena they are competing in . For the first hr on the first Monday of every RAW in the 2020's the talent are filmed arriving to the arena. It will be filmed like reality TV. WWE will invent reality real kayfabe in the 2020's. While the arrivals are being filmed like reality TV eeverything is scripted . Scenarios could be what the internet buzz was about the PPV matches the previous night. A segment on two wrestlers telling a story about the ride to the arena ..that's 8 minutes right there. You can stretch a well written monolgue out at least too ten minutes.
Week one of the month starts to set up next months PPV and uses the previous nights PPV too feed off

For example.

Like clock work every Monday of the first week of the month the loser from the previous nights PPV is filmed arriving to the arena. There is 10 minutes scheduled for this regularly. After losing the previous night in the main event the best option for the talent would be to walk in highlighting his mistakes, the injustices or comment on whatever transpired from his point of view. This segment can continue the previous nights storyline or can steer the talent in a another direction that keeps him strong. For instance after losing a previous rival could arrive in the scene and comment on the previous nights PPV. This could help with booking house shows withthis scenario. The live crowd will either not care who is wresting each other and will only be there for the acrobatic display and live theatre while the fan who watches raw will know that these two competitors do actually have a heat .

Next 10 minute segment would involve social media . Talent would be in the locker room,hallway of the arena, parking lot , catering areas anywhere backstage . The scene involves dialogue between talent regarding social media post. While commenting on posts from the WWE Network forums, the talent will create a new kayfabe vibe. They will respond to posts from a super troll on the WWE Network . This super troll will be controlled by the WWE writing staff. Commenting on actual real fan post would also be recommend in certain circumstances if it fits with the storyline. This will draw the internet fan to the WWE Network to read the forums board before the show or during the week to interact with other fans who comment on the WWE product. It is wise to make the WWE Network the main hub for all conversation regarding wresting . Talent would also plug upcoming podcast appearance that will be air during the week on the WWE Network . Heat between talent could be ignited and fuelled during these segments or friendships and alliances formed. For instance, during the week there is a scripted podcast presented by the WWE Network where the host is over the top with fuelling rumours and commenting on the product. A TSN Off The Record format but staged as a work.. The focus of this podcast would be to ask the talent questions regarding what transpired during the last 7 days in the WWE universe. While in the locker room during the social media segment talent could respond to each others comment about each other. The goal of this segment is present to the audience a behind the scene feel . Show some backstabbing, bickering and betrayal as all talent try too reach for the brass ring. A scenario could happen where two talents are standing in the hallway of an arena. One talent ask the other if he heard what so and so said about him on last weeks Podcast. One talent recaps for the other talent what was said and then the other talent comments on what was said. This will lead to a confrontation in the final half of the first hr.

Segment # 3 involves the writing staff. Once again the idea it to give off a reality/ real feel. Every RAW on the first week of each month a WWE superstar gets called into the writing room. The scene shows half a dozen people sitting around a table. The writing staff are all actors. There will be a character called the head writer . He/She will have a reoccurring role. The writing room scene's will involve the talent and the head writer talking about the direction of the character. It will be a good venue to help keep talent that has been placed on the back burner an avenue too reinvent themselves, air grievances , or talk about the future of the character. It is also a great spot to introduce new talent.

I will continue witting this article once I read some feed back on the opening segements...There is a certain direction the show could go from here but I'm interested to read fellow fans thoughts.... 2020's WWE

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Cool article. I am excited to see WWE post Vince Mcmahon era

There are the ones who are true. To the Heart. Pure marks. They are the ones who keep the business earning . There are also the snoops ,who check in now and then to stay connected too the WWE universe. They are one and the same, life long fans. It can't be explained fully in words. Wresting fans will always be wresting fans. Everyone on planet earth knows it's scripted entertainment. Some how the wresting fan can disconnect from this reality and suspend their belief. It's magical.

As we approach a new era in the WWE , there seems to be a recurring theme . There is always mention of a new era but this talk of a new era keeps getting talked about. We have been in a new era in the WWE for like 2 years now. The show that is being produced now  is good. It's safe. Nothing is not unfamilar. Is it a better product then the 70's 80's 90' 00's ..... of course it is.   The talent are athletes through and through. Grinding house show circuit, they are also expected to rock the mic like Dwayne. I believe the WWE has done a fantastic job at continuing to be the torch bearers of  keeping the wresting  industry alive . NXT is the brainchild of a visionary in this business and also a no brainier.  Every big league needs a farm league system.

The internet changed wresting. Kayfabe got crushed. Congratulations to the family who where able to keep the boat afloat. I am truly grateful for your efforts. You have let me continue to have my suspend disbelief once a week. I find myself now listening more to podcast of the workers from my era. I like listening to their shoot interviews about all the "Boys" from back in the day. Brett Hart is 60. That's messed up. Vinny Mac must be like 80 year's old. That's crazy crazy. That dude looks immortal. Honestly Corrnett and Russo need too compete in some sorta made for streaming event. There are 50 thousand of us that would pay to watch those two face off. WHY?, cause we know they really don't like each other.

That is my lead in to wresting 2020's. It is time to evolve once again. 5 hrs a week. The networks obviously needs the WWE for content. I feel bad for the production team and the writers. That is a huge workload. Everything must channel through back into the WWE Network. For survival and max profits the product must always be focused on drawing to fans too the WWE network. I believe that the traditional format of Raw needs to be revamped. The house shows are the house shows. Going to a live WWE show is an event. It's like going to a rock concert but instead it's a live action movie. When it comes to town fans will buy a ticket . Parents will want their children to have the same positive experience they had when they were kids. WWE is that event.

As for my opinion on how WWE should proceed in the 2020's it's simple, lets reinvent kayfabe. We would have to really be clever about it, but with social media , it really makes it kinda easy. I 'll elaborate on that later.