We have come a long way in technology and working for a living.
I remember my job interviews as there were lots of them and many offers. I laugh as I finished school and joined a company at $400 a month salary. I had offers after of $500 and $550. This company was a small actuarial one and the people very friendly and it was run by an elderly gentleman. I joined the team as a receptionist, a timesheet keeper and helped with typing. This job would eventually have me learning Xerox 850 and Xerox 860 word processing.
I remember typing on an electric typewriter and having carbon paper between extra copies for filing. When a mistake was made you painted over delicately and then correct each carbon copy as well. What a task! You learnt to be accurate fairly quickly. It was a step forward when word processors arrived as that made life much easier but for some the week training at the Xerox Company lengthy and for some a little difficult.
As well, lots of people smoked in the office and now we know the health risks that we all were exposed to , second hand smoke kills.
I loved my hour lunches and two fifteen minute coffee breaks and going out regularly for lunches with friends. These days are gone, we find ourselves missing our breaks and eating at our desks.
What went wrong...the value of the dollar rules firstly, which has hurt the way we used to do business and enjoy going to work.