Xhosa words for everyday Life (part 2)

in xhosa •  7 years ago 

Now, lets look at some more Xhosa words, for your (and my) edification, in these African Biblical studies. If words start to get complicated, go back to the first lesson and repeat words, or contact me and I`ll try to give some general directions.
I bid you Peace, or as they say in Xhosa OXHOLO Lube Nani (which means peace be with or in your heart)

(First click sound I will drop on you is X - a sound made from clicking the sides of either of the teeth, like you are clicking when riding a horse)

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YEZA - Medicine or Remedy (remember the second son of Moses ((Exodus 13,4), Eliyeza (Eliezer), which means my help or my remedy)
MELUSI - Shepard
LUSA - To Circumcise, and to get circumcized is LUKA. (also a good word to begin to understand the cultural depths of the tradition of circumcision, which in Xhosa is SILIMELA (They even had circumcision classes, SILIMELA). To Luka actually means to go into manhood, and Xhosa is known as the nation of circumcision - another strong proof of history that helps the understanding of the Xhosa people being one of the so-called lost tribes of Israel...
NKOSI - King (Big King, fully grown King)
NKOSANA - Little or Small King (this one holds great interest for the Biblically inclined who remember the shouting of the word Hoseanna, translated, with desperate attempts in many Bible translations ever since that very day the Messiah rode in on that donkey. They portray this as some weird word meaning something like halleluja or freedom, or some other nonsensical and made up word. The word was Nkosana (or perhaps a variation pronounced Hosana - which means young King or little King. Which indeed is what your Saviour was... Another thing is the branches (palm-branches) umhlambo... will get back to that..
SINABO - We are with them (can also be read in context with SINAYE, which means we are with HIM, referring the the covenant made at the Mt. SINAI (SINAYE)
SINAYE - We are with Him (NiNi)
NYANGA - The Moon (Genesis 1,14 tells you that this heavenly body, should help you to figure out when the true Sabbath is)
NYANGA - Month (interesting, isn't it, that these two particular words should mean exactly the same. Now considering that the moon tells you which part of the month it is, how else would you calculate when the Sabbath is? Kinda integral in the 10 Commandments...just sayin, you might want to look into this... LANGA - The Sun (An interesting thing about Xhosa language is they placement of an I before every noun, likeidogor more familiar in our timeiPhone... Not pliable for persons or such, only nouns. we will get back to this NKWENKWEZI - Star or regular Star. A symbolic star is Kwezi, like the one the Wisemen saw the day the Little King was born up in the hillsides of Bethlehem (Xhosa language and culture enjoys repeating words, just like the so-calledpoetical Hebraic effects embedded in the Hebrew language making it notoriously difficult to understand wit insight into the Xhosa culture and language. Hence we get numerous repeating words like MeneMene (transgressor, KaziKazi (Flashy, feminine) or BhovuBhovu (strong, Maskuline)
NKWENKWE - Boy (Close to the before mentioned huh? Xhosa is one of those few languages that actually makes sense, though it gets complicated)
MINI - Day of the Week (also the same word is used for Daytime, another sentral word that draws very close to the name of the Father - NiNi)
MHLA - This word means which day of the month (pronounced with the hl, which sounds like you are frying something in the pan, hhhhlllll
SUKU - Night
THUMA - To Send
SITHUNYWA - Messenger (often recognised as messengers or angels in the Bible, this word is used for them - Sithunywa)
ZULU - Heaven. (The Zulus of South-Africa will still refer to themselves as the heavenly people, though they are not remembered for much more than being very warlike and rebellious, under leaders like Shaka Zulu.. Though they fit the bill to perfection with the curses described in the Books of Moses, another strong candidate to one of the lost tribes of Israel)
NYANGWENI - The Fathers (Bawo) place is Heaven. Heaven (Zulu) has by several descriptions in the Bible got numerous levels to it (perhaps seven if one considers Enoch, al though be careful with this book). And NiNi, the Most High - is all about the highest, the first and the most sublime, which means He resides in the Highest places of Heaven... ponder and meditate on this, let your thoughts run wild for a moment, the Creator of nature in all its splendour as we know it and enjoy it, has got an even more beautiful and set-apart place, where He btw has invited each and every one of us... can you imagine such wondrous things?
THIXO - This word is used in Xhosa Bibles and means God, and can be used interchangeably with OmkholOmkholo (Zulu word for God) (Remember this is a title, somewhat like the prefix So in So NiNi na NiNi, I am that I am)
SITHIXO - a little god, smaller gods
THYILA - to reveal something (that has been) concealed
THYILWA/THYILOA - to get something revealed in you, the man was told to go to the pool of revealed in you, get it? Pool of Thyilwa/Shiloah (read this in context of John 9,7, and the play on words becomes blatantly obvoius)

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Never stuff like this before? Well these are topics we discuss all the time at www.whispersinear.com, lets remember Africa again an the people of Israel.

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