The Five Minute Relationship Miracle

in y •  7 years ago 

The Five-Minute Miracle works in any type of relationship -
relatives, spouse, children, colleagues, friends - you name it.
The premise is simple. Here's how it works:

  1. Choose a relationship that you know needs some work.
  1. For five minutes give that person your total attention.

What does that mean?

a. Listen only to them: ignore your own thoughts,
don't worry about your response, just listen

b. See them as they are: don't project traits or
qualities onto them, simply see them as they are right then

c. Make eye contact: use touch where appropriate,
communicate with your body language remembering
that ninety percent of communication is non-verbal.

Each and every day, use the five-minute miracle
within one of your relationships. You may find it hard
to be that focused (it's not easy) which is why we only
do it for five minutes. I guarantee though that by doing
this focused exercise you will learn A LOT about
communication that will affect you outside of your
designated "Five-Minute Miracle " times.


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