This Walk is About 2 Things - BELIEF & OBEDIENCE

in yahuah •  8 years ago 

Some people say the "bible" is a book of fairy tales that has been plagiarized and is no good for today. I call total BS on that notion. The book, which is a collection of writings, is VERY valid for today. Now, the main people, the chosen people of the scriptures were given instructions to follow. Some people over complicate those instructions, but they are simple. As I read Deuteronomy 28 it lays it all on the line. Obedience equals "blessings". Disobedience equals curses. As one reads through the scriptures it doesn't take a genius to figure out that the people of the book were disobedient on many occasions and in many ways. There is a treasure map within the book to help us identify who the people are. Follow the curses and you will find the people. Why the curses? Well, because the people were not obedient so it doesn't make sense to follow the "blessings". A hugely financially successful and protected people do not fit the criteria. In addition, YAHUAH is going to deliver His chosen people from a state of captivity. Now, captivity doesn't have to be ball and chain, but it is being away from the promised land not being able to build, sacrifice, worship and celebrate the feast days as they did in the days of old. The people of the book are still scattered, oppressed and still nationally under the curses of Deuteronomy 28:15-68. However, they are waking up!

All praises to YAHUAH, giving Him special thanks for His love gift Yahusha!!!

Shalum / peace,
from reason2gether of the scattered people

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