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Dude seriously fuck off. It's not even the weekend for another 2 hours and 57 minutes are you seriously just trying to fuck with me today or what? You and your incandescent shitposting. For fucks sake give me upvotes or give me death because when you're saying that it's the fucking weekend when it's not really fucks my nuts you fucking beautiful tomato.

I am flabbergasted, in an impressed way.

I now understand how important weekends are after starting an 8-5 career which means I am working more than 8-5

And it started with winning $1900 at the casino last night

But it sucks.

I tried to trade on steem and lost 25 steem :(

Finallly !!!

Time to have an article on STeemit!

About time! None to soon either.

Unfortunate, not in my country:

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Yes, weekends are very appreciated even though I do not work in the weekdays either. I still love the feeling of saturdays. 🦋

Yeah finally it's come with you.

Learning technical analysis

yaaaayy :D whats your plans for the weekend @berniesanders my plan is only sleeping :P

Finally it's come

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

am so excited its already weekend

Weekend time

Yeah today is weekend.I am sleep full day and see tv.

Dude get rest I weekend it is good for health..
If you feel tired then you can go out side for some relaxation...
But truly I don't like weekend because it is so boring at home when you busy it always be good....
Han short weekend is amazing...but I have a huge weekend...

I'm growing a tomato, yourprofile picture might be a tomato. Did we just become best friends?


Time to blaze some OG all day!!!

Can i get the 100 percent vote from you? :P as a weekend gift? :P

Yeah, its weekend and the new season has kick started, so am gonna watch soccer throughout this weekend...... What about you @berniesanders

Yep...superb to have fun

Beautiful post i appreciate your valuable post thanks for sharing this post

Can you please tell us all what is beautiful on this post?
We all would like to hear you tell Bernie why you appreciate his valuable content? Please help us know what you are talking about.
Happy Saturday Bernie! Hope you have a great weekend.


Hooray :D hooray hooray hooray, Free time, everything calms down

so the party is on or not?

Who cares ?

Everyday is same for me. May be people only live for weekend does care.

Life is too short to live just for weekend

Gotta go for night club..

Weekend but so sad without your vote Lolz :(

Shame the suns not out today for me...

Hooray!!! chilling time sir bernie!😂😂

I wish I followed these advices

I have to work Saturday & Sunday 😝😝

Posted using Partiko iOS

Happy Weekend sir @berniesanders. Keep the spirit.

Fucking upvotes don't know why I can't earn much

Posted using Partiko Android

The weekends are too short for sleep!

To go a long drive.....

Every single day is weekend for me. Why hooray?

And it looks like its gon be a good one!

Ready to kick ass (but just for practice), take the kid to a birthday party and open some Steem Monsters!
Oh yeah, and buy school supplies.

Finally!! OH wait, I'm on my way to work...

More specifically it's Saturday!

Yay, no work for 2 days... I'll quit eventually.

Theres a busking festival on in my home town in Irelnad. Best weekend of the year!