Your Daily Zen Tripout - 03: Word games.

in ydzto •  7 years ago 


Niptur Niptur Niptur Nip....

What is the line between an ending and a beginning?

Kinpump Kinpump Kinpump Kin...

Where does a phrase of music start, and where does it end?

Dishra Dishra Dishra Dish...

Can you slice up the current in a river, to examine its parts?


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Get up close, REALLY close. Get up closer still. Observe the infinite spaces between letters, between vibrating air or water molecules. All is stillness. Enjoy the peace...

you got it!

I absolutely have no Idea, but the line between an ending and a beginning? I think it's time

That's good to know about this thing had no idea about that will try by the way the shot looks really amazing

this is something new to me i need to check it out :)