The headline for the article linked below, talks about how Kanye West has received widespread denunciation.
I think the article did a real disservice by ignoring and failing to report on the range of everything from kid-glove handling by people like Elon Musk, to very common full-throated support of Kanye West's ideas.
Elon Musk and Kanye West have done more to advance the cause of antisemitism/white-nationalism than any other public figure in the last half century.
Paul Ramsey's tweet below is pretty mainstream in the right. I expect Tucker Carlson to amplify it before the year is out.
It is utterly Panglossian to claim or believe that West's viewpoints are condemned by the large majority of Americans.
We'll be lucky if even half of Americans publicly reject West's philosophy. That "Christ is King" bullshit is going to buy him a lot of heart and minds.
Republicans are smart enough to distance themselves from Hitler (sometimes), but they still embrace white nationalism and antisemitism with gusto.
When Ronna Daniels said “there is no room for antisemitism in the Republican Party”, she meant “It’s full, but we’ll be glad to put you on a wait list”.