Lawsuit Reveals MRNA Vaccines Will Sterilize Women. STOP THE STEAL. Top EU Scientist Warns CV Vaccine Linked To Sterilization of Women. In the Philippines, people are enslaved in dog cages because they went outside too late at night. Don't worry, if you're living in North Korea and you violate Covid Lockdown, they execute you because even they want to make sure you don't die of Covid. What is CAPS? Before Covid was a thing, they talked about CAPS in 2019 at Event 201. CAPS stands for Coronavirus Associated Pulmonary Syndrome. Why did Johns Hopkins sponsor Event 201? 65 million people died in the first 18 months of the fictional 2019 CAPS Pandemic which was featured during Event 201 last year in New York and streamed live onto the Internet for the world to watch. You can still find the videos and the website. Expose Event 201 from 2019 in New York, on live video, it predicted Covid. Dr. Wolfgang mentions the dangers of non-neutralizing antibodies. Certain Covid vaccine related antibodies can attack HERV related proteins which are responsible for the development of a placenta, less protein means less fertility in women meaning less chances of getting pregnant. Depopulation 101. Thanks Bill Gates, we love you.
Drain The RINO Swamp
Trump tweeted: 25, wow! I am surprised there are so many. We have just begun to fight. Please send me a list of the 25 RINOS. I read the Fake News Washington Post as little as possible! All of the election day ballots (stored in over a hundred USB memory card sticks) disappeared in Travis County, Texas on election night 2020 and then 4 new USB thumb drives magically showed up. Poll watcher Jennifer Fleck was arrested for exposing this. It's no secret California is a red state, not a blue state, that's how massive election fraud has been for decades. Biden is not eligible to run in the first place meaning Trump had no opponent to overcome. Trump wins by default if people simply had the balls to simply state the fact Biden was ineligible to run. I don't think a criminal should be allowed to win, even if people voted for a criminal for example. But apart from that, Trump won if you were to count the legal votes. But even if Trump lost, Trump still won by default because Biden didn't legally run in the first place, same thing with Hillary Clinton in 2016. People should tweet to Trump, "Perdue said Biden won" and that was trending on Twitter. Biden won, the earth is flat, and the moon is made of cheese.
Top EU Scientist Warns CV Vaccine Linked To Sterilization of Women
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2020-12-05 - Saturday
Oatmeal Daily - 2020-12-05 - Saturday
Published in December of 2020
Biden to CNN: develop disease and step down
By Oatmeal Joey Arnold
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All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.
[Breaking News
For more information, visit Banned Video
Alex Jones Video
2020-12-06 - Saturday - 09:00 PM - Wolfgang Covid Infowars Video Report
Elections News
For more info, please visit Stop The Steal
Trump Can't But Biden Can
03:10 PM
Biden said before the election Trump can't declare himself the winner until the election is certified on the 14th of December of 2020 by the electoral college. But if Biden wins, then no problem, we don't have to wait until then if Biden wins. We all know Biden won. So, Biden can declare himself the winner immediately before December even. If Trump won, which we all know Trump did NOT win, Trump could not declare himself the winner before 2020-12-14. But if Biden won, and Biden did win, Biden can. We all understand this. No brainer. We all agree to this.
All of the election day ballots (stored in over a hundred USB memory card sticks) disappeared in Travis County, Texas on election night 2020 and then 4 new USB thumb drives magically showed up. Poll watcher Jennifer Fleck was arrested for explosing this.
It's no secret California is a red state, not a blue state, that's how massive election fraud has been for decades.
Biden Can And Trump Cannot They Say
Douglas Kessler, Biden is not eligible to run in the first place meaning Trump had no opponent to overcome. Trump wins by default if people simply had the balls to simply state the fact Biden was ineligible to run. I don't think a criminal should be allowed to win, even if people voted for a criminal for example. But apart from that, Trump won if you were to count the legal votes. But even if Trump lost, Trump still won by default because Biden didn't legally run in the first place, same thing with Hillary Clinton in 2016.
Fight For Trump is Trending
I said Biden won and then Shane Harro Harrison says, "No you did not."
Biden was not eligible to run, Trump wins by default
But we all know Biden won, Shane Harro Harrison. Biden said Trump can't announce he won before the election is certified on the 14th of December of 2020. But Biden can announce he won before December 2020 because Biden won.
I can say Biden won but he should still prove it.
Covid News
For more info, please visit Banned Video
In the Philippines, people are enslaved in dog cages because they went outside too late at night.
Don't worry, if you're living in North Korea and you violate Covid Lockdown, they execute you because even they want to make sure you don't die of Covid.
Have you seen the Event 201 website and videos?
What is CAPS? Before Covid was a thing, they talked about CAPS in 2019 at Event 201. CAPS stands for Coronavirus Associated Pulmonary Syndrome.
Why did Johns Hopkins sponsor Event 201?
Johnson & Johnson at Event 201
United Nations at Event 201
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation at Event 201
Travel Restrictions predicted during Event 201 back in 2019.
65 million people died in the first 18 months of the fictional 2019 CAPS Pandemic which was featured during Event 201 last year in New York and streamed live onto the Internet for the world to watch. You can still find the videos and the website.
Expose Event 201 from 2019 in New York, on live video, it predicted Covid.
Covid Vaccine Talk
Wolfgang mentions false-positive results
Dr. Wolfgang talks about the immune system and how vaccines work
Dr. Wolfgang mentions the dangers of non-neutralizing antibodies.
Microscopic Butterfly Domino Snowball Effect Internally
Covid vaccines can turn your immune system off or it can it on to kill you.
Dr. Peter Doshi is not Yoshi
Dr. Peter Doshi reference a liability concern when contrasted with a less riskier option.
At least 70 percent of all humans are allergic to mRNA PEG Covid vaccines
PEG antibodies may reduce vaccine effectiveness
Jelly fish cells
Certain antibodies can attack HERV related proteins which are responsible for the development of a placenta, less protein means less fertility in women meaning less chances of getting pregnant. Depopulation 101. Thanks Bill Gates, we love you.
Dr. Bill Gates is your doctor.
Just kidding
External Peer Reviews
CDRTPCR test covers half of it
We're being pushed off a cliff, literally, very literally, but not a literal cliff.
New Bill to let 11 year olds get vaccines without parental knowledge or consent
If you want to travel, keep your Vaccination Card handy. Keep it in your wallet like it's your ID.
Cannot travel in Canada if you refuse the vaccine.
Top Microbiologist, Dr. Sucmarit Bhakdi, Says Covid Vaccine "Downright Dangerous," Will Send You "To Your Doom"
Get paid $1.5K to be a Covid Vaccine Guineapig. Who's in? Don't y'all raise your hands all at once: CNBC
Twitter just banned my account. Facebook is also banning what I'm talking about here.
Please share what I'm talking about. Facebook may delete my account very soon. Goodbye.
Europe is one step ahead of America, what happens there later happens in the USA.
Book stores are being closed because they're essential.
Rich People & Journalists Made Exempt From Having to Enter Covid Quarantine
In November of 2020, Portuguese judges upheld a decision from a lower court that found forced quarantine to be unlawful
Portuguese judges said the forced quarantine of 4 German holidaymakers were illegal (2020-11). The verdict condemns the most widely used PCR test as being 97% unreliable.
Dr. Wolfgang says it can give you HIV like stuff, etc.
Bill Gates said 7K people will get sick because of the Bill Gates stuff. Truth is they don't know how many but at least that many Bill said.
Oatmeal English
Learn English You Can Eat: Communication is Fundamental
Biden won, the earth is flat, and the moon is made of cheese.
Oatmeal High Council
Telegram Chat | Phone App Version | Web Browser Version
What is CAPS? Before Covid was a thing, they talked about CAPS in 2019 at Event 201. CAPS stands for Coronavirus Associated Pulmonary Syndrome.
Biden won, the earth is flat, and the moon is made of cheese.
Oatmeal Health
You Are What You Eat: Natural Remedies
Garlic, Teeth Health & Family History
Garlic does help you with sex because it makes you healthier which means your body can do more sex or anything really. It is not that garlic helps you with sex specifically but more that garlic helps your body in general. Garlic fights off diseases which means your body can spend more energy on sex and less energy on fighting diseases. My grandpa was born in the Netherlands making me part Dutch and maybe part German too. Probably not Russia, I don't think. My mom's ancestors are from England, Scotland, Ireland, etc. But maybe not Italy. The bamboo salt toothpaste I bought was maybe a Korean product, I don't know, but I did buy it in Vietnam at a Japanese store.
Chat with me on Facebook
Here are some of my Facebook posts, comments, etc
But we all know Biden won, Shane Harro Harrison. Biden said Trump can't announce he won before the election is certified on the 14th of December of 2020. But Biden can announce he won before December 2020 because Biden won.
Shane Harro Harrison, remember when Biden said what he would do if he disagrees with Harris? He said something on CNN. You should watch the video. It was on CNN. I think you missed it. Go watch it on CNN. It is probably on YouTube and Facebook too. Listen to what President Biden says. I think you would be surprised.
Shane Harro Harrison, Biden said if he disagrees with Harris, he would come down with a disease and announce he has to step down. He said it on CNN on video. You should watch him say that.
Biden won. And Biden said Trump cannot say Trump won before December 2020.
Douglas Kessler, Biden agrees and Shane Harro Harrison and Jorge and Rom could tell you what Biden said, Biden said what you said in some ways and we all know Biden said it. Hillary also said something too kind of related.
Joe, we know you won, just show us the details, what are you hiding?
Joe, you totally won, believe me, so why not be transparent about it?
Joe, you won. You totally won. So, why not prove it to the world you won fair and square?
What is Dr. Wolfgang trying to say here?
Dr. Wolfgang makes some compelling points.
Wolfgang mentions false-positive results
Dr. Wolfgang talks about the immune system and how vaccines work
Dr. Wolfgang mentions the dangers of non-neutralizing antibodies.
Patrick M Davies, I want to see the signatures. You can see my signature any time. Why hide it?
Microscopic Butterfly Domino Snowball Effect Internally
Biden won, the earth is flat, and the moon is made of cheese.
Chat with me on Twitter
Here are some of my Tweets on Twitter
Trump Tweeted
Trump tweeted: 25, wow! I am surprised there are so many. We have just begun to fight. Please send me a list of the 25 RINOS. I read the Fake News Washington Post as little as possible!
Georgia News
03:36 PM - Trump Tweet - 2h ago
But you never got the signature verification! Your people are refusing to do what you ask. What are they hiding? At least immediately ask for a Special Session of the Legislature. That you can easily, and immediately, do.
People should tweet to Trump, "Perdue said Biden won" and that was trending on Twitter
Biden won, the earth is flat, and the moon is made of cheese.
Chat with me on YouTube
Here are some of comments, activity, etc, on YouTube
Biden won, the earth is flat, and the moon is made of cheese.
Television Comment
02:40 PM - On the old television set
I thought I saw James Kirk on a western show, Gun Smoke, with like 20 seasons. It was not him but I quickly realized that. But he had a similar smirk and twinkle in his eyes when he was talking to the female teacher. After that, some guys came and beat him up. He threw a lamp out the window which must have been a comedic or cartoon like sign for hey there is a fight going on, like a signature thing that you probably saw many times in shows and movies during a fight scene. Possibly in cartoons and comics too I'm guessing. It must be some kind of gag or style for letting the audience know a fight is happening as the camera pans away to the outside of the window, you see him being punched and then thrown out of the building. But why would they throw him out, wouldn't people see this? And then an old man did see it.
Biden won, the earth is flat, and the moon is made of cheese.
General Shepherd
03:12 AM - ELECTION COUNTDOWN (Full Show) Friday - 12/4/20
In the Philippines, people are enslaved in dog cages because they went outside too late at night.
Don't worry, if you're living in North Korea and you violate Covid Lockdown, they execute you because even they want to make sure you don't die of Covid.
Romulus 101
2020-12-05 - Friday - 03:57 AM - 04:29 AM - Romulus 101
The story of Romulus and his twin brother Remus, in eighth century B.C. as seen through the eyes of three people marked by death, loneliness and violence.
Velia, the land of the 30 kings
Shout shout, let it all out, I'm talking to you, these are the things I can do without, the lyrics to the theme song.
In the 8th century BC, after decades of war, an alliance was made between the tribes of the lands south of Tiber river. But they recognized the king of Alba as their leader.
She was in the ground in a dungeon or something, like tunnels. Maybe not a dungeon. A ritual.
Not in English.
Warrior 103
2020-12-05 - Friday - 04:55 AM - 05:43 AM - Warrior 103
Man took bread without paying
Great theme opener
Warrior gets out of trial
Idiot loving the mayor's daughter he says
Geeks + Gamers
Did somebody say they're making a Metal Gears movie?
@Geeks + Gamers, is Solid Snake based on Rambo or is Rambo based on Naked Snake?
@Just Because, is Solid Snake really that awesome like robot awesome?
I would love to have a Rated R Mario Bros series or trilogy of films.
A Donkey Kong movie would be like a cross between Planets of the Apes, Avatar, and Warcraft
Uncharted is a cross between Mission Impossible and Indiana Jones
General Shepherd
12:07 PM - ELECTION COUNTDOWN (Full Show) Friday - 12/4/20
Have you seen the Event 201 website and videos?
What is CAPS? Before Covid was a thing, they talked about CAPS in 2019 at Event 201. CAPS stands for Coronavirus Associated Pulmonary Syndrome.
Why did Johns Hopkins sponsor Event 201?
65 million people died in the first 18 months of the fictional 2019 CAPS Pandemic which was featured during Event 201 last year in New York and streamed live onto the Internet for the world to watch. You can still find the videos and the website.
Big economic depression during CAPS. Oh no, they screamed, "We should have had lockdown to stop the 65 million people from dying. Well, at least we're fictional. You guys in the real world better wear your freakin' mask." Thank you so much, you inspire us all to make the cure worse than the actual problem itself. We don't want this real pandemic to last for over a decade. We better continue lockdown into 2030 instead.
Biden said before the election Trump can't declare himself the winner until the election is certified on the 14th of December of 2020 by the electoral college. But if Biden wins, then no problem, we don't have to wait until then if Biden wins. We all know Biden won. So, Biden can declare himself the winner immediately before December even. If Trump won, which we all know Trump did NOT win, Trump could not declare himself the winner before 2020-12-14. But if Biden won, and Biden did win, Biden can. We all understand this. No brainer. We all agree to this.
All of the election day ballots (stored in over a hundred USB memory card sticks) disappeared in Travis County, Texas on election night 2020 and then 4 new USB thumb drives magically showed up. Poll watcher Jennifer Fleck was arrested for exposing this.
It's no secret California is a red state, not a blue state, that's how massive election fraud has been for decades.
Diamond & Silk
03:33 PM - Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Victory Rally in Valdosta, GA 12/4/20
@James, Newsmax and OAN and RSBN
Perdue said Biden won
Trump should confront Perdue on who won
People should tweet to Trump, "Perdue said Biden won" and that was trending on Twitter
Expose Event 201 from 2019 in New York, on live video, it predicted Covid.
Biden was not eligible to run, Trump wins by default
Fight For Trump is Trending
General Shepherd
08:27 PM - Top EU Scientist Warns CV Vaccine Linked To Sterilization of Women
What is Doctor Wolfgang saying?
There is an awesome book called Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment
Not really awesome as it talks about how to depopulation
What is Dr. Wolfgang trying to say?
Dr. Wolfgang mentions the dangers of non-neutralizing antibodies.
Microscopic Butterfly Domino Snowball Effect Internally
It can turn your immune system off or it can it on to kill you.
Alex Jones or BalexBones talked about a female staff who went to Vietnam. I guess they told her to get vaccines which almost killed her. Why didn't anybody tell me to take vaccines before I went to Vietnam? Was I supposed to take some vaccines?
Dr. Wolfgang says it can give you HIV like stuff, etc.
Adree Cooper
03:11 AM - Alex Jones - Sesame Street - Elmo - Dumb you down, vaccines, depopulation, mute
General Shepherd
Romulus 101
2020-12-05 - Friday - 03:57 AM - 04:29 AM - Romulus 101
Warrior 103
2020-12-05 - Friday - 04:55 AM - 05:43 AM - Warrior 103
Geeks + Gamers
Millie Weaver
General Shepherd
12:07 PM - ELECTION COUNTDOWN (Full Show) Friday - 12/4/20
Diamond & Silk
03:33 PM - Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Victory Rally in Valdosta, GA 12/4/20
Nap from 09:00 PM Friday to 02:00 AM Saturday
Rise & Shine
10:40 AM - Good morning
10:46 AM - 2 apples. Coffee. Internet.
12:30 PM - 02:40 PM - Turned over the small compost pile and then the large burn pile for over two hours.
06:00 PM - 08:26 PM - Dishes. Shower
08:26 PM - Spaghetti. Coffee
02:50 PM - Pumpkin bread. Coffee. I thought I saw James Kirk on a western show, Gun Smoke, with like 20 seasons. It was not him but I quickly realized that. But he had a similar smirk and twinkle in his eyes when he was talking to the female teacher. After that, some guys came and beat him up. He threw a lamp out the window which must have been a comedic or cartoon like sign for hey there is a fight going on, like a signature thing that you probably saw many times in shows and movies during a fight scene. Possibly in cartoons and comics too I'm guessing. It must be some kind of gag or style for letting the audience know a fight is happening as the camera pans away to the outside of the window, you see him being punched and then thrown out of the building. But why would they throw him out, wouldn't people see this? And then an old man did see it.
Nap around 5 PM while watching Trump in Georgia for like 30 minutes or so. Now it is 05:30 PM and still listening to Trump on YouTube at his rally live. I took a nap as I felt like I had too much pumpkin bread or who know what caused the stomach ache and I am recovering now I think.
2020-12-06 - Saturday - 09:00 PM - Wolfgang Covid Infowars Video Report
I wrote an article about it