Planting Yellow Dragon Fruits To Be Fruitful and Great Fruits

in yello •  7 years ago 

Yellow dragon fruit is one type of dragon fruit is still rare and arguably quite expensive because its existence is still a little on the market. In the modern market in Jakarta the stock is still very rare so the perkilonya reach 100,000. This is because the yellow dragon fruit growth is slower than the dragon fruit red or dragon fruit of other types, takes the fastest 2 years to be bbuah. In addition, the rooting of the yellow dragon fruit is also less and has smaller stems, so the fruit is also small. While the tendency of consumers mengingkan big dragon fruit yellow though not as big as a red dragon, yellow dragon's superiority is a sweeter taste than red dragon.

In addition, yellow dragon fruit also has a better nutritional content and a sweeter taste than other dragon fruit. This is because the yellow dragon fruit has also higher content of sacchar fruit fructose is also higher.
Actually, to cultivate the yellow dragon fruit is quite easy, the constraint is on the availability of seeds that are still lacking so difficult to meet the needs of the seeds of farmers. To accelerate the growth of dragon fruit yellow, can disiasati by connecting with the rod of other dragon fruit types.However it can be overcome by doing the technique of grafting yellow dragon fruit with the position of the lower stem using dragon fruit of other types of larger and have many roots (usually a red dragon) and at the top using a yellow dragon fruit rod.

With the grafting technique with other dragon fruit stem has the advantage that dragon fruit become faster bear fruit. If dragon fruit is usually able to bear fruit one and a half to two new years to bear fruit, then with this grafting technique at the age of 9 months can bear fruit or produce. Immediately following this technique of yellow dragon fruit grafting as quoted from online trubus ala Asroful Uswatun mother, yellow dragon farmer from Jember.

Take two rods of yellow dragon fruit and other dragon fruit that have larger stems. The rootstock used for grafting must be ensured that it has taken root so that the plant can live immediately and potentially with perfect results.
Connect the two pieces of the system cut L for both sticks or form the letter V for the top stem while for the rootstock is quite split.
After connecting with the above cutting system, you can start tying both rods using a raffia or plastic strap to attach perfectly.
After both sticks are confirmed to stick, you can plant in polybags with a diameter of 15 cm.
Place the plants in the shade during the pasting process or above the shade for about 2 weeks to 1 month.
Once the plant is perfectly successful, clean all the thorns on the rootstock so that the growth of shoots can focus on the growth of the top shoot or the yellow dragon fruit stem.

is very good for health so many people who start to plant their own start to increase income and to plant in the yard of the house. Although the yellow dragon fruit has a smaller size, but the benefits and benefits of yellow dragon fruit is better than other types of dragon fruit.

Yellow Dragon Fruit So Jumbo

A few months ago Trubus Magazine contained a new type of yellow dragon fruit but was large and shaped like a red dragon fruit with a greenish fin on its fruit, another with a yellow dragon fruit in Indonesia. Trubus magazine named it Giant Yellow Pitaya found in Haufbanhof, Frankfurt, Germany. Many of the dragon fruit planters who talked about it and many opinions about it there are saying the results of the white dragon fruit and dragon fruit yellow thorn. Well, until nowpun many people who hunt seeds, but hard to get it. Even he said hunting seeds out of the country was not certain to bear fruit got the seeds of this jumbo yellow dragon fruit.

In the past the average height of Japanese men is 160 cm and women 150 cm. However, the improvement of post-World War II nutrition makes their body height increased by 5-10 cm. The fact is similar to the yellow dragon fruit in the hands of Daniel Kristanto in Mojokerto, East Java. Previously the weight of dragon fruit yellow skin only 150-180 g / fruit. Now the weight is doubled to 300 - 330 g / fruit.

The key to increasing the height of the Japanese body is the increased consumption of animal protein per capita. In the past every Japanese consumed 5.1 g / day of animal protein, now up 8 fold to 40 g / day. In the fruit dragon fruit weight is boosted by the hormone gibberellin. Daniel sprayed giberelin (GA3) content of 10% by 2 times.

According to Ir Edhi Sandra MS, plant physiologist at the Faculty of Forestry Bogor Agricultural University, giberelin is commonly used to enlarge the fruit. "Giberelin shorten even the phase break cell. Cells continue to be split so that the number of more and more, "said Edhi. That means that the flesh that can be accommodated in the mold increases. No wonder the fruit weight goes up.

Giberelin (GA3) 10%
Daniel applied the technique to 2,000 yellow dragons a year ago. The selected gibberellin hormone is a 10% GA3. As much as 1 g of GA3 dissolved in 2 l water. "The mixture is enough to be used for 400 plants," said Bandung's birth 54 years ago. That is, for all populations it takes 5 g of GA3 once spray.

The herb was sprayed onto the fruit pentil that appeared after 2-3 days of wilted flower buds. Interval 35 days later the fruit looks enlarged. The average weight 150 g with skin color is still greenish. That's when the hormone mixture with the equivalent dose is again sprayed onto each fruit. "When the skin color is yellowish - fruit signs entering the maturation phase - the treatment is no longer effective," Daniel said. Of the 500 populations there are usually 10-15% small fruits but already showing signs of yellowing. In order for the fruit not to be yellow Daniel sprayed boron and manganese each 1 teaspoon dissolved in 15 l water.

The treatment was accompanied by a solution of tea fermentation. Tea leaves contain high potassium. Potassium strengthens the cells so that the stems are sturdy while preventing the loss of fruit. "If the stems that support the fruit shrink, the fruit is easy to fall out," said the bachelor of Economics from the University of Surabaya (Ubaya), Surabaya.

According to Daniel the addition of hormones and tea fermentation solution is only suitable to be applied in the garden altitude 800 m above sea level. "In the lowlands is difficult because the fruit is more quickly cooked. At 65 days of flowering, when a fruit the size of 2 balls ballel or weighs about 125-150 g, is yellow, "he said. According to Sobir, PhD, West Java from the Tropical Fruit Study Center, Bogor, in the lowlands the fruit quickly matures because the total heat unit is more quickly met. Total heat unit is the amount of energy needed for the formation and maturation of the fruit. The impact of the plant has not had time to enlarge the size of the fruit but is ready to be picked.

Conversely, the total heat unit in the plateau is longer so it takes 80 days from flowering until ready to harvest. At that time the yellow dragon had enough time to enlarge the fruit size up to 250-280 g. "Especially when given hormone treatment. Weight can be 300-330 g, "said Daniel.

Kick raises yellow dragon with hormones must be started early so that plants are not stressed. The important thing to strengthen the roots and stems. Please understand, the roots are few and weak. The amount is only 80% than the roots of the red dragon. Root texture is also soft and thin so easily broken. Yellow dragon rod was only 1 / 3-1 / 2 than the red dragon. "When the roots and rods automatically flow nutrients from the soil to small pieces. It needs engineering to overcome it, "said Edhi.

Daniel doubled the number of roots by laying a 20 cm long yellow dragon rod with 1 bud up. Because it touches the ground, from the stem grows the roots. The buds develop into the main stem.

After sufficient roots a series of fertilization is done. High P and K fertilizers are given so that the stems are thicker. Daniel retains the yellow dragon rod up to 120-130 cm in length. After that the tip is cut 3 cm to present 4 new buds will branch production In that branch later jumbo fruit appears post-stimulation with hormones. Let's try at home or garden of each of us, I'm also developing it. Good luck


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