However, many small business owners don't know how to get the most out of their Yellow Pages ads. are business owners
who spend over $11 billion a year on Yellow Pages advertising… Remember that effective Yellow Pages ad design has only
one goal: to bring you new business by creating new business opportunities. phone call. If you have a local business, make
no mistake about it: Yellow Pages Ads Done Right, While Compete, and "Smart"... Put Your Business in the Spotlight of Ads
on the Yellow Pages and listen to your phone and cash register sing! Remember that with yellow pages advertising, you are
at a very different stage of the sales process, the closing stage. Smart headlines can be extremely effective early on in the
sales process, but statistically, they don't generate massive promotional responses from the Yellow Pages.He also
emphasized the importance of setting an advertising budget before speaking with a Yellow Pages sales representative. In
fact, it's best to ignore any advice your Yellow Pages sales rep might give you. While purchasing other advertising media
can often be simple and straightforward, the same cannot be said for the renewal of the yellow pages. If one medium, like
the Yellow Pages, loses its effectiveness, I move my client's advertising dollars to a more effective medium. Finally, consider
getting rid of your Yellow Pages ads and putting your money into a more effective advertising medium.Yellow Pages media
provides a strong return on investment for advertisers and can serve as the foundation of an integrated ad media mix. If
you're advertising now and think you're not getting the response you should be, talk to your Yellow Pages representative.
They might even take the leap and assume they didn't get any calls from their Yellow Pages promotion. I get calls weekly
from attorneys saying they no longer receive calls from yellow page ads. I get calls weekly from attorneys saying they no
longer receive calls from yellow page ads.
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