yfinance Library
yfinance is a Python library used to fetch financial data from Yahoo Finance.
In this code, yfinance is used to retrieve historical stock prices.List of Stock Tickers
The list contains stock tickers of various companies and indices: NVDA (NVIDIA); PLUG (Plug Power); SMCI (Super Micro Computer); AMZN (Amazon); F (Ford); AAPL (Apple); TSLA (Tesla); ^GSPC (S&P 500 index, representing the broader market).
3.Fetching Historical Data for Tesla (TSLA)
The function yf.download is used to download historical stock data.
'TSLA': The stock ticker for Tesla.
'2008-01-01' and '2023-12-31': The date range for fetching data (from January 1, 2008, to December 31, 2023).
The result is a DataFrame containing Tesla's historical data, including columns like:
Open: Opening price.
High: Highest price of the day.
Low: Lowest price of the day.
Close: Closing price.
Volume: Number of shares traded.
4.Initializing a DataFrame
df: A blank DataFrame is created with the same index (trading dates) as Tesla’s data.
Purpose: To store the closing prices of all stocks.
5.Loop to Fetch Stock Data
for loop iterates through each stock ticker in the list:
yf.download(i, '2008-01-01', '2023-12-31'):
Fetches historical data for the stock ticker i within the specified date range.
Extracts the "Close" column (closing price) from the resulting DataFrame.
df[i] = x["Close"]:
Adds the closing prices of the stock to the DataFrame df, naming the column after the stock ticker.
6.Displaying the Data