YHVH הוהי

in yhvh •  2 years ago  (edited)


Yod Hey Vov Hey, that is so called tetragrammaton, pronounced as Yahu, ancient Egyptian for light, paraphrased as Yahweh in Hebrew, which is Jehovah in English. His other name is I AM, as in I AM THAT I AM, Ehya Asher Ehya, which comes from the Egyptian Book of the Dead where it is referred to as Nuk Pu Nuk. As a matter of fact, much of the sensible parts of the bible are borrowed from the ancient Egyptian and Sumerian scriptures.

Moses, historical king Akhenaten, was departure from God of Abraham into light worship cult. Saturn being traditionally considered as the first moving light over the primordial earth, aside the stationary Polaris on top of the world. Thus the Lord God of Moses, first Satanist aka adversary, is Saturn, aka Ramphant whose symbol is the six pointed star, the symbol of Israel being menorah with seven branches representing the seven planets visible from earth with the naked eye: Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Sun, Moon, and Mercury. The seven Elohim.

The tetragrammaton is translated in English as Lord God the title first referenced in Genesis 2:4 right after the seven days of Creation inaccurately attributed to the Elohim, plural masculine word meaning the Luminaries, aka the planets, translated as singular masculine God.

The reason being is that the Moses followers of Luciferian light worship found themselves home in Babylon and there have rewrote the original scriptures that started with the first letter Aleph as part of the title of the Creator, the Father of the Beginnings, implying that there is Mother as well, by removing the first letter and thus hiding the Creator, so the original Abarashit Bara Elohim et Hashmaim v'et Haaretz, that is The Father of the Beginnings has Created the Elohim, Heavens and the Earth, became the familiar In the Beginning God Created the Heavens and the Earth. This is why the Elohim became promoted by the Babylonian Talmudic Rabbinical Jews from first creation to become the Creator, translated into English as God.

Originally Lord God Jehovah, Exodus 15:3 describes him as a man of war, had a consort Goddess Asherah, the old Synagogues had two alters for that reason, the one on the Elephantine island for example, the only Goddess mentioned in the Hebrew texts, however by the time of the Maccabees revolt around 2 BCE, the Yahwehists have pushed for monotheism and thereafter in the Latin Vulgate translation of the bible all references to the Goddess Asherah were replaced by reference to the grove or groves, trees, vines, pomegranates, whipping willows etc. Later Issa Caesarion aka Jesus has tried to remedy the schism however the Babylonian Jewish Rome has got rid off him and his disciples repackaging his Gospels as that of Jehovah of the Old Testament, with Christ modeled after the Sun god. The rest is history.

Additional reading: https://www.jstor.org/stable/527143?socuuid

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