Yishma ♡ el ♡

in yishma •  7 years ago 

Speaking about the Schumann resonance field, on one level what we are dealing amid here is a direct current electromagnet chemical, chrysalis, substrate-sponge; that is continually broadcasting and receiving through its temples of thought, inter-playing as an antenna array from the inside out; utilizing the torodial energy pulses that resonate of each pro-cell interacting along and among an individual perspective and a under-laying unified retrospective, and being that the main whole on the construct is currently utilizing the alternating electric field, as an extended nervous system; which periodically reverses direction and can be an un-grounded source of transmission in continual flux and resistance; being that in contrast to the natural constant direct current; which flows only in one direction?

As we are all connected in a quantum phase field, radiating psychic impressions in a compression toroidal vortex of unseen plasmatic light filaments, that we are passing through continually, which we can only seem to relate to as black and white holes collapsing upon themselves around us, while continually interchanging on a vibrational Cosmic level of all possible fields of perception forward and backward through space and time and generating all of our realities of the us simultaneously, as if it were just a painting on our illusional mind's eye of our perceptional senses, in a spectrum of a hued relayed tesseract interplay of interactions that juxtapose against each other, while seeking all knowledge of every possible connection of all parallel dimensions simultaneously for the seeking of continuous wisdom, truth, and also it seems love, while generating and pulsating in the tendrils of the weave of what seems to be all infinities and eternities that are being perceived by all thought in matter of existence at once, as upon a mirror looking back into itself through all our eyes and every feeling that we have.

What is your name?” And he said, 'Jacob.'
Then he said, 'Your name shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel, for you have striven with God and with men, and have prevailed.'
Then Jacob asked him, 'Please tell me your name.' But he said, 'Why is it that you ask my name?' And there he blessed him.
So Jacob called the name of the place pineal, saying, 'For I have seen God face to face, and yet my life has been delivered.'
The sun rose upon him as he passed pineal.

Jacob be
Jacob be
And Jacob
jump over
candle stick.

When the promise which is made to us, that we 'see face to face,' shall come. 'Now we see through a glass darkly,' and 'in part;' but when both people, now purified, now raised again, now crowned, now changed into an immortal form, and into everlasting incorruption, shall see God face to face, and Jacob shall be no more, but there shall be Israel only; then shall the Lord see him in the person of this holy Nathanael, and shall say, 'Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile.

♡ alba tegeder cella deigja ♡ fjöl ♡ hlafweard doͤr redeget abla ♡

♡ α ♡ φ ♡ χ ♡ ψ ♡ ρ ♡ π ♡ ω ♡
♡ metamorphosis osmosis torus ♡

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two more links for the adaption process of the pro cells that are the us four the plant that is earth our hearth and heart
the alchemical process of the human body adapted from the combination of the divine feminine and masculine allows to touch the pineal or bringing both halves of the heart and mind back together in unity. no enmity.


to adapt we must combine both realities a symbiosis in harmony threw metamorphosis chaos and order and material and thought all energies wile keeping individuation organic thought merger among and along artificial in pro cess for pro cells : example amoeba genus Chaos representation of Truth known as Eris.
