IFB Financial is very excited to offer college planning service to individuals, families, and businesses. Did you know that more than 50 percent of college students drop out of college and never complete their degrees? For those that remain in college, the average student takes about 5 ½ years to obtain their degree? These are the national averages. However, IFB Financial can help reduce the time to obtain a degree and the cost.
Working with our strategic partners, more than 85 percent of our students graduate and receive their undergraduate degrees on average, in about 4 ½ years. This provides a significant savings to your family compared to the national average of 5 ½ years. Reducing the time to obtain an undergraduate degree by 1 year can save a family upwards of $80,000, depending upon the college or university the student is attending.
The key is understanding the three aspects of the college planning structure – academic, social, and financial – to navigate this complex structure. Our expertise helps to position students to get into the college compatible with their goals and advise parents how to position themselves financially to pay the lowest cost possible.
As Certified College Advisors (CCA), IFB Financial Advisors have completed extensive training that encompasses all aspects of the college planning process, including the most critical and time-sensitive steps. The CCA accreditation ensures proven solutions entirely from the family’s perspective. We offer comprehensive resources for Career Planning & Guidance, College Search & Selection Assistance, Admissions Counseling, Campus Visit Details, and SAT / ACT Test Preparation.
In addition, we offer Professional Assistance with Financial Aid Applications, College Award Letter Evaluations and Appeals; Private Sector Scholarship Assistance, Hands-On Guidance & Support, and most importantly, Answers You Can Trust.
Starting early will maximize your chances of success and the best time to begin with our program is during your freshman year in high school, but we can assist Freshmen through Senior students, but the earlier you start, the better your chances of success. Students in the spring of their 8th grade year may also be eligible to participate in our program.
If you are dreaming of getting the best education possible at the lowest cost, then contact IFB Financial and let’s begin our partnership to help you accomplish your dream.
Remember, Dare to Dream!