Skill acquisition

in youth •  7 years ago 

Skill is very important in the life of every human being. The reason why many technicians earns more than some university graduates is because the technicians acquire more practical skills than the theories, unlike the graduates who were fed with theoretical experiences while in the universities. It can take you to places you do not expect you will find yourself. Skill acquisition is the ability to be trained on a particular task or function and become expert in it. It is a pity that there is “huge” parading of unemployment in many parts of the world today especially in Nigeria. This is giving many youths in different parts of the world today a sleepless night. It is one of the causes of rapid growth in crime in many parts of the world. But do you think there is any relationship between someone who has acquired skill on how to perform a particular job and make money from it and unemployment? The answer is no because the skill he has acquired can always speak for him/her.

Today, there are many unemployed graduates in the country. This is partly as a result of our long system of education that is more of grammar and not much practical learning. It is evident that the highest number of unemployed is found in the African Continent. The truth remains that the major causes of the unemployment among these vibrant youths is lack of skill to back up what they learnt from their institutions of learning. When these graduates were still in school, they did not border to learn at least one single skill, maybe that which is related to graphic designing, typing, hair dressing, garment making, electrical maintenance and others. If they have learnt any skill at all, the rate of unemployment will reduce among them.

“Skilled person can survive in any environment.” As water is very essential to human life, so is skill training and acquisition needed in the life of every serious minded human being. Skills can do a lot of great work in the life of every living soul. Lack of entrepreneurial skills is one of major causes of corruption.
A skillful person speaks with confidence while the none skilful is filled with fear. Entrepreneurial skills builds individual self esteem, engender growth process and changes that is never ending. Therefore, friends learned or not, are hereby encouraged to go for skills acquisition because good and lucrative skills acquired can make ways where it seems there is no way. PhotoGrid_1502964154036.jpg

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Yes you are correct. If somebody has an IQ lower than 125, then why go to university? Why take on loads of debt just to drink, party, and get laid? These people should really become skilled tradesmen like electricians or masons.