Paradigm Shift as Youths set to be world richest!steemCreated with Sketch.

in youth •  7 years ago 

For donkey years there have been this inclination that youths are incapable and not matured to handle situations and this have robbed youths from youthful engagement in politics employment etc.

This is not particular to any country or race,even the Almighty America share this problem please may i be guided I think the United States have the highest rate of Unemployment accross the globe.

Men! look at the president of America he is old,I look at the president of France and prime minister of Canada and I am elated!

This set of people appreciate the value of Modern technologies and I have no doubt once they understand the principle of cryptocurrency, it will be signed into law as a legal tender.

With the invention of cryptocurrency money have been put in the hands of youths. Once you have a smart phone you can transact anywhere around the globe!

The order of the world is parents to work and retire and Children takes over!

With Cryptos like Steem being a billionaire is a surest way!

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