YouTube Earnings back to "NORMAL"?

in youtube •  8 years ago 

Few months ago there is a huge advertisement boycott on YouTube and most of us are aware on what happened, but for those who don't know, the reason for the boycott is because "Advertisements are appears to terrorist videos on YouTube." because of it, many big advertisers company leave YouTube advertising platform. That result of huge drop of earnings on YouTube, in the same time for content creators. Many content creators decided to leave YouTube platform because of the huge changes in terms of earnings, but after YouTube released new "Monetize Rules or Requirements" it shows that the earnings are getting back to normal, not exactly normal as before but at least the earnings on YouTube is increasing unlike on the breakdown.

I'm hoping YouTube will rise again like before and conquer all of the social media once again.

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I am hoping for a better platform than Youtube who appreciate their content creators. I hope Steemit is the one who is blessed with the HQ creators. BYE BYE YOUTUBE!