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ButtPlugs4Grandma420 xD


This is pretty much stealing GradeAUnderA's content and pretending its your own... "Freebooting" is a pretty big problem on Facebook, and it'd be a shame if that happened here...


  ·  9 years ago (edited)

it's not - sharing youtube videos is enabled for this channel. also, he earns from it.

in facebook they re-upload it to their account

edit: stealing would be uploading it to my own channel pretending it's my content.

Hmm. Well, I'm new here I guess :-) I've build a pretty decent following on YouTube and just assumed stuff - I definitely see the YouTube thingie in the bottom right so you're definitely correct! Sorry for jumping the gun!

How do you even embed here - I tried to put my YouTube channel intro video in my 'IntroduceYourself' post using the code it gave me and it wouldn't show up in the preview and didn't work in the main post. How did you do it in this post?


  ·  9 years ago (edited)

no big deal. you just copy/paste the YT url, it'll convert automatically :)