YouTube has transformed the idea of participatory culture. With any simple camera, people can now share experiences, independent films, video blogs, music, and livestreaming events easily to the world. This simple concept, ease of use, and massive audience has transformed the idea of music and videos forever.
The media industry now has the capability to launch careers from people streaming live entertainment out of their living room. How has this transformed culture, memes, and viral videos? Is there a new genre of for YouTube and the unique feedback of comments and recommendations?
To learn more about this new form of media, here are the top hundred most cited publications for YouTube.
- "The Cult of the Amateur: How blogs, MySpace, YouTube and the rest of today's user-generated media are killing our culture and economy". A Keen. 2011. Hachette UK . 2430 cites.
- "YouTube: Online video and participatory culture". J Burgess, J Green. 2018. . 1942 cites.
- "Youtube traffic characterization: a view from the edge". P Gill, M Arlitt, Z Li, A Mahanti. 2007. Proceedings of the 7th ACM SIGCOMM …. 981 cites.
- "Publicly private and privately public: Social networking on YouTube". PG Lange. 2007. Journal of computer-mediated communication. 917 cites.
- "Statistics and social network of youtube videos". X Cheng, C Dale, J Liu. 2008. Quality of Service, 2008. IWQoS 2008 …. 690 cites.
- "How does brand-related user-generated content differ across YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter?". AN Smith, E Fischer, C Yongjian. 2012. Elsevier Journal of interactive marketing. 633 cites.
- "The YouTube video recommendation system". J Davidson, B Liebald, J Liu, P Nandy…. 2010. Proceedings of the …. 585 cites.
- "Multimedia teaching with video clips: TV, movies, YouTube, and mtvU in the college classroom.". RA Berk. 2009. International Journal of Technology in Teaching & …. 511 cites.
- "Video suggestion and discovery for youtube: taking random walks through the view graph". S Baluja, R Seth, D Sivakumar, Y Jing…. 2008. Proceedings of the 17th …. 438 cites.
- "Social networks and the diffusion of user-generated content: Evidence from YouTube". A Susarla, JH Oh, Y Tan. 2012. Information Systems Research. 385 cites.
- "Social interaction and co-viewing with YouTube: Blending mass communication reception and social connection". P Haridakis, G Hanson. 2009. Taylor & Francis Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic …. 376 cites.
- "Voters, MySpace, and YouTube: The impact of alternative communication channels on the 2006 election cycle and beyond". V Gueorguieva. 2008. Social Science Computer Review. 371 cites.
- "An anatomy of a YouTube meme". L Shifman. 2012. new media & society. 370 cites.
- "Watching YouTube: Extraordinary videos by ordinary people". Michael Strangelove. 2010. . 357 cites.
- "Characteristics of YouTube network traffic at a campus network–measurements, models, and implications". M Zink, K Suh, Y Gu, J Kurose. 2009. Elsevier Computer networks. 332 cites.
- "Engaging the YouTube Google-eyed generation: Strategies for using Web 2.0 in teaching and learning.". P Duffy. 2008. ERIC Electronic Journal of E-learning. 329 cites.
- "Youtube everywhere: Impact of device and infrastructure synergies on user experience". A Finamore, M Mellia, MM Munafò, R Torres…. 2011. Proceedings of the 2011 …. 329 cites.
- "YouTube as a source of information on immunization: a content analysis". J Keelan, V Pavri-Garcia, G Tomlinson, K Wilson. 2007. jama. 328 cites.
- "Understanding the characteristics of internet short video sharing: YouTube as a case study". X Cheng, C Dale, J Liu. 2007. arXiv preprint arXiv:0707.3670. 300 cites.
- "Deep neural networks for youtube recommendations". P Covington, J Adams, E Sargin. 2016. … of the 10th ACM Conference on …. 299 cites.
- "Social media as a catalyst for online deliberation? Exploring the affordances of Facebook and YouTube for political expression". D Halpern, J Gibbs. 2013. Elsevier Computers in Human Behavior. 284 cites.
- "The YouTube Reader". P Snickars, P Vonderau. 2009. National Library of Sweden … . 283 cites.
- "Quantification of YouTube QoE via crowdsourcing". T Hoßfeld, M Seufert, M Hirth, T Zinner…. 2011. … (ISM), 2011 IEEE …. 277 cites.
- "How useful are your comments?: analyzing and predicting youtube comments and comment ratings". S Siersdorfer, S Chelaru, W Nejdl…. 2010. Proceedings of the 19th …. 262 cites.
- "'All your chocolate rain are belong to us?'Viral Video, YouTube and the dynamics of participatory culture". J Burgess. 2008. Video vortex reader: Responses to YouTube. 247 cites.
- "The tube over time: characterizing popularity growth of youtube videos". F Figueiredo, F Benevenuto, JM Almeida. 2011. Proceedings of the fourth …. 242 cites.
- "Using early view patterns to predict the popularity of youtube videos". H Pinto, JM Almeida, MA Gonçalves. 2013. … on Web search and data mining. 241 cites.
- "Youtube-8m: A large-scale video classification benchmark". S Abu-El-Haija, N Kothari, J Lee, P Natsev…. 2016. arXiv preprint arXiv …. 238 cites.
- "User acceptance of YouTube for procedural learning: An extension of the Technology Acceptance Model". DY Lee, MR Lehto. 2013. Elsevier Computers & Education. 237 cites.
- "Is “YouTube” telling or selling you something? Tobacco content on the YouTube video-sharing website". B Freeman, S Chapman. 2007. Tobacco control. 230 cites.
- "The institutionalization of YouTube: From user-generated content to professionally generated content". J Kim. 2012. Media, Culture & Society. 227 cites.
- "Vivisecting youtube: An active measurement study". VK Adhikari, S Jain, Y Chen…. 2012. … , 2012 Proceedings IEEE. 225 cites.
- "Millennial makeover: MySpace, YouTube, and the future of American politics". M Winograd, MD Hais. 2008. . 221 cites.
- "Twitter, YouTube, and Flickr as platforms of alternative journalism: The social media account of the 2010 Toronto G20 protests". T Poell, E Borra. 2012. Journalism. 210 cites.
- "YouTube ea Revolução Digital: como o maior fenômeno da cultura participativa transformou a mídia ea sociedade". J Burgess, J Green. 2009. São Paulo: Aleph. 210 cites.
- "Social media and political participation: are Facebook, Twitter and YouTube democratizing our political systems?". R Effing, J Van Hillegersberg, T Huibers. 2011. Springer International conference on …. 209 cites.
- "The influence of online comments on perceptions of antimarijuana public service announcements on YouTube". JB Walther, D DeAndrea, J Kim…. 2010. Human Communication …. 205 cites.
- "The impact of YouTube recommendation system on video views". R Zhou, S Khemmarat, L Gao. 2010. Proceedings of the 10th ACM SIGCOMM …. 203 cites.
- "Exploiting YouTube: Contradictions of user-generated labor". M Andrejevic. 2009. The YouTube Reader. 200 cites.
- "Youtube around the world: geographic popularity of videos". A Brodersen, S Scellato, M Wattenhofer. 2012. Proceedings of the 21st …. 192 cites.
- "Youtube and you: Experiences of self-awareness in the context collapse of the recording webcam". M Wesch. 2009. Explorations in media ecology. 191 cites.
- "Watch global, cache local: YouTube network traffic at a campus network: measurements and implications". M Zink, K Suh, Y Gu, J Kurose. 2008. Multimedia Computing and …. 190 cites.
- "Flaming on youtube". PJ Moor, A Heuvelman, R Verleur. 2010. Elsevier Computers in Human Behavior. 187 cites.
- "Dissecting video server selection strategies in the youtube cdn". R Torres, A Finamore, JR Kim, M Mellia…. 2011. … (ICDCS), 2011 31st …. 185 cites.
- "The scope of nonsuicidal self-injury on YouTube". SP Lewis, NL Heath, JM St Denis, R Noble. 2011. Am Acad Pediatrics Pediatrics. 183 cites.
- "The 2008 presidential campaign: Political cynicism in the age of Facebook, MySpace, and YouTube". G Hanson, PM Haridakis, AW Cunningham…. 2010. Taylor & Francis Mass Communication …. 182 cites.
- "Commenting on comments: Investigating responses to antagonism on YouTube". PG Lange. 2007. Society for Applied anthropology conference. 176 cites.
- "YouTube as a participatory culture". C Chau. 2010. Wiley Online Library New directions for youth development. 172 cites.
- "Internetnutzung zwischen Pragmatismus und YouTube-Euphorie". B Van Eimeren, B Frees. 2007. media perspektiven. 166 cites.
- "Can YouTube enhance student nurse learning?". A Clifton, C Mann. 2011. Elsevier Nurse education today. 164 cites.
- "A first step towards understanding popularity in YouTube". G Chatzopoulou, C Sheng…. 2010. … IEEE Conference on …. 158 cites.
- "When vaccines go viral: an analysis of HPV vaccine coverage on YouTube". R Briones, X Nan, K Madden, L Waks. 2012. Taylor & Francis Health communication. 157 cites.
- "What happened before YouTube". H Jenkins. 2009. Burgess, J. y Green, J. YouTube … . 155 cites.
- "Commenting on YouTube videos: From Guatemalan rock to el big bang". M Thelwall, P Sud, F Vis. 2012. Wiley Online Library Journal of the American Society for …. 155 cites.
- "Cancer survivorship in the age of YouTube and social media: a narrative analysis". WYS Chou, Y Hunt, A Folkers…. 2011. Journal of medical …. 153 cites.
- "Understanding the characteristics of internet short video sharing: A youtube-based measurement study". X Cheng, J Liu, C Dale. 2013. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia. 153 cites.
- "Unruly media: YouTube, music video, and the new digital cinema". C Vernallis. 2013. . 153 cites.
- "An anthropological introduction to YouTube". M Wesch. 2008. . 150 cites.
- "Avoiding the digital abyss: Getting started in the classroom with YouTube, digital stories, and blogs". R Mullen, L Wedwick. 2008. Taylor & Francis The Clearing House: A Journal of …. 148 cites.
- "Impact of social network structure on content propagation: A study using YouTube data". H Yoganarasimhan. 2012. Springer Quantitative Marketing and Economics. 148 cites.
- "Misleading health-related information promoted through video-based social media: anorexia on YouTube". S Syed-Abdul, L Fernandez-Luque…. 2013. Journal of medical …. 142 cites.
- "Playing along: Digital games, YouTube, and virtual performance". K Miller. 2012. . 142 cites.
- "YouTube as a source of information on the H1N1 influenza pandemic". A Pandey, N Patni, M Singh, A Sood, G Singh. 2010. Elsevier American journal of …. 140 cites.
- "'This is citizen journalism at its finest': YouTube and the public sphere in the Oscar Grant shooting incident". MG Antony, RJ Thomas. 2010. New Media & Society. 139 cites.
- "YouTube, Twitter and the Occupy movement: Connecting content and circulation practices". K Thorson, K Driscoll, B Ekdale, S Edgerly…. 2013. Taylor & Francis Information …. 139 cites.
- "YouTube as archive: Who will curate this digital Wunderkammer?". R Gehl. 2009. International Journal of Cultural Studies. 138 cites.
- "YouTube as source of prostate cancer information". PL Steinberg, S Wason, JM Stern, L Deters, B Kowal…. 2010. Elsevier Urology. 137 cites.
- "Video vortex reader: Responses to YouTube". G Lovink, S Niederer. 2008. . 137 cites.
- "YouTube users watching and sharing the news: A uses and gratifications approach". G Hanson, P Haridakis. 2008. Journal of Electronic Publishing. 137 cites.
- "Social media references in newspapers: Facebook, Twitter and YouTube as sources in newspaper journalism". S Paulussen, RA Harder. 2014. Taylor & Francis Journalism Practice. 136 cites.
- "Do online election campaigns win votes? The 2007 Australian “YouTube” election". RK Gibson, I McAllister. 2011. Taylor & Francis Political Communication. 135 cites.
- "A new authenticity? Communicative practices on YouTube". A Tolson. 2013. Self-Mediation. 135 cites.
- "Human papillomavirus vaccination coverage on YouTube". KA Ache, LS Wallace. 2008. Elsevier American journal of preventive medicine. 132 cites.
- "The YouTube Effect: How YouTube Has Provided New Ways to Consume, Create, and Share Music.". C Cayari. 2011. International Journal of Education & the Arts. 131 cites.
- "YouTube: Educational potentials and pitfalls". T Jones, K Cuthrell. 2011. Taylor & Francis Computers in the Schools. 130 cites.
- "Videos of affinity on YouTube". PG Lange. 2009. . 130 cites.
- "The youtube lens: Crowdsourced personality impressions and audiovisual analysis of vlogs". JI Biel, D Gatica-Perez. 2013. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia. 128 cites.
- "Application flow control in YouTube video streams". S Alcock, R Nelson. 2011. ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review. 127 cites.
- "Performing citizenship on YouTube: Activism, satire and online debate around the anti-Islam video Fitna". L Van Zoonen, F Vis, S Mihelj. 2013. Self-Mediation. 127 cites.
- "YouTube: An emerging tool in anatomy education". AA Jaffar. 2012. Wiley Online Library Anatomical sciences education. 125 cites.
- "An assessment of faculty usage of YouTube as a teaching resource". SC Burke, S Snyder, RC Rager. 2009. Internet Journal of Allied …. 123 cites.
- "YouTube traffic dynamics and its interplay with a tier-1 ISP: an ISP perspective". VK Adhikari, S Jain, ZL Zhang. 2010. Proceedings of the 10th ACM SIGCOMM …. 123 cites.
- "YouTube: an opportunity for consumer narrative analysis?". S Pace. 2008. Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal. 121 cites.
- "O culto do amador: como blogs, MySpace, YouTube ea pirataria digital estão destruindo nossa economia, cultura e valores". A Keen. 2009. Zahar . 121 cites.
- "The flipped classroom: transforming education at Byron High School: a Minnesota high school with severe budget constraints enlisted YouTube in its successful effort …". K Fulton. 2012. THE Journal (Technological Horizons In Education). 120 cites.
- "Digital storytelling: A tool for teaching and learning in the YouTube generation". O Dreon, RM Kerper, J Landis. 2011. Taylor & Francis Middle School Journal. 120 cites.
- "Workload generation for YouTube". A Abhari, M Soraya. 2010. Springer Multimedia Tools and Applications. 120 cites.
- "YouTube, critical pedagogy, and media activism". D Kellner, G Kim. 2010. Taylor & Francis The Review of Education, Pedagogy, and …. 118 cites.
- "Using video to build an organization's identity and brand: A content analysis of nonprofit organizations' YouTube videos". RD Waters, PM Jones. 2011. Taylor & Francis Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector …. 117 cites.
- "Internet video delivery in youtube: from traffic measurements to quality of experience". T Hoßfeld, R Schatz, E Biersack…. 2013. Springer Data Traffic Monitoring …. 116 cites.
- "Mining data on usage of electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) from YouTube videos". M Hua, H Yip, P Talbot. 2013. Tobacco control. 115 cites.
- "YouTube as a source of information on kidney stone disease". A Sood, S Sarangi, A Pandey, K Murugiah. 2011. Elsevier Urology. 114 cites.
- "Analysis and modelling of YouTube traffic". P Ameigeiras, JJ Ramos‐Munoz…. 2012. Wiley Online Library Transactions on …. 114 cites.
- "YouTube ea revolução digital". J Burgess, J Green. 2009. . 114 cites.
- "YouTube: An Innovative Learning Resource for College Health Education Courses.". SC Burke, SL Snyder. 2008. ERIC International Electronic Journal of Health Education. 113 cites.
- "YouTube: Where cultural memory and copyright converge". L Hilderbrand. 2007. FILM QUART. 112 cites.
- "SDN-based application-aware networking on the example of youtube video streaming". M Jarschel, F Wamser, T Hohn…. 2013. Software Defined …. 111 cites.
- "Youtube movie reviews: In, cross, and open-domain sentiment analysis in an audiovisual context". M Wollmer, B Schuller, C Sun, F Weninger…. 2013. IEEE Intelligent …. 109 cites.
- "YouTube as a source of information on cardiopulmonary resuscitation". K Murugiah, A Vallakati, K Rajput, A Sood, NR Challa. 2011. Elsevier Resuscitation. 108 cites.
- "Healthcare information on YouTube: a systematic review". KC Madathil, AJ Rivera-Rodriguez…. 2015. Health informatics …. 107 cites.
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