YouTube Tightens Ban on Dangerous Stunts

in youtube •  6 years ago 

YouTube Tightens Ban on Dangerous Stunts (of course we have been talking about that for 3.5-4 years)

You might be thinking that the above news story only broke a few hours ago...and you are correct in saying that! But lets take away all of the drama of people driving around blindfolded, also for a second lets drop the legal implications of 'blind' people driving. At the core the above story is stating that youtube (which is a privately owned website) should have the ability to determine which view points they want to advertise on there website. (I support youtube on this decision..despite the fact that I do not really like youtube because they have tried to silence conservative opinions and an alternative to youtube would be welcomed.)

However not everyone thinks that it is dangerous to drive around blindfolded, and currently it appears that you can do stupid things but private parties do not have to broadcast your opinions.

I think that the majority of people would agree that parties should be allowed to not be forced to preform services that violate there beliefs.

Above is a news story that tells of a woman that was jailed because she had the audacity to defend the constitution of the state of Kentucky and not issue marrige licenses to same sex couples (the state of Kentucky defined marriage as an act between one man and one woman.)

The party of the state of Kentucky had a belief and that belief was ratified in the state's constitution. The state hired someone that agrees with the state constitution, but then the federal goverment (illegealy) steped in an steped on what the state said.

I will be very clear, I Love homosexuals, but I disagree with the activities that homosexuals engage in. I have eaten meals while in the presence of homosexuals and for the most part I enjoy the company of homosexuals. Even though I disagree with the concept of homosexual marriage, I am not going to try to violently overthrow the places that institute gay marriages. It is the same as the fact that I Love porn stars, however porn is rooted in deception and I do not support 'pornographic activity' I am not going to violently overthrow places that permit pornographic activity. But at the same time I am opposed to being served a meal by a topless lady at every restaurant.

This has been a conversation about boundaries, and some people are ignorant that boundaries should exist.

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