Crypto vs Metals goes Exponential!

in youtube •  8 years ago  (edited)

Ladies & Gentlemen,

Freedom Fest is paying off. Our YouTube Channel is taking off after we were featured in an interview on Crypt0's YouTube Channel.

If you don't know @Crypt0, he got into making crypto YT videos after watching one of my first videos about 1.5 years ago (March 2016, back when ETH was under $11). Now he has over 10,000 subscribers and is quickly gaining popularity.

The past 24 hours we have seen our subscriber count jump +70%. Check out the stats:

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I kept up with Crypt0's news for a while until I found out he truly believed the world was flat. He lost all credibility in my eyes and I can't look at him the same way any more.

hahaha the cruelest punishment of all: a public shaming and lost credibility...

Well keep this in mind,
@crypt0 may know whether the earth is flat, but at least he has an open mind to understand that the possibilities of a flat earth could radically open up the mind to all possibilities.

Then again... It doesn't quite explain lunar cycles...

Believing in "Flat Earth" or not believing, changes nothing. People love to argue about this point because it emphasizes their intellectual abilites. But in all practicality, it does nothing to believe.

In believing in "Flat Earth"

  • You will still pay taxes
  • You will still go to work
  • You will still do your groceries
  • You will still have to visit your parents
  • You will still have to mow your lawn

In NOT believing in "Flat Earth"

  • You will still pay taxes
  • You will still go to work
  • You will still do your groceries
  • You will still have to visit your parents
  • You will still have to mow your lawn

You say, "OH, but NOW you KNOW the TRUTH!!!" "knowing" means nothing unless you're actually doing something about it. And "Doing something about it" is not going online and showing people the pseudo science to prove your theory. Doing something means, go fund your own exploration and go to the ends of the earth...and come back with evidence. Or build your own rocket with a camera and send it to space and let it sit there for 24 hours and capture the rotation of the earth...or lack of rotation.

You're right on everything... except believers in "Flat Earth" MAY not pay taxes...

Hahaha!! Well, just like anyone else, they will pay the pay the consequences of not paying taxes. They still have to pay their dues to society.

Uncle Sam don't care about "Flat Earth", hahaha!

Hell yeah, congratz - nice to see a project growing and growing especially when a lot of work is in it!

Awesome, been following you guys since :)

Very soon fam, everything's about to unveil itself in these next few weeks.

Awesome I can't wait, I missed you guys at freedom fest. I did go see jeff berwick while there at paris :)

LVS Paris?
We saw both of his talks, and even attended the patio bar on the final day of Freedom Fest...

We probably ran to each other at the patio bar, I was talking to crypt0 and Josh Sig for couple hours, I was with the blue had there haha

Oh yeah... remember the hat. I was at the foosball table for quite some time. We only ducked in to say goodbye to @crypt0.

Until next time, brother!

Hello friend @cardiff congratulations for your post, thanks for sharing it, keep it up :-)