I can't post on D.Tube... :/

in youtube •  6 years ago  (edited)

Hey ! If you are on this plateform, you probably know what is D.Tube. I'm writing today to speak about this plateform... but too to speak about my problem with her.

It's time for a StoryTime !

Like I said it in my first article, I only soon discoverd Steemit and D.Tube (it was only on the last monday !) but I enjoyed the project at this moment. After my very quickly registration, I decided today to try to post a video.
So I followed the steps, Il uploaded the video and the snap and I wrote de Description and the Steem article... but the system annouced to me that I can't upload the video.
I retried again and again during the afternoon, but the message was always the same, in the right corner of my screen: "unknown error".

What is the fuck ? I was so proud to share with you my video...
Has somebody an idea about what I can do to finally post my video ? I would be so so gratefull...

Thank you so much for helping !

P.S.: I post here the message of the video, if ever you want to know more about her ^^:

The description of the video:
[Bac 2018:] Les Montres Interdites ?

En juin 2018, nous avons passé le baccalauréat. Mais tout s'est-il passé comme prévu ? Non, car notre lycée nous a interdit l'usage de TOUTE forme de montre...

Cette interdiction était-elle bien légale ? Nous nous sommes penché sur la question.

L'enquête est à retrouver en intégralité sur Youtube (un épisode 2 est prévu pour décembre ^^) : https://youtu.be/t6JQ3ZhsFUk


The article for Steem :
Hey !

Nous revenons aujourd'hui pour une vidéo. Au programme: nous enquêtons sur l'interdiction dans certains lycée de l'utilisation de montres (même non connectées).

La vidéo vous a plu ? Vous pouvez la retrouver sur Youtube (avec bientôt le 2ème épisode):

Vous pouvez également commenter, liker et partager la vidéo, cela nous aidera énormément !

Merci à tous ! ^^



In 2018, June, the members of the group laCitadelle had the Bac, a very important final exam in France. But everything was not good, because of our school... who decided to say that every form of watch was forbidden (what is false). So we made some researches by calling the school...

You enjoyed the video ? A second version is soon available at this adress: https://youtu.be/t6JQ3ZhsFUk

Don't forget to like, comment and share the video, it's very nice for us...

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