Today I’m going to show you a few facial massage techniques. You’re probably wondering why you should even massage your face. First of all, a good facial massage relieves tension and helps muscles relax. Therefore, muscles are less likely to harbor wrinkles. Also, it improves circulation and blood can bring more oxygen to your skin cells, which is a big advantage itself that makes your skin glow. For those who often suffer from headaches – facial massage might be just exactly what you need. A lot of migraines are actually caused by tensed up facial muscles. That’s why I’ll show you how I massage my face to get rid of the pain too. A good facial massage, as any massage, encourages lymphatic drainage too. That basically means that it helps to move toxins out of cells and helps nutrients to come in easier. So here are some of the facial massage techniques!
Technique for Puffy Eyes
Put a bit of cream or a bit of oil on your index fingers, afterwards put them on the inner corner of each eye and sweep your fingers along your brow bones and go back to inner corner. This movement pushes excess fluids out of the area and helps to get rid of those puffy eyes.
Technique for a Headache
If the front of your head aches, it‘s likely that it‘s muscular pain. All you need to do is use your two index fingers, place them on the spots where eyebrows start and circle without lifting them up. You should definitely give some weight and push those fingers in. You could also do the same thing just next to your nose, just where your nostrils start.
Technique to Soften Forehead Lines
This is a good spot to massage just before you go to sleep. Simply apply some of the cream or oil to your fingers. Place three fingers flat on your forehead and massage it in circular motions. That should help to flush out all the toxins.
Technique for Defined Cheeks
If you want to lift your cheeks a little bit and just give them some movement, this might be just for you. Simply place your middle and index fingers under the bottom of your cheek bones. Push them along your cheekbone to hairline. Don’t be afraid to push those fingers in as it removes muscle buildup.
Technique for Your Eyes
I personally find this technique very relaxing. All you have to do is use your two fingers and simple push your fingers through the edge of your eye sockets. Add a bit of oil or cream, not too much though, to keep that movement smooth and relaxing. This movement should help you to reduce eye strain and hopefully relax your eyes in general.
Technique for Nose and Lips
Place your index fingers just where your eyes meet on the nose, start slowly going down, then go to the sides of your nose, around your lips and move back. This movement gives you a kind of funny feeling but if you’re suffering from cold and want to move some of those muscles around your lips, this is the massaging technique to go for.
Finally, just do whatever feels right. Sometimes getting a feeling of your own spots and your own movements can help you relax much more and achieve better results. At the end of the day, a facial massage should make you feel healthier, more beautiful and relaxed. Enjoy the process and take your time.