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I love this post, good one.....we have so much to learn about our solar system, it would be nice if we can get back excited about discovery and exploration, we seem to be caught up in political BS and propaganda lately....what if these signals have a direct impact on our earth? what if they are the reasons for Earthquakes, Hurricanes, Volcanic eruptions, etc....what if we can develop a system to track these waves and study them and better equip ourselves.....There are so many possibilities....we need to get people excited about these events and schools/ universities need to get back studying these events and other interesting problems that we face rather than focus on making as much money from a given student....I get excited about these things but there aren't avenues available now to put minds at work with these problems

They are using the most precise measuring equipment ever created to detect the most energetic signals ever detected. Which means there is no other known terrestrial impact.

That is not totally correct, if I may. Gravitational wave carry a lot of energy, but this energy is not dissipated (in a first approximation). It stays within the wave. The fraction of energy used to deform space (which is what is measured) is really tiny and negligible.

So although the wave is very energetic, their energy is not what is detected :)

It is however true the wave is getting fainter due to the traveled distance from the source (propagation in a plane) and the expansion of the universe.

Correct. I should have said "to detect the most energetic event."

Then I agree ^^

errm @inertia, this gravitational waves/forces is similar to the one in the Bermudial Triangle, the one that crashes plane and wreck ships.....Someone told me that those spots are actuall loopholes to an Alternate universe, what's your take on that?

It is theorized that the Bermuda Triangle is an electromagnetic phenomenon.

Gravitational waves are a completely different phenomenon from electromagnetic waves.

E.W which makes the Gravitational force stronger i think. From my telecommunication class there are other Electromagnetic spots on earth but they dont pull planes down.