Do You Need to go to College to be Successful in Real Estate?

in youtube •  6 years ago 

I went to college and got a degree in business finance. That degree has helped me, but by no means did I have to have it to succeed. Do you need to go to college? I think the question has to be answered by each person based on their circumstances, money, goals, and attitude.

For me, I think college was a good thing because of the people I met and I had no idea what I wanted to do in my life. I wish I would have taken my life more seriously when I was younger, but I still got a lot out of college. For others, college may be a complete waste of time.

If you go to college wanting to learn how to be an entrepreneur you will be disappointed. College usually teaches people how to be a worker, not how to be a boss. You can still learn how to run a business by going to college if you have the right mindset and know what to expect.

I wrote an article on this subject:

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I'm excited to see a shift towards self-education from the after effects of college debt on our economy.

Thanks for sharing.

Nope nowadays getting to college is a trend .Actually it would put us in debt with worthless degree