Will you read this post to learn how I earn up to $18 per thousand views on YouTube in advertising revenue because you might love skipping the six years of learning and testing it took me to discover this secret formula to maximize earnings on my YouTube channel which are paid via Google AdSense?
When you read this blog post until the end, you will learn a way you can use your YouTube videos to even earn more revenue.
Secrets to Multiply YouTube Ad Revenue by 10!
Would you like to see an incredible formula for 10x ad revenue on YouTube?
I've never seen mentioned this secret formula before and I'm going to show you exactly how to do it now along with clear proof that I've already tested it over the last year several different ways on my channel. I'll show exactly what works to earn 10 times as much revenue doing one video versus another.
Wow, this is so exciting!
I'll show it to you right now.
This is my YouTube channel "Jerry Banfield," and I am grateful today to have over 200,000 subscribers.
I have videos that are earning tens of thousands of views per month. Here’s how to get 10 times as much ad revenue from one versus another. Let's compare video number one, "Destiny Gameplay Xbox One Hunter."
This is the typical kind of video I used to make in getting my channel started and learning how to do better after several years, after three years of putting videos up. This is essentially what I was up to, a one hour and thirty-two minutes long video on release day for a hot new video game, which in the last year has got 6,682 views.
Now, if you look at the data for this, that is $6.24 in ad revenue, which is $1 approximately per thousand views.
If you need me to whip the calculator out to make this clear, let's just do that:
6.24 ÷ 6.6 = 0.94
That is 94 cents for every thousand people that watch the video.
I will show you a different way to do this where you can get 10 times as much ad revenue.
Multiple ad breaks
First, what I need to show you is the key step to take.
Now, you'll notice that after three years on YouTube I was such a noob, I did not put any multiple ad breaks into this video.
Look at that! The whole hour, I didn't even put one.
You could watch one ad before the video and that's it. What I'll do right now is show you a key step to get more ad revenue. You can put ads in every 8 minutes or so if you want to really just advertise the heck out of everyone watching the video, 10 minutes can work good. You can put them in 5 minutes. You can do whatever you want, it's your YouTube channel.
I like to do about every 10 minutes or so because that's enough to really annoy the heck out of someone not using an ad blocker and to earn a good amount of ad revenue.
Sometimes viewers want to give back by watching ads. Now, that's plenty to give back. What I just did will help a lot to increase the ad revenue on this video, but for the last year, I did not do that. I was simply too lazy.
You can put multiple ad breaks into a video, but that's only going to increase the income about twice as much though. What I'm showing you here is the combination of steps that when all of them are worked together, you can increase your ad revenue 10 times. Any of them individually will not do it.
Inserting ad breaks is a critical part to get more views. Now, you have to notice, to begin with, that this is an hour-and-a-half video, so you obviously need longer videos to do this, putting 8 ad breaks in your 10-minute-long videos will probably not going to do the same as putting 8 ad breaks into an hour-and-a-half long video. Longer videos that people spend more time watching rank longer on YouTube, especially because a lot of us are lazy.
We start watching a video, we get up and go to the bathroom, we go drive and pick up our wife, family, girlfriend, or whoever we're going to pick up. Then we come back, "Oops, that hour-and-a-half long YouTube video is still playing."
That's an important secret for ranking extra, make longer videos and put ad breaks in them. However, that by itself will not do this.
This first video did not have multiple ad breaks, but the next one I'm about to show you did have multiple ad breaks and it only earned twice as much. The video is "Can a pro coach help me get out of bronze in League of Legends?"
I just threw this up there, thought nothing of it and it went viral all on its own, hundreds of thousands of views, 253,000 views this year, even though I don't even play League of Legends anymore, and $500 in ad revenue.
Now, let's see how much that adds up to:
500 ÷ 253.9 = 1.96
That's $1.96 per thousand views. That's twice as good as the last one and the only key difference on this is that I inserted multiple ad breaks.
If I open the video and go to the monetization section, you'll see that I did, in fact, insert multiple ad breaks into this video, starting at 6 minutes, then 13, 21, etc…
You can see that I put a total of six ad breaks in this video. Now, all the other things were approximately equal on these two videos. Yes, this video got more views, but the difference in inserting those ad breaks by themselves is only about twice as much.
You can see that the average view duration is significantly longer on this video as well. The audience is likely to get through two ads instead of just one, but still, on both of these examples, I haven't shown you anything that's going to get a 10x increase by itself.
You need to know these first steps in order to work up to the next one.
Now, I'll show you a big part of the next one.
Are you ready?
Whoops, that's the best part for last.
Find your valuable audience
Now, let's look at another video I just did.
This is called "8 Cryptocurrency Exchanges for Buying and Selling Fiat like US Dollars to Bitcoin and Ethereum."
Now, this video has 23,000 views, and $85 in ad revenue.
Let's do the math on that one:
85 ÷ 23.5 = 3.64
This is earning $3.64 per thousand views, even though I was too lazy to put any ad breaks at all in this video, which is 35 minutes long.
This video average view time is 6 minutes 50 seconds. It has a longer average view time than the first video, which was 4 minutes 08 seconds, just by a little bit, but notice the difference in revenue.
The first video has 6,682 views and this one has 23,000 views and this is a huge difference in ad revenue. The key with this video is, who is watching this video?
How valuable is this audience in Google AdWords for video, which is where advertisers are paying the money to advertise videos just like me?
I'm advertising videos.
"Jerry, why do you talk so loud all the time?"
Because I'm excited. This is exciting. I do this full time. I can do whatever I want every day. This is a very exciting subject, especially if you're stuck doing something you don't like. You can do stuff you love like I do every single day if you understand this very simple 10x revenue formula. Wow!
So we have on this video 23,000 views for $85. All videos are not created equal on YouTube. I will show you a quick difference here now.
Look, see the title of this one? What is this one about?
I don't know.
What is a cryptocurrency, fiat, Bitcoin? What is all that?
These are topics that are very new and exciting in the technology world.
Cryptocurrencies are digital currencies, they are like money managed by users and communities, and servers online instead of by governments. Bitcoin and Ethereum are two of the most valuable ones. I will tell you for the thousand time about the one I'm most excited about at the end.
That is a technical and scientific tutorial on something that people are really excited and need information about.
Now, this is a video game tutorial.
This video here is less of a tutorial and more of me just talking about how I found God while I play Destiny.
Therefore, exactly what is in the video is critical to how long it gets watched, it's also critical to how much ad revenue it's worth.
You can see that every audience is not created equal, the users watching the 8 Cryptocurrency Exchanges video are way more valuable in terms of competition for advertising dollars than the users watching gaming videos.
Gaming videos are one of the very worst lowest paying niches you can work on YouTube. If you're trying to make a full-time income on YouTube, you need a disgusting amount of views on video game videos while you need a relatively modest amount of views on things like the Cryptocurrency video.
For example, to make $85 on a gaming video like the Destiny Gameplay video, I would have to get over 60,000 views.
On the League of Legends video, I got 253,000 views and I've made $500. On the Cryptocurrency video, if I had 10 times as many views, I'd make over $800 and that's with no ad breaks in this video.
As a matter of fact, I'm going to put some ad breaks in this video, right now. The average view is six minutes. Let's put an ad break in at five, and then we'll put some more ad breaks in here.
This video earned more money without even using multiple ad breaks. I didn't even put all these strategies together.
The audience here is so valuable in terms of competition that this earned more than these longer videos, with the gaming tutorial one having a bunch more ad breaks and the Destiny one, the longest video, which is having the least valuable audience.
The 10x example
Now, let's put all of this together into something that people absolutely love.
Are you ready?
"Yes, Jerry! After 10 minutes, please God show me the 10x example."
Here it is.
Now, this video is my baby!
152,879 views and $2,759 in ad revenue.
I'm crushing it with the ad revenue here.
Let's do the math on this one.
Are you ready?
2,759.53 ÷ 152.879 = 18
Is that even correct?
That is ridiculous.
After recalculating I still find $18 per thousand views on this video.
I should have said, "18x ad revenue" on the title.
That is 18 times better than the Destiny video I showed. It's 9 times better than the League of Legend video, which has gone viral with hundreds of thousands of views and has multiple ad breaks.
It's even about 6 times better than the Cryptocurrency video.
Now, I'll show you the magic.
This video is called "Best Facebook Marketing Tutorial Ever for 2017!", epic hype, I know.
I'll show you exactly how I was able to get this done. The video has 1.5 million minutes watched, an average view duration of almost 10 minutes, a very valuable audience.
It has thousands of shares, thousands of likes, a few hundred dislikes, hundreds of comments, thousands of additions to playlist, a global audience and suggested videos all over YouTube here.
If you want to do full time on YouTube, this is the type of videos you want to do: complete and really helpful tutorial videos.
Now, it helps to also do a combination, to do different kinds of vlog type videos, to do shorter and longer tutorials, but this is the gold standard right here. If you just make one video like this every month, you're looking at making $2,000 plus on average per video. If you pump one of those out every month, you're looking at earning of enough to do YouTube part time or full time depending on where you are at.
Now, let's take a look at this video and see what I did.
First, I did do the multiple ad breaks and that means people are often going through at least two, if not three or four ads on this video.
Now, this is Facebook Marketing, a competitive topic for advertisers, this is a big dollar item the advertisers really want to get people who are learning about Facebook marketing to come find their products because if you're learning about Facebook marketing you likely have some disposable income, you likely can be sold a lot of business services, you can be sold all kinds of services on YouTube through ads that advertisers are trying to promote.
Therefore, this is one of those videos insanely competitive audience from the point of view of the amount of people watching versus the amount of ad dollars.
The problem with things like League of Legends videos is that there is very few ad dollars relative to the amount of viewers. There are tons of viewers and a modest amount of ad dollars. Meanwhile, there are lots of ad dollars on the Facebook Marketing topic, and then there's relatively small amounts of viewers. This is the top Facebook marketing video last I've seen with 152,879 views.
Meanwhile, this League of Legends video is just another League of Legends video with hundreds of thousands of views.
There are tons of them.
Being at the top of something is likely to pay a whole lot better also than being just another one in a big pile. Therefore, the topic you choose is huge on YouTube when you combine that with adding ad breaks in your videos, repeatedly doing tutorials on the same subject and making something timely.
What helped this video is that I made a tutorial in November 2016, that I hoped would be good for all of 2017. I made a tutorial that helped people see that it was more updated than all the other ones, and that helps it stand out from the competition.
By comparison, this League of Legends video is way outdated now, but you can't tell that in the title right away. It was done in March 30, 2016, it's over a year and a half later, League of Legends is way different by now, but you can't tell that in the title.
On the Facebook Marketing video, you will be able to tell it's outdated soon, and what I will do is make the "Best Facebook Marketing Tutorial Ever for 2018" relatively soon.
I've been doing tutorials now on Facebook for years and what often happens is when you've been watching the same person for years you will intentionally look for their tutorials in the search results, you will be much more likely to click on tutorials.
Therefore, if you want to get the 10x ad revenue you need to pick a subject that has a low amount of views and a high amount of ad dollars. These tend to be marketing subjects, advertising subjects, boring business and technical subjects, and I say, "boring" because this is all I used to think of them, but this is what I find fun now. This is what's exciting now and the key is to just follow your passion.
I started making Facebook tutorials because I looked around and said, "The tutorials that are up on YouTube are terrible. I'm doing things that are way ahead of what these guys on YouTube are showing," and now the YouTube tutorials are awesome because when I started doing my Facebook tutorials there were almost no good ones up.
I showed the very cutting edge, the very best of what I was doing and that brought the competition up. Other people were inspired then to show the very best of what they were doing and now there are really good Facebook tutorials. Along with mine, there are other ones showing lots of things that are very effective.
What I'll show you though is a big difference in this Facebook Marketing video versus a lot of my other ones.
One thing I do in this video is I'm not selling. I think I've my Patreon page up, but I don't make a point of selling a bunch in this video.
In a lot of my other videos, I've gotten more views and a lot less ad revenue. I've made a big point of selling all these courses, I've essentially used the video to try to make sales.
On the Facebook Marketing video, I just gave away tons of free coupons, I showed exactly what I was doing and that tends to get a lot better response out of users.
One of the things that will reduce the amount of ad revenue is doing things like trying to sell something in the middle or the beginning of a video.
If you give away something generous like for example, you put in the beginning of the video, "Hey, I'll give you a free consulting call if you go to this page on my website," or if you put up something that people really appreciate, "Here's free coupons to all my courses," it will help a lot.
That's what I did in this video, I gave out free coupons to all of my courses. I made this crazy offer and that helped me rank a whole lot better. You see, putting all of these things together allows for 10x ad revenue.
Therefore to summarize after 20 minutes, you want to insert ad breaks in bulk, but you also want to think about the topic you're going to do and the relative competition for the audience.
If you have the ability to do gaming videos, but you also have the ability to do different types of tutorials, you might want to go for a Facebook marketing or a Cryptocurrency tutorial. You might want to go for these ones that have more valuable audiences if you're looking to actually earn enough money like I do today to do YouTube full time.
I do YouTube full time and this helps me a lot with having a life that I love and enjoy. I get to do whatever I want all the time. It's like being a child and that's why I'm so excited, I want to help you do these same things with it.
More detail on the 10x video
I'll dissect this video a little bit more for you.
On this video, what I also did is put a full-length description here including pretty much a transcript for what I did in the video. I also have lots of related links in here including some that are outdated.
I also put lots of one-word tags to help this show up all over the place.
I also put a very clear thumbnail, so if you've ever seen my videos before, you recognize my face. That makes it easy if you've seen my videos once to pick me out and watch this video again.
It also makes it so that if you see more of my suggested videos after watching this, it's easier to get you to watch another one.
Also very simple, it has the Facebook logo and "Marketing 2017," it's not all fancy, it's a simple thumbnail, easy to make, easy to recognize, very effective at continuously getting a lot of views.
I took the time to put in lots of tags, write out a long description and think of a title that I would click on, and then very concisely and effectively communicates it.
Yes, I also hyped the title up, but that was my goal as well. My goal was to make this the very best Facebook marketing tutorial ever. I've watched some other Facebook marketing tutorials and I'm amazed at what garbage they are. They show things that stink, that don't work, that are useless, that waste time, that show services and products you don't need.
In my video, I showed all stuff you can do for free. I showed things I was actually doing and the key is to show stuff that's really good to really help someone out.
I hope this video has really helped you out because I've watched a lot of how-to YouTube stuff that's been crap, that's just been useless and put up all these little cheap tricks and strategies.
These are gold standard best practices, these are things to do really well. They're not cheap little tricks that try to trick your audience, this is giving a whole lot of value, communicating that value and doing it repeatedly.
Before I got this video to be the one, if not the top Facebook marketing tutorial, which has paid out a ton in ad revenue, what I also did was make Facebook tutorials for three years before this, and all those people who watched the earlier ones helped work up to it.
Bonus: Combining YouTube and Steemit
Now, to reward you for reading or watching all the way to the end, I will show you what actually is working even better than YouTube today. This is working way better than YouTube and it works perfectly as the symbiotic relationship with YouTube.
My entire YouTube channel earns about $2,000 a month almost all on tutorial videos and then a little bit on my new blog post.
This is my blog at https://steemit.com/@jerrybanfield and if you do the math, I'm earning $200 or $300 a day making blog posts on Steemit, which is $6,000 to $10,000 a month.
I just started my Steemit blog in May 2017, and it is October 2017. Now, I started my YouTube channel in 2011. Steemit.com is the blogging solution I've been looking for. The ideal scenario, this is what I'm doing now with most of all my new videos including this one.
I make my videos first because as you can tell it's very easy for me to just talk, talk and talk, it comes naturally. I've got 33 years or so of talking practice.
It's much easier than writing, which by comparison I have much less practice and time doing. Therefore talking comes naturally. It's very easy for me to just pull my screen up. I actually know about this stuff, so I don't need to sit there and make a PowerPoint out and try to pretend like I know it.
I know this stuff so I can literally just pull the windows up and tell it to you off the top of my head like you're my mother watching over my shoulder and saying, "Well, what are you doing? How do you do this?" and I could just literally sit here and show you and describe it. It's really ridiculously easy.
I use Wirecast. I don't even have to edit it.
"I'm not editing this."
"You should!"
"I won't. I will not edit this at all. I will put this up like it is."
Imagine, you went through school, did the teachers sit there and say, "Hold on, I need to edit this lecture I'm giving you in ninth grade science?"
No, that's not natural!
All this editing and fake stuff is weird. It's fun to watch someone live to tell stuff that they know straight from their heart without editing it and cutting out all the life then.
So, I literally just talk, pull the screen up to show various things, it takes like 5 or 10 minutes to prepare, and then I get a transcription of the video, I have a friend who edit it and put it into a blog post, and now here we go, look at this one.
This was a video I just did, "What's an initial coin offering?" and you can see the blog post here.
Look at this beautiful blog post. It's a beautiful blog post. Look how long this thing is and this has a good chance to rank in Google search. This is very shareable on Twitter and on Facebook. I already made a video, and then $159 in 13 hours.
This works way better than using YouTube by itself because what happens with this, if you really want to 10x your income, this is a positive reinforcement loop.
Let me show you what happens with this. Let's say you're googling and you're trying to find something about initial coin offering. You find this post I made, and then you realize, "Oh, this guy has videos as well." You get to the end of the post and you realize that there's a video on here too, so you go over to YouTube and start watching there.
It works the opposite way as well because if you've watched this video on YouTube you can see that there is also a blog, "Oh, he makes videos and he's got a blog."
I actually don't watch other people's videos that often. I mostly still read blog posts. Blog posts are still the standard for communicating and teaching online.
Therefore, if you combine making videos with an outstanding blog that has built-in monetization, you can achieve great results.
How am I getting this money?
This is on Steemit. I've made a bunch of posts about this. The basic idea is that it is a cryptocurrency, a digital currency similar to Bitcoin except that Steem will be number one, there's no reason to use Bitcoin, Etherium or any other currency as long as Steem is around.
Steem is 10 times better, instant transactions, 3 seconds every time, unless a block is missed by a witness, then it's 6 seconds, and no fees.
Yes, Bitcoin, nasty fees, it can take 20 to 30 plus minutes sometimes to confirm, splitting all over. The Ethereum network has all these problems and they take a fee. Litecoin takes fees. Dash takes fees and transactions are not any faster than Etherium or Litecoin.
Guess what?
Steem, three-second transactions, no fees, easy account name, built-in monetization on a cryptocurrency, and even if you don't make any money at all, Steem has a way higher page rank than I will ever get on my own blog, allowing me to rank very high.
Not only that, here's a good example, 185 comments on this post. That's more than I get on most of my YouTube videos within the first 24 hours.
The comments help it rank even higher when you put all of this together. I'm grateful I make ten plus thousand dollars a month doing videos on whatever I want to do, mostly tutorials as much as I can, but you can see that I do videos on all different things, and I started off from not knowing what I was doing.
I started off doing almost everything you could do wrong and I'm giving you the best of what I've learned in six years. You've got it in 30 minutes here if you watch the video and even less if your read the blog post.
I've given you a clear formula to 10x your ad revenue, and then on top of that, to double again, if not triple, or 10x again the amount you're earning on YouTube by converting these videos to blog posts on Steemit.
I hope I've given you fantastic value here because I know if I help you, you will help me. If I do something really helpful for you, I know you'll leave a like on the video. There's no question. If this video blows you away, inspires you, and shows you some amazing things, I'm certain you'll leave a like on it. I don't even need to ask. But hey, I'll ask anyway:
"Would you please leave a like on this video if you loved it because you'll feel good about leaving the like and giving something back."
If you love this and want more, would you please subscribe because that makes it easier to see new videos on YouTube and to remember next time you see me in search results, "Oh, I did want to watch this again."
I hope this has been useful for you.
I show up every day and try to give you the very best help I can. I try to share the things that I've learned and I hope will be the very most helpful for you.
I love you. You are awesome.
Thank you for reading all the way to the end and I hope to see you again on YouTube or on Steem.
Final words
Thank you very much for reading this post, which was originally filmed as the video below!
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Jerry Banfield with edits by @gmichelbkk on the transcript by GoTranscript
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PS: Would you please make a vote for jerrybanfield as a witness or set jerrybanfield as a proxy to handle all witness votes at https://steemit.com/~witnesses because 100% of the rewards I receive are spent advertising Steem? Thank you to the 1617 accounts voting for me as a witness, the 718M VESTS assigned from users trusting me to make all witness votes by setting me as proxy, and @followbtcnews for making these .gif images!
I have been thinking since a long time that how do you earn hundreds of USD on your every post here, but man you're awesome you always do hard work to earn these rewards.. you deserve it!
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yes I said the same thing on his articles, it motivates us a lot, frankly it's the first time I find a post on youtube, few people can give us valuable information like that
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People don't understand how much patience time and knowledge goes into making youtube videos and then earning from that.
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Muhammad thank you for your encouragement here!
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WOW I see that first your popular YouTube videos was without you. In those videos girl speaks about relationship. 5 + videos 1 minutes long. Who is she?
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Great tutorial
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Interesting. I didn't know different topic got different ad venue.
Thanks for posting this :)
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You're welcome Tomas! I am happy it was helpful!
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thank youu jerry i love your work you are amazing you are my idol i joined steemit just because of you of your videos ,you led me and thousands of people to here keep going keep your great work on and thank you so much
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Tracy thank you for joining us here and letting us know how you found our community!
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Thanks @jerrybanfield . As always great inputs to improve over earnings. By the way, I asked you a question regarding the ACTIVE KEY. To you and to @steemitguide . Hope you find it in the comments section, I made it about 30 minutes ago. Thanks for your help on that one. @gold84
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What is the first thing to do when you see Jerry's post...upvote 100% than enjoy the reading LOL
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Downvoting a post can decrease pending rewards and make it less visible. Common reasons:
Put your work pants off, make a tea and relax. Get ready to discower some usefull things))
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yes you're right, even if we can do 200% we have to do it, because it really deserves
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Thanks for sharing.
I have one question: How much time do you invest in blogging? How many hours a day?
Thanks in advance
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@bayuya after six years of blogging and making videos along with equipment that makes it very easy and help with the transcription of the videos by @deniskj and editing by @gmichelbkk it takes me about $20 to $50 a day for the help plus an hour to four hours a day 7 days a week to make the videos and posts!
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Thanks for quick reply.
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Very valuable! Thx for it. Your stuff is always a bit long in my book and hard to read the whole thing. So sometimes i would appreciate it to be just a little shorter.
But i really appreciate the valuable and good content u provide. I also appreciate u upvoting me!
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thanks! this really helps me
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Secret for more viewers? just create more followers on other social and "spam" them with your video eheh
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Downvoting a post can decrease pending rewards and make it less visible. Common reasons:
How long did it take you to put all the content together for this post? If this post was food, it would be 12 inch tall BBQ brisket sandwich that is hard to eat because there is so much 'goodness' falling out the sides onto your shirt...
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I would say when it comes to how often you want to have ad breaks, youtube content creators seem to be getting better at it! I have seen content creators make sure their ad breaks come exactly at moment which are in-line with their content such that it does not disrupt the flow of the content itself. It is definitely important to work it into your content properly and not simply drop ad breaks at random and too often as it can definitely irritate a potential long-term suscriber. You definitely don't want that.
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nice that we have a nice comunity :)
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You are a genius jerry :D
love this energy you are spreading
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@jerrybanfield You are AWESOME Dude. I have always enjoyed reading your BLOG and watching some of your videos. The Things you do to help others improve their lives are your GIFT. One day at a Time you help me. What I Love about anyone who is been on STEEMIT even for a month or two is enjoying the benefits of implementing what you have so FREELY Shared..............I am Grateful Today that you are my Friend, even if we have not met yet in person. Have a Blessed day, I know you will..........
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You're lucky living in US.
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yeah, other world are suffering to earn one dollar online, clicking ads or doing very hard work to earn those cents ! Erning money online is easy if you life in us
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But also for them 1$ is nothing, They need 2000$ + per month. I will be happy if I make 100$ per month.
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Hey @jerrybanfield I really enjoy your content and commentary and the huge amount of people you're getting onto Steemit! (:
I mentioned you as one of my Top 7 Crypto-Youtubers who are also Steemians, check out the part where I mentioned you (: Glad you have you here on Steemit!
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Verry, verry valuable post. Thank s.
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Steemit.com is losing market share because the website has not been functioning for 3 weeks.
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It's a little better today. I had been using steemitstage.com, where devs test their new code, and it was okay until yesterday or the day before. This morning was horrible, I switched to busy.org but prefer this interface. Right now I'm back on steemit.com and it's been stable so far.
Also I really like the "Steemit More Info" browser plugin, which shows a bunch of additional info on profiles, vote tallies, etc.
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I couldn't get in for 3 hours.
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Jerry, you have just become Cool Kid Approved. Learned so much from this post that I can do here on Steemit that I will be applying here when it take off >> https://steemit.com/introduceyourself/@coolkidapproved/help-me-bring-kids-to-steemit - So thank you! Upvoted!
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I have been thinking since quite a while that how would you acquire many USD on your each post here, however man you're amazing you generally do diligent work to win these prizes.. you merit it!
still looking out,
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Stunning, I'm awed. There are entirely parcel of new stuff I haven't thought of, despite the fact that I generally think I know officially "enough".
Nothing is sufficient, never.
We ought to dependably keep eyes open to learn new :)
A debt of gratitude is in order for the post.
please help upvote me post/..
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@jerrybanfield Your post is very interesting for many people, just wait, they will show attention to your post, you have made many people jealous.
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I found your post very useful, @jerrybanfield! Keep up the good work ;)
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Helpfull @jerrybanfield
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@jerrybanfield Great stuff man! I feel like with this information I can pump up my ad revenue on my YouTube channels as well! Thanks man!
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hey friend I have watched almost all your post videos and I am following your strategy to earn in steemit..and I am improving..thanks for the help friend you are doing a great job..god bless you..great post again..
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Very clever!
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thanks but i cant get more view from videos 10 to 20 view per day is there any way to increase this please @jerrybanfield
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This post was seriously long. Almost like a chapter in a book. A lot of information that is valuable for us Youtubers. We do not make much ON YouTube or Steemit but we are definitely making more on Steemit and finding it a lot easier to do than shooting and editing out videos. Hoping that Steemit will be everything it is set out to be.
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I knew I did well when I started to follow you.
Thank you so much for your advices I hope this help me on my youtube channel.
Your Post are really great!!!
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I've been following you for a while now
And I am very grateful to learn from you
Thank you very much!
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I m not a that much Youtuber :(
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thanks but i cant get more view from videos 10 to 20 view per day is there any way to increase this please @jerrybanfield
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Best mathod earning for youtube thankx sheare your experiance good job !!!
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Thank you so much.. What a dedication and a brilliant post... but for me youtube is another league.. Let me first start with some steemit votes to break even on my witness server and from there try to keep improving.. thx
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Earn and learn.
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Interessting. Resteemt
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Wow, I'm impressed. There are actually a lot of new stuff I haven't even thought of, even though I usually think I know already "enough".
Nothing is enough, never.
We should always keep eyes open to learn new :)
Thanks for the post.
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u got to suck in all that info, the more u know the better u are off.
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Good point dang and nice to see you're still alive and well :)
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Thanks jerry!
Really very helpful information
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Nice post
follow me for follow back
Please upvote all my post.
for upvote back
Thank you.........
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Thank you for always being willing to share your secrets with us @jerrybanfield! I am not a youtuber, however I found this post to be interesting and fun to read! I appreciate the way you hit topics from multiple angles, so users from all sorts of backgrounds can catch the flow! I'll definitely be sharing this with my friends who are making the trek in the youtube world, thank you for the great information/tips!
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Money, money, money. All the time just talk about money. Tell me how much money do you earn in a month @jerrybanfield from all combined?
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I love your work and the detail you go into in order for me to "get" it. Simple as that. I have been on YT for awhile and just started this. I am not a tutorial person but have "interesting" conversation on my channel.
Your teachings are what are needed to make it happen long term and that is my goal.
Thank you.
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YouTube monetization works until you get demonetized.
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is it windy in vegas now?
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You're doing great job, man. Keep it, up :) and this is my first comment on this website. I registered here after watching your video and got interested in. It's really cool idea that social network actually pays its members for being active there. Thank you, man
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Once again, Jerry hits the ball out of the park. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us!
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I usually just roll with the auto ad settings on YouTube. I'm not a fan of adding in the mid-roll ads, but interesting to see how much they boost your ad revenue. Maybe it's something I'll play around with for my evergreen video content
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your posts are always interesting and motivating, thank you very much for your effort to encourage us
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That was a longer article & surprising no adverts!
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post that is useful jerry.
you write it long enough. but to share is not a problem
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great video
I love your subjects a lot
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Yes, Again adding tons of value to the community, every time I see your post I think to myself what else can I learn from this guy? And it all comes around to what you love to do, that comes from the heart, Love and trust is what comes out.
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i like you jerry
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This post has been ranked within the top 10 most undervalued posts in the second half of Oct 20. We estimate that this post is undervalued by $124.92 as compared to a scenario in which every voter had an equal say.
See the full rankings and details in The Daily Tribune: Oct 20 - Part II. You can also read about some of our methodology, data analysis and technical details in our initial post.
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I am very new at this and must say that I have never thought that I should find articles here with such insight and details.
You are covering so many aspects of it that I have never thought about.
Thank you very much.
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yess...you can do it....you are awesome and you are really hard worker ......your success story help me to do hard work.....keep it up
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Thanks for sharing.
I have one question: How much time do you invest in blogging? How many hours a day?
Thanks in advance
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follow me for follow back
Please upvote all my post.
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Thank you.........
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Thnks for info
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Good post @jerrybanfield
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I need time to apply these things, so much to enjoy from steemit blogging. Thanks for sharing this information. You are special @jerrybanfield.
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good news, i upvote u and you upvote me . please.......
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@jerrybanfield and everyone here please I need your at the same time please read this to avoid loses https://steemit.com/steemit/@polaleye50/luno-com-wallet-security-bridge-my-bitcoin-just-got-stolen-from-luno-com-account-am-in-trouble-as-my-money-is-gone-b
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Do you feel sad about losing 150k followers on a site you were banned from?
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Congratulations @jerrybanfield!
Your post was mentioned in the hit parade in the following category:
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Congratulations @jerrybanfield!
Your post was mentioned in the hit parade in the following categories:
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but you forgot about iota ;)
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Very nice outline. I've found that social media in general helps promote views and potential ad revenue as well. I really enjoy using Minds as we can boost our post. I've not tried doing a YouTube Campaign, however I've heard some decent success from that.
Granted, if you're an experienced YouTuber you know that the real money comes from doing affiliate marketing, sponsorship's, endorsements and outsourcing your talents (ebooks, personal coaching and Merchandise.). AdRevenue is one of the more convenient ways of earning.
Keep up the great work Jerry.
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Very nice outline. I've found that social media in general helps promote views and potential ad revenue as well. I really enjoy using Minds as we can boost our post. I've not tried doing a YouTube Campaign, however I've heard some decent success from that.
Granted, if you're an experienced YouTuber you know that the real money comes from doing affiliate marketing, sponsorship's, endorsements and outsourcing your talents (ebooks, personal coaching and Merchandise.). AdRevenue is one of the more convenient ways of earning.
Keep up the great work Jerry.
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Very nice outline. I've found that social media in general helps promote views and potential ad revenue as well. I really enjoy using Minds as we can boost our post. I've not tried doing a YouTube Campaign, however I've heard some decent success from that.
Granted, if you're an experienced YouTuber you know that the real money comes from doing affiliate marketing, sponsorship's, endorsements and outsourcing your talents (ebooks, personal coaching and Merchandise.). AdRevenue is one of the more convenient ways of earning.
Keep up the great work Jerry.
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Hi @jerrybanefield!
I'm happy to include this post in the next CTR Crossword Puzzle No.-6. This post will be linked in all related CTR Crossword posts . All participants for this puzzle will land on this post to find their answers to it
Thank you for creating awesome content which is just perfect for our participants!
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Wonderful post, it was really intriguing! If you’re looking for a new Steemit friend, feel free to follow me and I’ll follow back!
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thank you my youtube channel barely has 400 views lol
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great post. thanks @jerrybanfield
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very informative
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thank you jerry!
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interesante para incrementar los ingresos de forma inteligente
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AM the 100th comment so please upvote my post 100% please
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I didn't realise...thanks
Follow me
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Good research
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Jerry, I was already following you when I was still in internet marketing, and I was delighted to discover your blog here on SteemIt just now.
Great tips in this article (as always), and I'm definitely going to take this info with me. I'm putting together a plan already :-)
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