
in youtube •  3 months ago 

YouTube didn't let me appeal for the suspension of my Gmail email account [email protected], the form did not work, Google said they couldn't find my account as seen in this screenshot. 381/ A person simply got to get a person with a higher role to trust them enough to give them a higher role in our Discord Server; perhaps if you knew somebody in real life, you might promote them based off knowing what kind of person they really are; sometimes you can give people higher roles to see.

Number one cause of polio in India is the Bill Gates live polio vaccines said Alex Jones, I hope Trump, Vivek, Elon Musk and RFK JR try their best to stop these mad scientists.

Star Wars Skeleton Crew is good, last tomato cage put away, mail delivered to Neil, shower; videos: say hello to new people who join our Discord Server video, YouTube restored JoeyArnold7 yesterday video, I was a waiter in 2004 in New York ten-minute video; watched: Scott Adams - Episode 2677, Skeleton Crew 101-102, Alex Jones, Democratic Party In CIVIL WAR Over Loss To Trump, Liberal Media BREAKS w/Cenk Uygur, Piers Morgan - “Dems Made A Deal With The DEVIL!” Ana Kasparian SLAMS Her Old Party Feat. Victor Davis Hanson, Star Wars Theory - The Skeleton Crew Breakdown and Review Episodes 1 and 2 - I Like This, Thor Skywalker - Redefining what “Star Wars is for all ages” really means


Screenshot at 2024-12-03 22-11-44.png
Star Wars Skeleton Crew

Oatmeal Daily - 2024-12-03 - Tuesday | Published in December of 2024


Discord Screenshot at 2024-09-01 00-04-34.png

Join my Discord Server

In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.


INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg

Discord Drama

2024-12-03 - Tuesday - 12:09 AM - Discord Log

381/ A person simply got to get a person with a higher role to trust them enough to give them a higher role; perhaps if you knew somebody in real life, you might promote them based off knowing what kind of person they really are; sometimes you can give people higher roles to see. 382/ Alliana, dang girl, PLATONICALLY is a funny word, I think of Plato, Socrates, and platonic plates. 383/ No matter how many times I try to tell people everything I do, most people are like Reckless, most people are like bro just do his Discord Server and nothing else; they pretend as if I don't have so much content of my life on so many websites that would cause heads to spin. 384/ I only got 25 followers? Are you sure? 385/ Alliana, your prime directive should be to have fun and/or run the server and/or whatever floats your boat; try to promote people who promote good people; try to demote people who promote bad people; demote those who make bad choices or mute unfairly. 386/ Everybody should promote/demote everybody because it's fun, you learn through trial and error; you get to discover people like Spike who will fold under pressure and leave; it get's people to be more active in trying to level up; I turned the server into a game to spike it. 387/ Caddy should be demoted for lying about me. 388/ Can we like demote anybody and everybody under the age like 20 years old to below the admin role? 389/ Can we demote anybody who we don't absolutely know how old they are or anybody we don't trust with very like super duper high roles? Like why not demote anybody who is not super verified and confirmed and authenticated and fact checked and sponsored and vetted and much more? 390/ Alliana has a high role because she tries to listen to what I say which most people barely even scratch the surface while pretending to sort of hear me and yet they tend to take me out of context and more; most people in the server probably should be kept below admin. 391/ I prefer promoting the best of the best meaning people who are helping people the most in a variety of ways via websites, videos, services, products, memes, books, articles, missionaries, work, charity, foundations, money, businesses, influence, social media and so on. 392/ Why not take it at a case by case basis meaning just audit the highest roles first and work your way down; knowing who to demote is a skill that can be developed like muscle memory if you know what you're looking for. 393/ We believe in you in promoting and demoting people up and down to and from any and all roles; I'm simply the training wheel that you gotta knock off to ride this bike; I want this server to thrive with or without my help; it takes a lot of wisdom to make tough decisions. 394/ One of the reasons I stopped messaging in our Discord Server was the fact that over 99.9999% percent of the people in the server would generally ignore almost everything I would say most of the time making my time in the server perhaps way too excessively counter-productive. 395/ Stop stalking my Twitter everybody. 396/ If our server started organically growing by itself at a fast enough pace without my help, if it was exponential enough, consistently, at an accelerated rate, then I'd come back right now or as soon as there was evidence of that momentum of the snowball butterfly dominoes. oatmeal-Lb5F.aternos.me.

397/ YouTube
2017 - Ojawall banned
2018 - Joeyarnoldvn banned
2022 - JoeyArnold7 banned
2023 - JoeyArnoldVN restored
2024 - JoeyArnold7 restored
2025 - Ojawall?????????

02:18 AM
398/ Pepsi Man might be ok to the extent we trust Gologtha Retr0 who I demoted; not sure what role Pepsi should have; older people might make better decisions and perhaps could be trusted more; but sometimes younger people can too but generally not so much. 399/ I think Golgotha Retr0 made a few bad decisions at times but he might be like 27 years old; but it's like young people can sometimes be wise and be promoted; and sometimes even a 78 year old can be a horrible person and should be like demoted big time to super low roles. 400/ Alliana, good work. 01:47 PM: 401/ Boosting the server does not get more people to join and does not help me with my Oatmeal Demands. 05:37 PM: 402/ My recommendation is to promote those who do NOT want promotion and not those who want promotion because that is the paradox of political power; usually in world history, it's those who don't want it who should have it; often times, it is the terrible people who want power. 08:52 PM: 403/ This is fake news, the best of the best are promoted, just include links in your Discord, have podcasts, videos, audio, photos, art, websites, social media, charity, GIFs, memes, work, activities, resumes, portfolios, evidence, proof, support, references, and/or many things. 404/ No, I'm not saying you have to like ALWAYS verify age but instead use it as an excuse to demote or not promote people to roles that might be too high but remember that there are sometimes exceptions to alleged age requirements for certain roles because there are many factors. 405/ My IQ was 78 but is probably a lot lower now as that was many years ago, I should probably publish articles and upload videos going over the documents, the letters from the doctors who gave me that IQ back in the day. 406/ Top meme masters might be promoted sometimes, feel free to promote them. 407/ Why is nobody promoting Cobba. 408/ don't hate the player, hate the game. 409/ it's a scavenger hunt, diving in for them eggs. 410/ haha. 411/ Most people in the server don't care about what I say, they don't really follow me. 412/ This thread is not really my blog which proves my point you're full of shit. 413/ If thousands of people were watching me all of the time, I'd probably start going live on all the websites like everyday like all the time and become Pewdiepie but with glasses and a hot wife in Japan. 414/ I started using the Internet around 1995, I've had many blogs on many websites over the years, so it can be hard to summarize at times as I've been all over the place with multiple diaries, channels, accounts, and what not; we're talking almost 30 years of stuff online. 415/ My main daily blog is currently posted to the following six main websites or blockchains: Hive, Blurt, Steemit, Serey, Locals of Dave Rubin or Rumble Dot Com, Read Cash; I generally try to syndicate and mirror my journal to as many different sites as I can; it fluctuates. 416/ Cool people are exempt from being required to be active which actually I don't really require people to be active but it's cool when people want to be active out of their own God-damn free will baby. 417/ Don't tell anybody for the first time ever, people are free to promote and demote everybody to and from all the roles for any reason, I no longer care, I only made a big deal to teach a lesson that making bad choices will likely destroy the server haha, good luck everybody. 418/ The Lord giveth and Lord taketh it away meaning people can give people whatever the Hell they want to give them, give people whatever roles you want to; but if the server goes to Hell, hey it wasn't my fault as the server is run by the people who sometimes can burn it down. 419/ People like me should be promoted, why not promote the coolest people and let the teletubbies hang with the furbies and gremlins in the Arnold Attic Basement. 420/ Spike must be high because I said people like me should be promoted, I did not say promote me, I said people like me, this is why Big Spike is an idiot or is playing some kind of weird game which is probably not fooling anybody. 421/ Cool people use their real name, real face, on multiple websites, they bridge the gap between online and offline content, they don't hide behind anonymous accounts; cool people are on Wikipedia, in books, on billboards, on television, in the real world; Big Spike is a fakey. 422/ I gave Alliana a higher role than Big Spike for a series of reasons, factors, things, you know, and also because Alliana made better choices and stuff; it's super complex to understand but Spike made bad choices which is likely not to change any time soon but you do you baby. 423/ Big Spike is trying to say he is all that and a bag of cheese and yet does not connect himself or herself to these probably imaginary wet dreams he must be having, these alleged theoretics are meaningless if they're not integrated into your essence and identity everywhere. 434/ Somebody give Spike a clown nose. 435/ Hey everybody, join my Discord Server to hang out with these trolls. 436/ I said I'm letting the people run the server which means people give people roles; that doesn't mean the roles people give is always justifiable. 437/ If Alliana promoted Caddy and if Caddy nuked the server say hypothetically speaking, I might not personally intervene but I hope maybe people with even higher roles than Alliana might if they feel like; this goes for everyone because the server is run by the people baby. 438/ But centralization is bad. 439/ I think the gods should be at least 50 years old or older, I mean like they got to be very old or something; too many idiots get super high roles and that is insane. 440/ Age is only one of the many things I care about but alleged age requirements is a lot easier to explain than the dozens of other factors. 441/ I'm the training wheels to your bike. 442/ I like people who are making the world greener one oatmeal at a time. 443/ Sock puppet accounts said I was cool, I made them super gods and they nuked this server multiple times over the years which is why promoting alts too high can lead to total destruction as it did this server many times over the years period baby. 444/ Check the naughty list channel in our server to see if Caddy and others are on there or use the search engine on Hive Blog and type Caddy joeyarnoldvn. 445/ I'd be tempted to promote people who have verified Twitter X accounts or super big channels on TikTok or really cool websites and blogs and so on; cool people who do cool things on many websites will probably be promoted. 446/ Actually not a new thing, I used to say this years ago before your time but nobody remembers this, I'm not saying don't promote people who want it; I'm saying people who want it might be a red flag so warning Will Robinson in Lost in Space. 447/ Every time you say girl, a fairy gets its wings. 448/ Age is only one of the criterias or factors in determining rank. 449/ I should get an honorable doctorate degree in trolling the trolls which I've been doing for years, the trolls in my server cannot believe I fought in the great troll wars years ago, I'm a God damn trolling trolls veteran on multiple levels as I've already said for many years. 450/ I used to change my name on Facebook in the 2000s like roughly 16+ years ago and over the years I would sometimes change my avatar profile picture to that of my friends to pretend to be them and trick people; I used to sometimes play pranks and stuff; I did many things. 441/ To imagine I used to do Kumon Math and now I can't even do basic counting, Spike for the win, I went from 423 to 434; let's blame it on dyslexia; Spike notices this but not other things, how odd.

Twitter Tweets

01:01 AM

Alex Jones talked about this, it is dangerous because they will try to make everybody have Internet IDs to access the Internet and then watch everybody and debank people.

01:37 AM
YouTube is trying to suspend me over Covid lies, @TeamYouTube needs to be taken to court over promoting medical misinformation which they said I spread which actually the reality is the inverse because the @WHO are monsters, see @RealAlexJones for more information. YouTube is suspending people over their own medical misinformation regarding Covid, they are suddenly going after videos of mine from 2020 that simple had screenshots of random things which YouTube said I can't even show screenshot of stuff, @elonmusk must cut the government funding of YouTube and people need to sue the Hell out of @TeamYouTube for illegally suspending my channels and thousands of my videos.

12:25 PM
Number one cause of polio in India is the Bill Gates live polio vaccines said Alex Jones, I hope Trump, Vivek, Elon Musk and RFK JR try their best to stop these mad scientists.

01:36 PM
Here is what Grok gave me, looks like I'm helping Elon Musk in the lab.

YouTube Suspended Ojawall in 2017
2024-12-03 - Tuesday - 06:37 PM - Banned Log - Forum

YouTube didn't let me appeal for the suspension of my Gmail email account [email protected], the form did not work, Google said they couldn't find my account as seen in this screenshot. Google did NOT let me appeal the suspension of my Gmail email account.

07:41 PM
Not only did YouTube suspend my channel, Google suspended my Gmail email account [email protected] preventing me from appealing either, I didn't have strikes, my videos and live streams were fair use and transformative, I was not always aware if there was copyrighted background music playing at cafes or McDonald's or other places in Vietnam, I was not given an opportunity to take NBC and other corporations to court; I received a few emails before my Gmail account was suspended; I wanted to take even ABC, CBS, and other big companies to court, I wanted a trial; Alphabet violated my 5th and 6th amendments of a right to a speedy trial, I've been waiting almost eight years since 2017 for Google to give me access to Google Takeout; the YouTube staff have been ghosting me for almost a decade; I simply need the ability to download my videos back; YouTube stole videos of my childhood that I can never get back; I want to sue YouTube over this attack. The above message goes out to corporations and companies who unfairly and probably illegally had my channel and email account suspended over my fair use transformative content which Google and YouTube did not let me appeal or take these billionaires to court, I want a trial, I tried to appeal for the past almost 8 years, but YouTube robbed me of my 5th and 6th amendment rights; corporations that may have been involved in getting my channel on YouTube suspended might include for example the following.


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2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg
My Adventure in Vietnam

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Skeleton Crew 101-102

2024-12-03 - Tuesday - 03:44 AM - Star Wars: Skeleton Crew 101-102

After Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, we see pirates invade a spaceship but there was no gold. On a planet are kids going to school. This is a unique look at how kids hop on a school bus in the Star Wars universe, teacher bots, and so on. Boy misses bus, takes his bike through the woods as a shortcut to take the test. Robot finds him. Dad is mad. He later goes back with his elephant friend to look at what might be a lost Jedi Temple and two girls follow them to loot it. It is a spaceship. It takes them to hyper space as dad watches. They go to a pirate planet that thinks their planet is a myth with gold. They get thrown in prison where they meet a Jedi or someone with force powers to grab the key.

Here is a list of what I'm watching

Timestamps generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Welcome to my Oatmeal Daily which is generally posted & syndicated to different websites daily by me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, feel free to mirror, edit, clip, reupload my content. For more information, see some of the links on this page or you can try to Google search or look me up using keywords like Oatmeal Joey Arnold @ joeyarnoldvn and other keywords. Try using different combinations of words in search engines for better results. Snack, 03:50 AM. Bed around 05:30 AM. Weird dreams I forget. Mom is watching Heartland. She made me yogurt with fruit in a blue cup. Awoke around 11:40 AM. RV videos: say hello to new people who join our Discord Server video, YouTube restored JoeyArnold7 yesterday video. Breakfast: 12:19 PM. Last tomato cage put away. Dishes around 02:30 PM. Big pot from outside put away. Mail delivered to Neil. Shower. RV video: I was a waiter in 2004 in New York ten-minute video. Lunch: skipped. Dinner: 05:25 PM. Helped mom get out her 3 vitamin boxes from under her bed which she combined into 2 boxes and then also got her out the plastic vitamin container from above the washer. Dishes. Back in around 08:00 PM. Food log: Snack: beef stew, 03:50 AM. Breakfast: coffee, 2 tangerines, yogurt with fruit in a blue cup which mom made, 12:19 PM. Lunch: skipped. Dinner: walnuts, last boiled egg from that jar in that red cooler, 05:25 PM. Tea.

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