Monetize your YouTube channel without having make videos

in youtube •  3 years ago 

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There are many people with videos that have hundreds of thousands, and sometimes millions of views show ads, but do they really make a lot of money? According to the latest news article, a girl who produces VIDS beauty tips must give up and return to 'real' work because they don't make it enough to live, even though many customers and views.

Why is this?

There may be several reasons, perhaps advertising targeting, the target market has little or no disposable income, maybe no secondary monetization or some other things. Most good video marketers will agree even though it is purely based on advertising revenue, making the amount of money that is decent solely through making videos can be a hit or Miss Exfair.

How can things be improved?

The first thing certainly doesn't rely on advertising revenue. Even Amazon Affiliate Links to Related Products or CPA Offers (Cash per Action) - Where someone clicks through a link to the site, entering simple non-personal (usually) details can produce several cents for a few dollars may increase endless income. Offers around the affiliate theme like this are abundant throughout the internet and far from being a way of marketing scam, they are just an extension of commission-based sales that have been familiar in the retail world since it began. This link will be placed in the description box or even in the comments section. Wherever they might attract attention.


Monetize your YouTube channel today--

Talking about attracting attention, it is something that must be done. At least 3 times in the video and maybe more if it's longer than average - at the beginning, center and in the end, even if only with text messages at the bottom of the screen although it's better if mentioned by the presenter. With the Youtube information system itself, these messages can even be direct links, so it is very easy for viewers to become prospects or customers. Only need to be said somewhere, that the link is present for something that is helpful or valuable for viewers.

This mentions, or known as 'calls to action' often lost, not only from videos but in many forms of other sales advertisements. You don't get enough of the reader or the audience is so stupid so they don't know what to do. They only need to remind sometimes and need encouragement in the right direction.

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From a long-term point of view, it is far better that viewers become email customers. Yes, Youtube has its own system, but only encourages the viewer back towards new video manufacturers, while email customers can be shown directly to new production, therefore it can be a good idea to encourage viewers to email squeeze pages, where gifts or gifts are offered in return for their email address. This usually means buying autoresponder services or letter management companies but it means that repetitive viewers can be contacted and given further details like and when producers see needs and not just when a audience happens through YouTube again.

So the answer is 'yes', it is possible to make money from YouTube, but it won't be a sporadic and tedious droplets of an advertising system that is sometimes random.
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