hey everybody I'm Jim this is Ricky and
we've been talking about niche sites a
lot on YouTube and a lot of you guys
have asked what we do for our content
making process I guess the thing I want
to get uh get across about making
content is too many people approach
their niche sites like a machine and you
know there is a process to be learned
and you can repeat them and and build
lots of them but if you approach your
very first niche site like a machine
you're just churning out content it
generally tends to be really low-quality
and so we have found on every niche site
we've built that we need to do at least
some of the writing because we care
about that site succeeding more than any
other writer we can hire and so I I
really do firmly believe that you're
gonna have a better success rate if
you're at least doing some of the
writing somebody who really cares about
that site CC yeah a lot of people ask
can i outsource my writing and the
answer is yes you can outsource a
percentage of it you could outsource all
of it but it's like Jim said nobody's
gonna care as much about your site as
you if you want if you want to come
across as genuine in your website which
I want you to come across as genuine
rather than just having a bunch of
product reviews which again we also
don't want you to just do that so if you
want to come across that way you need to
write a bunch of your content yourself
if you if you hire a copywriter to help
kind of fill in and you've kind of
outlined the article put in your own
photos and some things like that that's
that's probably okay and and this is
exactly why if you hire somebody else to
write reviews of hosting companies well
let's look we go to hosting advice.com
2017 s best hosting services 100% real
news so when you go to this website do
you is this 100% real no it looks like a
bunch of advertisement it does and I bet
they have not used 90% of these they
don't know you know they're they have
reviews from users but I'd bet the
majority of them are actually written by
who wrote as Sally Annette Alexandrian
cetera hey you can't if you want success
and you want people to buy the products
you link to on Amazon or whatever or
just like your site enough to come back
you got to do it with some love and you
can't make spammy crap so be authentic
and do at least some of the writing
yourself to help to get the website off
the ground it may be that these people
wrote these reviews and maybe they are a
hundred percent real reviews but the
problem is it looks like advertisements
it doesn't look I go to that website and
the fact that they have this really
consistent layout and you may look at
that and think well I'm gonna build that
in my website fashion it's very
professional it's easy to compare to
site or two of these companies but on
the other hand the fact that it's built
that way just makes it feel fake it
makes it feel like they're just trying
to sell me stuff yeah compare that to
that to this website it's mine I'm sorry
because me is a good example that sounds
uh not the best but you know I am not
afraid at all of somebody out ranking me
for a Yamaha TTR 50 review because I own
the bike there's a picture of my son on
the dirt bike
you know I've owned it I've spent time
with it when people go to this this
review they're gonna know it's authentic
and so it's gonna be hard for some
computer algorithm with AI to write this
blog post or somebody to hire somebody
in India to turn out some crud post
about this it's real and people can
recognize real that's right
okay know people know people have asked
us how do we come up with ideas for
articles first of all when you're coming
up with ideas I like to use a
brainstorming process similar to what
everybody uses you got to do something
to get the creative juices flowing but
and once the creative juices are flowing
they tend to flow so don't spend three
hours coming up with one topic and then
go write that article you're gonna waste
so much time just you know get yourself
in that mode come up with the idea and
then come up with thirty more ideas this
processes is
or you know the tool that we're talking
about is creating a hit list it's a hit
list of articles and you're gonna take
the time to come up with just maybe ten
at a time maybe twenty maybe fifty
article ideas all at once and what
that's gonna allow you to do is the next
day when you're like man I'm tired I'm
wiped out from coming up with all those
ideas yesterday what do I want to do
today oh I know I'm gonna write this
article because I already have the idea
so what do we do let's try to blog post
right now this is dirt bike planet this
is our website that we're working on
right now and we want to write a website
so you you don't ride dirt bikes
regularly yes so what's something you
wonder about a dirt bike something I
might wonder about a dirt bike is if I'm
a I know a little bit about dirt bikes
if I were a total beginner my questions
might be different so as a total
beginner I might be like how do you like
make the dirt bike go but that might be
a dumb question for dirt biking okay how
did you start how do you start a dirt
bike how do you I mean where's the gas
pedal I only drive carbs where's the gas
pedal oh that's fine yeah you want to
know I mean you have to hand brakes a
foot brake and the throttle it's not
like a car at some point you're gonna
have to learn what each of those do so
that's okay that's perfectly fine or
some of you guys got this old and
Grandpa's garage he's got a dirt bike
and I I can't get this thing started
yeah there's a degree how did how to
start a dirt bike when it's hard to
start yeah okay there you go so that's
that's my keyword if I want to kind of
find out more about it I just type this
in Google and then I come down here to
the related searches and now it says how
to kick-start a dirt bike how to start a
dirt bike without a kickstart aha so now
if somebody's got an electric dirtbike
they turned it on in the spring and I
like crud starter doesn't work what do I
do and you need to teach them how to
check to see if there's batteries if
it's the starter etc so we have like ten
different things here at different
articles we can write whatever we're
gonna take our idea how to start a dirt
bike when it's hard to start that's our
keyword that's our headline or how to
start a dirt bike when the battery's
yeah that's a great guy goo so how do I
he'll start or how do I push start a
dirtbike no I know about that because I
know a little bit of that so how do you
push start a dirtbike I learned about
this last week because I would have
thought you'd want to do this in first
year you want to grow the high gear for
this didn't know that so it needs a
tutorial and I've had to push start my
Road motorcycle on various occasions ok
so that's what we're gonna do now my
process for actual writing I think you'd
be the same thing is I start by doing
subheadings so I have that and so I can
explain in a few sentences what you do
put them into high gear pull in the
clutch run physically with the bike and
then let out the clutch and it should
start it up you should be ready to go
make sure the keys in the on position
even even though the battery's dead
and it should start so then my blog post
is like 100 words and you say I'm done
but we find that the long blog posts are
what really succeed those 3000-4000 ones
and so I just think what's the next
question I'm gonna ask the next question
is ok it started but how do I get the
battery working and so I the next
subheading is how to check to see if
your battery was dead what to do if your
kick starter is just out it's just not
working etc and I'll make those
different subheadings maybe I'll have
four or five subheadings and then I
simply just fill in the dots I just
explained between the subheadings what
to do it's really easy people we get
this all the time ok people say you tell
me it to write a long article you tell
me you have my article should be two
thousand words minimum 1,500 more like
2000 2500 words but on this topic I can
only write a 900 word article and I look
at the topic and I say or you can you
mean like this is a huge topic you could
write a ton yeah but I've already sort
of answered the question ok
but if you take the question think about
what are the next three questions that
are gonna be asked think about maybe the
caveats - so you know maybe there is and
I don't know this for sure but maybe for
dirt bikes
maybe there's a caveat to that whole
push start thing maybe certain types of
dirt bikes don't work the same way
maybe maybe kick starting in second gear
works better sometimes I
making this up then and and and there
could be like you know what are things I
need to check before I kids before I do
a push start to make sure the battery is
actually connected and will start
charging again once I ride these are all
topics that are all very very much
related to that original question and so
each one of those becomes a heading and
so when we say we create subheadings
essentially all we're doing is creating
an outline just like you did in high
school English if you took high school
English yeah that's all we're doing
we're creating an outline for our
article and then it's really easy to
write a whole bunch of little mini 300
word 200 word articles under each one of
the subheadings and whenever you run out
of ideas of what other questions
somebody might ask just google it we're
gonna type how to push start huh dirt
bike and then you go down here and we're
gonna do the same thing how to start
with no kick start without a clutch etc
and you say Oh without a clutch I
haven't covered that yet yeah and what
about how to push start a two-stroke
well three strokes and four strokes are
different mm-hmm I don't know if the
push starts different maybe maybe that's
some research Lou here's another phrase
never the stream that bumps starting a
push start where do they call it a boat
start yeah it's great if you just if
you're getting writer's block because
you're saying hi man I wrote you hundred
words I know you're stuck you're not
stuck just keep following through the
process and after you do this with two
or three blog posts it's not difficult
to write the long articles it just takes
a little bit of practice to learn how to
include content and what's awesome when
it comes to creating your hit list it's
that as we go through this and we see
all these other recommended searches at
the bottom of our Google search page
that's going to lead me down tons and
tons of rabbit holes and some of those
searches not all of them but some of
those searches are going to be great
ideas for other articles so as I go
through this I'm just going to start
listing everything that I think is
probably a good article to write a good
question that's being asked and next
thing I know I have a hit list of 50
articles and sometimes you're going to
get writer's block I had it yesterday in
the afternoon I was thinking of ideas
just like I can't think of anything and
just take an hour off and here we are
sitting down and we just thought like 20
different articles I could write for
this website so just take a little bit
of time give yourself some break and
you'll get it if you're interested in
starting your niche site go check out
niche site school it's on income school
comm and click a niche site school you
work directly with us we're going to
help teach you our exact business model
for building successful blogs that we've
done over and over again bringing in
passive income thanks everybody
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