Why You Should Start A YouTube Channel Right Now If You Are A Marketer!

in youtube •  8 years ago 

In this video I explain why it makes sense for a person to start a YouTube channel right now regardless if a person is receiving AdSense income or not as that is really nothing in comparison to what you could be receiving for income in the long run. Many people I know are literally making 6 and 7 figures just from YouTube alone (no paid advertising).

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started one ✔

@steemboys awesome!

Sweet! @steemboys

it is not easy for shy people :P

thecryptotrader I know but it I can do it anyone can. I will say that it was a process for me to go through to finally get to this point as it is not natural for me at all.

You are totally right, getting tons of free leads :)

Yes @stackin thats why I finally decided to start taking Youtube seriously :D

@stackin yep someday people will wake up and understand the power of YouTube, but until then just like you I will keep on stackin those leads.

So the video was uploaded 49 mins ago its 12 min long. How can people be commenting 48 mins ago about the video. Great content btw i love watching you videos just annoys me when people clearly don't watch before they comment just so they get in early.

@dobsdies I know it is funny when I see that, but that is why I leave a little paragraph about what the video was about, but if they upvote it is still all good.

Eggzackly...I think you just pointed out the consequences of a giant circle jerk.

good great

@nuevomilenium thank you for your feedback.

very well done!

@cainplant thank you.


@kenistyles Do you have a channel?

@awarenessraiser yes I do, actually I'm on my third :)

@kenistyles glad that you agree.

Good advice. Great video @mrwalt Thanks for sharing

@melowd thank you for watching.

This is what I needed to hear. I was just thinking today about scrubbing my Youtube channel and starting over. I am a teacher and I have a ton of lessons on Teachers Pay Teachers and I want to start branding myself and talk about teaching and passive income. I was thinking about waiting until I could buy a vlogging camera. I have professional editing tools and skills, but I just don't have a good camera right now.

I have some great ideas for videos. I was thinking that it was too late to make money off of Youtube, but at the same time now I'm thinking it doesn't matter because I can use Youtube to promote everything else I do.

@legosnjoysticks no it doesn't need to be perfect and it doesn't need to be pretty. I have seen too many people start a YouTube channel with none of the fancy stuff making a killing which prompted me to get started and to take it a little more seriously then I was.

I just told my wife today that I wanted to purchase a camera and we both agreed that it would be a good purchase for the things we want to accomplish this year.

@legosnjoysticks that is awesome as camera or no camera just get started and you will start reaping the rewards.

Thank you for the advice. I know the hardest part is just getting started.

@legosnjoysticks yeah I just say the hell with it. The reason is that you can spend all of this money to make sure that everything is perfect and then when you finally do get started you figure out that it may not be for you or that you just aren't connecting with your audience the way that you thought.

So I would just get started as you are and then let the channel evolve and as your audience grows then you slowly upgrade it based on either revenue coming in or the feedback received if you aren't monetizing your channel.

Really great advice and motivation. I spent so many years waiting for the perfect time and I just jumped in this year with other endeavors and it has been so worth it! Thank you for lighting that fire!

@legosnjoysticks yeah if I can do it I know that anybody can do it.


Get in there, if you have good content then people will follow.

i was considering becoming a youtuber once i get 2000 followers on steem so it would be easy for me to build a subscriber base, thanks for the info and great video!:)

If you wanna get that username for your youtube channel, one of the requirements is you need an account more than 30 days. Think you are capable to get those followers. Get YT account ready, cryptotraderx

@cryptotraderx either way once you get started the followers will come if you are consistently posting new content.

As a Youtuber, what do you like most? I would know to know that. :D

@abu.hasan.rumi I enjoy the freedom of being able to make a video about whatever I choose and to be able to get an instant response from viewers whether it be a positive or negative reaction.

Nice article. Although I'd like to hear your thoughts on the so called Youtube "ADPOCALYPSE" that has cut the revenue for a lot of the channels.

@stonesteem I appreciate you wanting my insight on the YouTube ad revenue situation. Although none of my videos have been monetized as this feature wasn't available in my account until recently due to some things I have done in the past as it relates to AdSense I do feel bad for the content creators.

They are the one's that are suffering as a lot of them have spent years and a lot of time building up their channels to be penalzed for the actions of a few.

Not sure if the reason provided by YouTube is telling the entire story or it this was done to control the content being put out there whereas this drop in revenue would discourage YouTuber's to not make content.

Either way it is a sign to me to never put all of your eggs in one basket or allow a 3rd party platform the opportunity to control your income.

Youtube has been my main source of leads. I'll get 10x to 20x more leads from Youtube videos than I will from any other source.

@kurttasche that is exactly what I try to tell people that it is a very powerful platform for lead generation.

Trying to figure out my game plan, but I'm def going to start one.

@iamron my advice would be to just get started, as nothing will be perfect.

I think you're right. The universe likes speed. :)

@iamron there is no time like the present. Just produce content and the rest will take care of itself.

Great advice! @mrwalt thank you once again! :D

@awarenessraiser yeah it is by far the easiest thing that a marketer can do for free.

This is exactly type of content I was hoping you would produce when you stated you were moving in a different direction. This advice is absolutely money$$$ Thank you MrWalt!!!

@iamcryptojoe glad that you like the content as it will only get better as time goes on.