Well! I just did one of the most terrifying and nerve-wracking things ever!

in youtube •  8 years ago 

I'm a follower of the YouTuber Defango.

He's having a phone booth livestream tonight.

I picked up the phone and dialed.

I bared some of my soul.

I didn't even use a voice modulator like I wanted to. (I absolutely hate my voice.) So I didn't even hide my voice, even though it's one of the parts I hate about myself the most.

My heart is racing. (And that's really saying something, as my resting heartrate is around 101bpm!)

Was it the right thing to do? The wrong thing to do? I don't know. Maybe time will tell.

I'd like for the trembling to subside, though. I don't like this much adrenaline.

Anyways. Figured I'd post about it. It was a really big thing for me.

Now I'll get to posting up those contests I promised. I kinda couldn't do that while talking to Defango.

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I always think it is good to tackle things your scared of so good for you.

Thanks. I was afraid my heart was (literally) going to burst.