Top 10 Heart Touching Education Videos I Have Ever Seen: "Read and watch if you love to cry"

in youtube •  8 years ago  (edited)

Here are top 10 heart touching Educational videos will melt your heart and will make you responsible for your social action.

Top 10 Heart Touching Education Videos you have ever seen.jpg

#1. Children loves her father who lies to his daughter:

A jobless father who loves his daughter more than the world. The father loves to fill up all wishes to his daughter and says lie to her that he is not hungry. The children could understand his father was hungry, he do hard job but not tell her because she will feel sad. At last, The children wrote a paragraph about her father and told story. Her father started cry and hugged his beloved daughter.

#2 . A Boy searching work

An underserved children was searching for his job and many people were rejecting to give him work. The boy was not sure what job he should he do in this age. Latter a man realized and helped him to go school.

#3. A Child Laborer loves school

The boy loves school but he had been failing to reach school proper time. His teacher was mad at him and had beaten him always. One day the teacher saw that the student is selling newspapers and delivering newspapers to people's home. Later the teacher realized this boy is so smart and he should not worth to be punished.

#4. A man with willing mind

In the video you will find a man who changed habits of many and inspired a mother to send her children to school.The video touched my heart to something better for my community.

#5. Children Sexual Assault and Mom's World without her daughter

Ploy a children who was taken for sexual assault and her mom was searching for her beloved daughter. The man fled away after two brave women and man came forward. Please take care your children and do not let them alone even with your close person/your friends.

#6. Two sister's love

Two sister had no similarities. The elder sister was living simple life and younger sister loved to celebrate modern life. When younger sister saw that her sister serious sick. She devoted her life for her elder sister.

#7. A award wining short Movie how to become rich from zero.

The short flim was made about Mukesh Ambani. He is an Indian Businessman and chairmen of Reliance industries limited. (RIL). The flim shows how a children earn money from zero investment and saving his money for his bicycle.

#8. Giving is the best communication

A children was taking medicine without permission because his mom is sick. A man came forward to help the kid and he paid for the medicine. the boy remembered the man. After 30 years, suddenly the man became sick and his daughter saw summary of medical expenses are more than he capable of. The doctor surprised paying all expenses and daughter realized that the doctor is who was helped by her father 30 years ago.

#9. Siblings wearing shoes by sharing.

Two siblings were wearing their only shoes by sharing. It was award winning Iranian movie.

#10. Don't Charge for Humanity.

A children was hungry and he was given toys to play. Later he came near to a restaurant and found a good man. He took him to feed him. The restaurant manager didn't charged for the little boy because humanity has no price.

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