Why You Should Use YouTube To Market Your Business

in youtube •  7 years ago  (edited)


If you really want your business to succeed and grow, you need to have an effective marketing strategy in place. While some people will find you by mistake, the majority of your customers will be waiting for you to find them. There are all kinds of different marketing strategies that can be employed to get the word out, but it is video that is really starting to become a major player. Nowadays, when you talk about video, you need to talk about YouTube. This is more than just a place to watch music videos, as YouTube is now where an increasing number of businesses go to market their business.

One Of The Largest Platforms

Let’s start out by just talking about the numbers when it comes to YouTube. There are about 4 billion videos viewed on the site every single day, and the ability to tag the videos that you upload means that you can easily grab a share of that number. Most people don’t think of YouTube as a search engine, but that’s exactly what it is. It also just happens to be the second largest search engine, with only Google getting more active users on a daily basis.

Search Priority

Speaking of Google, it’s worth noting that potential customers don’t even need to go to YouTube to find your videos, as they can and will pop up when someone uses Google and searches using keywords related to your videos. Search for anything on Google right now and we can almost guarantee that at least one YouTube video will be featured on the first page of results. How many new leads and sales do you think you could get by landing in that prime position? A good deal more than your competitors who are not using YouTube for marketing.

For example, when is the last time you saw a Facebook video pop up while searching for something on Google? Probably never, right?

Going Viral

People love to share videos via social media sites, and this is something that they can very easily do directly from your video page. There are links up to all the major social networking sites, and once they start getting shared, you are looking at the possibility of a video that goes viral. In short, your customers are doing your advertising for you, and they will be doing so around the clock. It’s the equivalent of putting your marketing on autopilot and letting others do the hard work for you.


If you plan on vlogging, YouTube should be your main platform that you support with the use of your social platforms where as if your main platform for example was Facebook, you should be utilizing Facebook video and building around that before exploring the use of YouTube. Typically social media is better for shorter videos where as longer video posts are better suited for YouTube. This being said live streaming will take priority over any type of content currently so keep that in mind when trying to market and grow!

Final Thoughts

If you are looking to market several different business ideas, you can quickly and easily create separate channels for each, and it won’t cost you a penny. The only investment you need to make with video marketing on YouTube is your time and effort in creating videos that your customers are going to enjoy and share. The sky is the limit with the kinds of videos that you deliver, so get creative. The numbers will show you which videos are catching the eye of your target audience, and that allows you to get a better grasp of what it is that they are looking for from your business. If you aren’t using YouTube for marketing, today should be the day you begin.

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