The Constant

in youtube •  7 years ago  (edited)

Research estimates say that we spend anywhere between 20-30% of our lives working or engaging in work related activity. Yet research also states that between 70-80% of employees are "disengaged" or "actively disengaged." Simply put they don't like their jobs. You want to find a career that you love. Something you can wake up and look forward to doing. You've tried this job and that job, changed your major 2 or 3 times, and pursued all of your interests but nothing sticks. The prerequisite to success, according to the successful, is "Passion". But you just don't know what that is. Well, neither do I so I can't give you any advice but I've spent the last 15 years trying to find it. Now I share all of my trials and adventures with you in an attempt to find passion and success while having a little fun in the meantime.

Here is my first post! Stay tuned...

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