Like a Thief in the Night with Massive YouTube Censorship, Parkland FL Shooting update, Militarism & Persecution Increase, more FF?? End Times? Just as in the Days of Noah/Sodom, Strange Weather Events, How Much More Can One Take???

in youtubecensorship •  7 years ago  (edited)

With everything going on the massive YouTube Censorship & purge of YouTube channels, increase in Militarism, Stores closing, Gun Control push, increase in rights for Sodomites & tolerance of Cannibalism & Human Sacrifice, massive cover-up on the False Flag in Parkland, Florida. Bring up Crisis Actors, David Hoggwash, etc. & your channel gets strikes or gets removed. Totally and completely insane. For those of us that are awake knew the massive Censorship was coming, all of a question of when. Like a Thief in the Night for sure. At some point or another we are heading towards more tribulation times a.k.a. End Times, Difficult times, or whatever you call it. Things aren't looking good at all. Makes you appreciate what you have as opposed to what you don't have.
What is more important that you value most? Are you ready to face things head on both mentally & physically?

We have to face these issues head on with the full armor of God and stand with Jesus Christ no matter what.
Living in the end times just as in the days of Noah, Sodom and Gomorrah. Best to get yourself right with God while you still can. By the way, I'm sick & tired of this sinful & evil represented as a cancer on society & brainwashed the weak-minded to submit to sin & evil. God/Yeshua/Jesus's word never changes & is truth. Why I don't associate with that sinful crowd. They can take everything, but my faith in Christ.


#YouTube #Purge: Subscribers MUST Fight Back. Here's How

Vid. by In Truth By Grace
Other option is #ClassActionLawsuit YouTube (Gestapo) #Censorship. At the same time. YouTube has Army of Lawyers, but there are more of us than their are of them.
Email YouTube like crazy. Restore YouTube channels such as Charles Walton, AntiSchool, According To Joe, Destroying The Illusion, Ron Johnson, Richie From Boston, Dustin Nemo, Mike Decker, Titus Frost, Mike (reposting Gabor Zolna's videos) channels, Mike Decker, Russian Vids, Gabor Zolna lost over 18,000 vids, Dr. Of Common Sense & much more.

Our 1st Amendment is being suppressed by the powers that shouldn't be. The powers that shouldn't be push Narratives rather than Truth.
Email YouTube: [email protected]

Cartoon characters urinating on each other and promoted to children. THIS filth is what YouTube finds acceptable.

We KNEW this was coming.

by Richie From Boston
F--- #DeepState #YouTube #Google #Facebook...
"God bless u Richie u helped a lot of people.JESUS IS COMING"
#WEDONOTCONSENT #SpiritualWarfare #FullArmorOfGod

Blackstone Intelligence Network is on Steemit & on DTube


YouTube Deleted Over 150,000 Conservative Contributors!
Zolna's take on #YouTube & (Gov.) #DeepState complicit in the cover-up.
Knows that Hogg (Hoggwash) graduated in 2015.
Every False Flag used to push for Control of society, these evil people don't care how many die only use it for power & profit at all costs with respect to none. Pride comes before the fall as well.
He's absolutely correct on the twisted corrupt organization.


What you need to Know about the End Game

Hendricus G. Loos created a US Patent on 01/14/2003."Nervous System Manipulation By Electromagnetic Fields From Monitors."#ScryingMirrors #5G
“They are silencing everyone all at once. Heads up to all... SHTF soon.”
F--- #NWO

Quick update. YouTube restored Richie From Boston's channel due to having a great Lawyer, plus many Subscribers & Viewers that emailed YouTube big time. All comes down to it's who you know, Not What you know that counts. Who knows how long it will last? #WEDONOTCONSENT #SpiritualWarfare #FullArmorOfGod
Richie From Boston


"Why are we still in U N anyway??? Wish the United Nations would move their headquarters to Saudi Arabia" Better yet, shut them down.
F---#UN #DeepState #Illuminati #PedoSatanists SCUM #NWOAgenda #Agenda21

Mistakes? ... Hell, they don't get held Accountable for their CRIMES - When are we going to investigate the co-conspiracy to steal the 2016 election? - Clinton emails/Uranium One? - Sedition? - No more virtue signalling ... I want to see some F---- results No accountability means NO VALID GOVERNMENT !

Check out GABOR ZOLNA's videos on
There are many videos with articles & videos attached.

This Should Concern All Of Us! Zolna's lost over 18,000 vids on #YouTube
Zolna ask great questions. Attacking Amendment rights & on the powers that be are burying the truth.

YouTube deletes entire Health Ranger video channel; deletes over 1700 videos in latest politically motivated censorship purge (UPDATED)
The Health Ranger lost over 1700 videos. Plus, over 150,000 channels were removed by Gestapo.

Ever Wonder Why Not A Single Democrat Has Been Held Accountable?
Look at the #PiecesOfThePuzzle
Presidents are Selected, Not Elected
#TrojanHorse #POLICIES doesn't change. World's Stage. F---#DeepState #GunControl #NWOAgenda
#WEDONOTCONSENT #FullArmorOfGod #SpiritualWarfare
#CivilWar2 anyone

Is President Trump Showing His True Colors?

Trump"s Leaked Two State Solution Brings Old City Under International Control

Things Are Not What They Were Presented To Be!
Check out Gabor Zolna's take
#PiecesOfThePuzzle #MilitaryIndustrialComplex
#POLICIES Doesn't Change. F--- #NWOAgenda

Opioid Solution,"Stop Bringing It In!"
"President Donald Trump's White House is holding an #Opioid summit, the solution to start solving the problem is to stop bringing it in!"
F---#DeepState #CIA #PoppyFields #BigPharma #FederalReserve
#WEDONOTCONSENT, Another Source For The Truth!
"Yes indeed, I have authorized individual.s to repost the truth, #Steemit is one of the sites, that I believe allows Conservatives to tell the truth. Anyone, and everyone is authorized to repost my video's, until I decide otherwise, the truth needs to get out to the American people, one way or another."



Goes through many topics with #Censorship, #FloridaSchoolShooting #BohemianGrove #Pedogate #WarGames #Illuminati Satanists SCUM.......
#WEDONOTCONSENT #FullArmorOfGod #SpritualWarfare

Happy Military Tribunal Awareness Month.
"NO weapon formed against me shall prosper in the Name of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior" Amen.

#QAnon Is Revealing a Vile, Inexplicable and Unspeakable Inhumanity That Will Shake You to the Core

Lionel Nation vid. on Morality, Humanity, Second Amendment, Pedophilia, Trafficking, Luciferian, Scalia, Blackmail, & Evil in the world. These people in these positions in power don't get to where they are unless they do this & that. Sold their souls for Power & $$$ at all costs with respect to none, Pride too comes before the fall.

Will These Unbelievable Horrors Soon Be Brought To The Surface? by Gabor Zolna
#Scalia a Pedophile #Pedogate #PiecesOfThePuzzle

Comment from a Viewer: “Unfortunately I believe we will ultimately find out this is true. At first when Q mentioned the end will not be for everybody, I thought multi-dimensional quantum complete reality which is hairy as fuck TBO. Now that I've had some time to reflect, cause the prior would be completely immoral to expose a human being to, it not what would rip a human mind apart and break it forever more likely about how deeply the corruption was and the evilest human live game, rape torture, cannibalism was done by those we held in high regard.”

Stay With Me On This, And Let Me Know What You Think!
"What is our Government is full of pedophile, and devil worshipers, and they want to take away all of our guns, because they know what American's would do to them if they were proven to have murdered tens of thousands of our children."

Comment from a Viewer: " A very interesting way to view this. Maybe they are all tired of concealing these depraved lifestyles they enjoy and want it all out in the open now. Living these double lives must be hell for them. I truly believe the NWO is open and legal pedophilia and satanic ritual abuse. So yes, we would have to be completely disarmed before they were outted. The thing is if they do disarm us we will still get our guns on the black market like illegals and felons do now but that group will be in the hundreds or thousands not millions. As far as I’m concerned when Trump and the Democrats talk about gun control one thing happens. We all go out and buy more guns. It’s almost like Trump is telling us indirectly to buy more weapons!! Poppy Bush said once “ If the American people found out what we have done they would chase us down and lynch us”. No, but we’d shoot them, wouldn’t we?

The Elites of American Society would like all Americans to think that the Bible is just a Book of Fairy Tales and that the Earth is a Round Globe Spinning at over 1000 MPh at the Equator; just one grain of sand among a Beach, We went to the Moon regardless of the Firmament, Dinosaurs are Real, No Giants existed and Gabor Zolna is Not as Handsome as his Viewers Think. All that Information is an attempt to Minimize the Truth."

This Parkland shooting is like the gift that keeps on giving grief. Again, if I were grieving parents I would be crawling up the proverbial asses of every individual connected to the school, law enforcement, board of education, etc., demanding answers to all these questions. I said from the get-go when I read about the full body armor, how did he get all that gear into the school - silence? And what happened to all that gear after the shooting and he was apprehended on the grass in jeans and a pullover?

"See, There Is Really No One To Go To!"

The Pieces Of The Puzzle Simply Don't Fit, Re School Shooting!
“The reality is that none of what has been reported has proven to be true. We have an eye witness that saw a policeman in full gear wearing a mask, yet we have been told by Sheriff Scott Israel that they have video tape that shows Nikolas Cruz as the shooter, someone is not telling us the truth.”

If Republicans stay in charge, they will do just as much damage as the democrats, they'll just do it slower pace. There's No Difference between the both parties. POLICIES Doesn't change. As long as you continue to participate in their Democrat vs Republican system, things are just going to get worse, so stop doing it! World's Stage. #WEDONOTCONSENT

Dick's Sporting Goods: What the Media Won't Tell You?

Great video High Impact Flix. Logic & Reason out the window. Sheeple follow Narratives rather than Truth.
F--- #CNN #ClownNewsNetwork #DeepState #GunControl #BigPharma.....

What REALLY Happened on CNN's "Gun Owner" Debate

It's People Control! Divide & Conquer tactic. Support#2A

High Impact Flix further states: "Gun control is a damn LIE. There is a group of people who wants to CONTROL YOU by FORCE! And they will use EVERY tragedy as an opportunity to entrap you!
22 more days to the "March for our Lives" event in D.C."

Dick's Sporting Good's Stopped Selling AR-15 Style Weapons!
They stopped selling AR-15 in 2015, but due to decrease in sales in other areas. Dick's were selling AR-15's for profit.

Support #2A
Screw the commies at Dick's Sporting Goods. At least their are Cabela's & other stores.

"AR-15 style rifles will break record sales, based on the concern that the American people will have about Gov. stopping them from being sold"

Rhode Island Governor, Open's The Door To Gun Confiscation!
R.I. Governor Signs Executive Order To Seize Guns

Sheriff Scott Israel Needs To Be Investigated!
Never put your finger on the trigger unless you are planning to squeeze the trigger."
#SheriffIsrael is a convert to Islam, Zionist other officers murdered people

Trump Seems To Be On Board With Dianne Feinstein's Bill

Gabor Zolna's take: "What's needed is an armed march of one or two million American's on Washington demanding that the existing Government be removed, and replaced with a new Senate, and a new Congress, with term limit's, and drug testing for all. The FBI, CIA, DOJ, all need to be fired, and replaced with honest people that will follow the Constitution. Short of that happening, we are all basically screwed!"

Trump Supports BAN on AR 15 Semi Automatic Sport Rifles

Blackstone Intelligence Network's backup channel is Jake 333

Broward County Sheriffs Trained Area Mosque Attendees How To Protect Themselves

#Parkland in DWS's District. Corrupt force in Broward County .
#StaceyLippel is witness to the event, saw a Police Officer in SWAT gear murder children.

Why Does No One Believe Stacey Lippel?
Faculty & Staff Search @ Stoneman Douglas High School

A CALL FOR AN UPRISING is on DTube, along with other channels as well.

His channel is up on YouTube for now.


Other backup channels


#JROTC(Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corp).“Selfless Service.” Cruz was temp. member. Drill Competitions, Shooter Drills, & Marksmanship skills. Yet, they push for#GunControl
Well isn't this special.


Rep. #TedDeutch is member of the B'nai Torah Congregation & involved w/ #SandyHook
#SheriffIsrael quotes from the #Talmud
Both are Zionists Jews pushing for F--- #GunControl #NWOAgenda

"Useful Idiots" & the Florida Spring

Great vid InTruthByGrace
"Is this a social media choreographed, targeted strike against our kids? It seems like it is... we have the cocky leader and enough f-bombs to re-level Hiroshima.. heads up parents!"
#Parkland #FloridaSchoolShooting #DRILL
#DavidHogg/Hoggwash is a "Mouthy brat" spot on, I seriously cannot stand this kid! He graduated from California in 2015. His picture is in a yearbook.
F--- #DeepState #GunControl #CrisisActors

Found a Couple of GREAT BLOGS on the #FloridaSchoolShooting

Florida Shooting A Definite False Flag

BTW, the Logo/Mascot for the Parkland School just so happens to be the same as the Philadelphia Eagles. Hmmmm...

Unrolled thread from @JohnBouchell
Great points from a Local in FL who questions the Narrative & has great points.
“We are at war. Be very careful of who you trust.”
“This was very eye opening. I didn't think about cameras in the school. That's also strange that a student was talking about the handle of the door jiggling and hearing someone say try another door. This is pretty alarming.”

Reassessment of Students - Hopeful Actors, Reporters, FilmMakers Placed on Camera by Mainstream Media For Antigun Campaign Messages After Parkland Shooting Event
Excellent Article On Steemit Exposes The Parkland Students as members of a Student Acting Group, Actors, Director, Special-Effect Person all caught smiling Off-Camera but sullen & angry on Camera with ties to CNN BEFORE the Valentine's Day Shooting Event.

OPERATION GLADIO C: Government-Sponsored Domestic Terrorism Targets American Public Schools
How Many Times Have I Said This?
"Federal Bureau of Investigation = America’s GESTAPO"

Survivor David Hogg In CBS Video 6 Months BEFORE Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Event

"David Hogg, (son of retired FBI agent) a student activist in the Florida school shooting, was also featured six months prior to the shooting in this news story, on a California beach. He is also shown in this #MGTV video rehearsing his lines for a CNN interview. He is now an activist against individual gun ownership.
David said this earlier: "I think it's disgusting, personally. My father's a retired FBI agent and the FBI are some of the hardest working individuals I have ever seen in my life," student David Hogg said during an interview on #CNN. (Counterfeit News Network) "It's wrong that the president is blaming them for this." Hogg added that #Trump is in charge of the #FBI.
"He can't put that off on them. He is in charge of them and these people, what they love to do is push this off on bureaucracy and say it's not them," he said.
"He is in charge of the FBI ... the executive branch is supposed to enforce laws and as such, President Trump is in charge of that and the FBI." That quote is linked here:"

I finally found the 30 min. video that was well done by Anti School is found on DTube

One thing interesting that AntiSchool found " You're Either are With us or Against us" same phrase the young woman, the young man used after the Florida Shooting
& George Bush used the same phrase after 9/11.
Hiring for Paid Protesters at the Women's March on March 14th, 2018. "The Ides of March."

Again, I have the basic info/written of what is said in the video on my latest blog. Plus other information too.
Am well aware of the videos that were removed by YouTube, Vemeo, etc. What else can be done is find info elsewhere & how do we proceed from here? There is nothing new under the sun.

Here we go again, another Drill/False Flag in Parkland, Florida. Another push for Gun Control. 5G used at Olympics & Cancer Cell Towers, Demand A New 9/11 Investigation! Need to take Country back.

Sheriff Israel Impregnated Me Teen Says! Roger Stone Got Elected!
"Scumbag Sheriff takes money from crime syndicates! Was taking huge money from a convicted felon Yoram Izhak, who $$$ the Sheriff" Roger Stone helped him get elected & #ControlledOpposition



Reports are that business is booming, stores literally running out of guns and ammo.
Nice work little man....

Democrats Move To Outlaw All Semi-Automatic Firearms.
Breaking: Democrats Move to Outlaw 50% of New Guns in America

Dear President Trump,

We are happy you will run again, but we want to remind you of a few things you said to get elected first. STAY AWAY FROM OUR RIGHTS TO OWN GUNS THIS RIGHT WILL NOT BE INFRINGED ON BY YOU OR ANYONE SHORT OF GOD. Luke 22:36 The Lord said, If you do not own a sword (AR15) then ye shall sell your garments and buy one. THE LORD JESUS CHRIST KNEW OR RIGHTS.

Soon they can be put back in their pods to be unthawed for the next tragedy.

The Parkland Story- Full Review by The Truth Factory
#FloridaSchoolShooting #FalseFlag
Cruz under #MKULTRA
#StaceyLippel is witness to the event.
"Did Jake Tapper actually grow a pair??"

Democrats/Libtards pushing for#GunControl leads to CONTROL of society via F---#NWOAgenda

Need I say more.
What was left out was those same #DemoRATS support Abortion (Willful Murder), Transgenderism, Homosexuality, etc. all part of the #AntiChristSystem
#WEDONOTCONSENT #SpiritualWarfare #FullArmorOfGod
#CivilWar2 anyone??

The MSM Have Their heads Up Their Ass!
Zolna takes on the Democrats, who have their heads up their a-- & the Elites CONTROL of Society via Agenda 21.
These social(ist) commentators like Brooks and that "conservative" senile relic George Will need to go the way of the dodo bird. Thank God for the internet!
Why The Gun Debate Is Complicated On Both Sides

I Believe Nikolas Cruz's Mind Is Gone!
"Please copy, and paste the above link into your browser, watch the video, and listen to what Stacey Lippel has to say, about what she saw, and who she saw killing the innocent children. The simple fact that not a single MSM outlet other than ABC News had school teacher #StaceyLippel on to tell her story, tells me all that I need to know."
'Full metal garb' - Teacher describes masked gunman at Florida school shooting

How about reaching out to Stacey Lippel and interview her to get the rest of her story if she is still alive?

Cop's Killed The Kid's In Florida School Shooting!
Please listen to Gabor Zolna & the Children. There is no one to go to. Absolutely Insane!!
"It's Revolution time folks, they are going to keep doing this to us, they're never gonna stop. How many more lives will be taken? We need a George Washington!"
"Please paste, and copy the above link into your browser, read the entire article, and watch the imbedded video's, absolute proof of Nikolas Cruz innocence. "
What really happened: Questions about the horrific shooting in Florida

Democrats Recruiting Parkland School Survivor's! Gabor Zolna is sick & tired of getting #EmailDonations from Democrats.

I Absolutely Agree With Tucker Carlson!
Zolna's rant
"It sure looks like President Trump is throwing the Second Amendment under the bus."

Tucker Carlson Unleashes Hell in Fiery Rant, Says Why Trump Crossed the Line

Florida Shooting Video that Youtube Deleted

Great video by Joseph Zabrosky
"If you have any problems getting the movie or course call us at 517-518-6093

Florida Shooting Video that Youtube Deleted is a video that shows you key clips that CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC and all the other main / lame stream media, the lying machine, does not want you to see as it goes against their fake news narratives.

We are seeking to bring a class action lawsuit against youtube, thus if you have been discriminated against, censored, thus if your 1st Amendment rights have been stepped on by youtube then please contact us as we will work together in standing up for America's God given rights.

Let's stand together for the sake of freedom and our future!"

Florida Shooting, False Flag Event!
Florida Shooting Fits The False Flag SOP
Hope #SteceyLippel has protection. She could be in danger especially if she keeps talking. Bill Cooper saw the writing all over the wall and spoke out and they killed him for it. RIP Bill.

Police Ordered To Establish A Perimeter, At Florida School Shooting!
Zolna's rant
"Please copy, and paste the above link into your browser, read the article, and learn the truth, about the officers being ordered to form a perimeter, and not enter the school."

[Revealed] Officers ordered not to enter Florida school
Best way to close case in Florida shooting? Have another FF as distraction.

ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION is another extension of the PATRIOT ACT

US Supreme Court Rules Illegal And Non-Citizen Legal Immigrants Can Be Detained Indefinitely
#PatriotAct extension POLICIES Doesn't change.
#IllegalImmigration "part of the system of cheap labor that subsidizes the agribusiness industry which is used to control the food supply of other nations among other functions?"
#MilitaryIndustrialComplex #BankersWars #Agenda21
Power at all $$ w/respect to none.

Supreme Court Rules In Favor Of Trump!
Zolna describes #Obama completely & short take on #IllegalImmigration

Creepy Turkish Tyrant Erdogan Has Crying 6-Year-Old Girl Dressed In Military Uniform, Makes Her Go On Stage With Him And Kisses Her Face On National Television While Telling Her ‘You Will Be A Martyr, Allah Willing’
Reminds me of Creepy Biden. The girl is not excited to be a Martyr, God be with her. Erdogan is a Psycho POS SOB SCUM


Please know that Time, Places, Different Faces change, but PHILOSOPHIES never change since history repeats all leading to the same end. There are always evil people doing evil things making themselves god, when that is never possible who are filled with pride, power & profit at all costs with respect to none. Find out whom they associate too. There is nothing new under the sun. The illusion of choosing sides is pointless. Yet, where is the focus on God, the Creator of all life, having a relationship, bear witness, respect & love, family unit, greater good, following God's laws, etc?
Don't you see that anything AntiChristian is marketed to the nth degree? Hollywood worships Idols, Sodomy is marketed which leads to disease, debased mind, breakdown of family unit, etc. Transhumanism is marked a false utopia of downloading information so you could live forever, when in reality we are never meant to live forever in this plane of existence. Our souls go to either Heaven or Hell, eternal life or death.

Check out this video. Plus, other information on Militarism expansion, all leading to WWIII.

The United States Is Still Backing Turkey As It Expands Into Syria. This Is Because The Cold War Never Ended
The #ColdWar Never Ended POLICES doesn't change.
Samuel Huntington("Who are We")About #Racialism #Eugenics #Nationalism & influence #AltRight "New Neo-Cons"
#MilitaryIndustrialComplex #BankersWars #OperationGladio #OperationGladioC #Agenda21 #NWOAgenda
Power all $$ w/respect to none

Muslim Turkey Is Now Working To Create Nuclear Weapons — The World Is Heading For War, The Nations Are Turning Their Plowshares Into Swords
History of Illegal #NuclearTrafficking & Battle over the #Dardanelles (during WWI & lack of respect of Human Life) #EuropeanDefenseFund=$$ #Rheinmetall, #Mitsubishi, #Atmea

Japan & EU on #FTA (Free Trade Agreement)
#Germany, #Japan, & #Turkey=Allies again increasing the #MilitaryIndustrialComplex
"Acts of #Compassion are seen in war, because men rebel against the unnaturalness of violence."

The United States Government Is Training Turkey On How To Use Nuclear Weapons Against Russia
No surprise"How #Atmea a joint venture company between MHI & Orano are working to help build Turkey a nuclear power plant called Sinop." #ROSATOM
#Turkey planning 23 projects #NuclearPowerPlants with #Enriched #Uranium & capacity to build nuclear tech can create 25 Nagasakis
#MilitaryIndustrialComplex #Agenda2030

Turkey Is Now Going To Be Using Unmanned Remote Controlled Tanks
Several #Autonomous land vehicles like the ones seen in #TheTerminator

Poland: A Country That Fought Against Both Communism And Nazism
"Spoke with Slawek Janusch, an educated man from Poland, to discuss Poland’s history of fighting the Bolsheviks, the German nationalists (like Otto von Bismarck) and the Nazis (who were really just a continuation of German#Nationalism)"

Poland And Lithuania Declare “When We Were Together When We Cooperated, We Had Strength. You Have To Go Back To Such Traditions”- They Are Doing This Because They Know That War Is Coming
"#Israel been caught using propaganda created by Nazis to spread an absolute lie about Poland." #Poland refuses to back down & reached out to #Lithuania. They know that war is coming."
Good & Bad people on both sides in the war, defined by the lives they lived.
Renewed #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #Nationalism. History repeats.

The Trump Administration Will Be Selling 210 Anti-Tank Missiles To Ukraine (The Cold War Never Ended!)
Please watch this short video.

Japanese Company Creates Giant Robot From Anime Series As A ‘Toy’ When The Only Thing It Is Promoting Is Japanese Nationalism

Mirrored to #TheTerminator
Robotics & #AI behind the abortion industry part of genetic experiments for #Cyborgs #MilitaryIndustrialComplex
"We know for a fact #4Chan used to promote #Nationalism in USA & abroad #Anime a central extension of promoting Japanese nationalism as part of domestic & foreign policy"

A.I. Face Swapping Technology Migrates From Pornography To The Mainstream- We Warned This Would Happen
"The #PornographyIndustry is immoral, promotes evil, and is fundamentally degenerate." " #AI #FaceSwap technology does both. It can be used for sex by swapping faces for pornographic movies and thereby helps people to indulge their personal lusts more deeply."
"Time will change the very nature of how society perceives reality. If a society can no longer trust long-established forms of evidence, if highly incriminating evidence can be easily fabricated, then it will be used for it by men who seek power at all costs without any care or regard to the consequences of their actions"


With the increase in rights for Sodomites & Tolerance of Cannibalism & Human Sacrifice. Just in the Days of Noah, Sodom, & Gomorrah. Found articles on Shoebat that go into detail on paganism revival, persecution, anti-homosexuality, & genocide of Christians & all those with the wrong genes, have disabilities, dangers with Artificial Intelligence leads to SkyNet in the Terminator films, etc. On the Shoebat website, you can look up Artificial Intelligence in the search box and articles will show you the work on the AI, etc. Another way of finding info.

Cannibalism, Homosexuality, & Human Sacrifice & how they turned their back on God & gave into sin & temptation. #EndTimes "The Eucharist, the true body, blood, soul,& divinity of Christ. THIS is the only flesh that you are supposed to eat per the words of Christ Himself." #SpiritualWarfare #FullArmorOfGod

Three Men In Paris Attack Man And Begin To Try To Eat Him Alive. They Bite Chunks Off Of His Ear And His Lips And Eat His Flesh
Christianity under attack & reverting back to paganism over time as it was then, history repeats again. Cannibalism, Homosexuality, & Human Sacrifice & turned their back on God. "Was condemned as evil and worthy of death under the simple & beautiful virtues of Christendom, is now considered worthy of toleration today."

LGBT Wins Major Victory As 2nd US Appeals Court Declares That Homosexuals Are A Protected Class Under Law
Not good. #EndTimes "Are we not getting how it must have been and how Lot felt?"
World's Stage. #SpiritualWarfare #FullArmorOfGod

The Government Of Spain Declares That All Christian Schools Must Push Homosexuality On Their Students
Absolutely Insane!! F--- #Homosexuality
#DaysOfNoah #Sodom #Gomorrah " #Spain was 1 of few countries that were the most Catholic on the planet reduced itself to be 1 of the most disgusting societies w/adoption of everything thing contrary to Jesus Christ's teaching. Forgotten how was slavery under Islam rule"

LGBT Attacks Christian Pastor Helping Teens With Same-Sex Attraction, They Say ‘If You Do Not Stop We Will Burn Your Church Down, Your House Down, Then We Will Kill You And Your Entire Family’ And State Government Politicians Side With The LGBT Against The Pastor
The Christian Pastor pointed out the #Hypocrisy of the LGBT #Homosexuality, who promote tolerate, freedom..., but "seemingly very anti-choice when it comes to sexuality." “Often those who scream #Intolerance the loudest are themselves the most intolerant.”

LGBT Threatens To ‘Burn Down Bridal Shop’ And ‘Shoot The Owners In The Head’ For Refusing To Support Homosexual “Marriage”, The City Council Responds ‘We Will Pass A Law Forcing You To Serve The LGBT Even If Goes Against Your Religious Beliefs’

"Simply a matter of time before crimes against Christians for criticizing homosexuality will not be regarded as “crimes” and, just like the pornography laws, will be rarely if ever enforced except in select cases. On the other hand, any Christian who even goes so much as to express an opinion against the LGBT may find himself not just socially ostracized, buy physically imprisoned for the “crime” of professing Biblical truth."
#SpiritualWarfare #EndTimes

Are Hindu Nationalists In The Indian Government Developing Killer Robots To Exterminate Christians In The Future?
Companies such as #Mindtronix #VattikutiFoundation #Mitra #InventoRobotics #Altimetrik #Aadhar tied to rise in #HinduNationalism
"Are Hindu nationalists in the Indian Gov. developing killer robots to exterminate Christians in the future?" #ChristianPersecution #TheTerminator

Pagan Mob Attacks Indian Christians Trying To Bury Dead Toddler In Village, Beat Them With Sticks And Threaten To Burn Them Alive With Gasoline And Say ‘We Kill You If You Try To Return To Your Homes’
Absolutely Horrible & Insane!! God be with those #Christians severely injured. Prayers & Protection. #ChristianPersecution #EndTimes #FullArmorOfGod #SpiritualWarfare

THE NEXT GENOCIDE OF CHRISTIANS IS BEING PLANNED RIGHT NOW BY TURKEY: The Government Of Turkey Releases Online Genealogy Database To Find Out The Ethnicity Of All Turkish Citizens. This Is Being Done As Part Of Turkey’s Plans To Do Genocide On Anyone Who Is Ethnically Armenian
"In the revived #OttomanEmpire, we will see the union between Islamism, #Nationalism and #Darwinism."
F--- #Eugenics #Agenda21 #NWOAgenda

History’s Genocidal Plagues Will Soon Come Upon Us
#Philosophies never change lead #EthnoNationalism #OttomanEmpire #ArmenianGenocide "All such ideologies, be it #Islamism & #Darwinism, will bring the world to war, not just in the Islamic world, but in Europe as well, as it was in the two World Wars..."
Remember what Christ said: “For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.” (Matthew 24:7).

Soldiers Discover An Utterly Horrifying Sight: Forty Bodies, All Of Them Christians, Holding Their Crosses, Slaughtered By Islamic Terrorists
F--- #Muslims #DeepState #NWOAgenda

Major Atheist Leader, Richard Dawkins, Declares: ‘We Must Overcome Our Taboo Against Cannibalism. I Am Looking Forward To Eating Human Flesh.’
"With #Atheism, there are no moral bonds & the gravest of evils even that of #Cannibalism can be justified through #Sophism. In the world of #Secularism, sophism reigns"

"You hated the people who lived in your holy land long ago, because they did horrible things: they practiced magic and conducted unholy worship; they killed children without mercy and ate the flesh and blood of human beings. They were initiated into secret rituals in which parents murdered their own defenseless children. It was your will for our ancestors to destroy these people, so that the land which you consider the most precious of all lands would be a suitable home for your people." (Wisdom 12:3-7)
"Mankind will always have #Sacraments, the choice is whether or not you want the Sacrament of God, or the Sacrament of Despotism."

America Is A Nation That Is Filled With Heresy, Heretics And False Prophets Who Make Money Off Deceiving People With False Prophecies
Truly agree with you. There are so much #Heresies, #Heretics and #FalseProphets accompanied with chaos/madness out there. While history is repeating itself, we are seeing this especially now more than ever...
#EndTimes #SpiritualWarfare #FullArmorOfGod


Crises Actor's Wanted For 03/04/18, Houston Event!
Watch the video on

Please copy, and paste the above link into your browser. check out the ad posted in Craigslist, for 16 crises actor's, for a Medical event in Houston.

This Is I Believe The Houston Event!
Christian music event on March 4th, 2018 at 7:00 p.m.
March 4th (3+4=7) (2018=11) 711
Check out Gabor Zolna's video on
#FalseFlag #CrisisActors

A Viewers Poem Worth Sharing!
"It seems that many American's are waking up, I appreciate what my viewer sent me, if you like what she wrote, please pass it along to your like minded friends, and please repost this in all of your social media outlets."

Great little poem there. Spot on. It is very scary that people can't see through the veil. We are enslaved. Our country's coffin is nearing the final nail.

AG Eric H. Holder Jr," Brainwash The People!"

Zolna's take on Holder Jr. on Operation Fast & Furious, #SandyHook, #911Truths #BradyBonds Gun Control, etc.

BREAKING: DOJ Announces Fast and Furious Documents Withheld by Eric Holder Will Be Released

David Ogden Announces Gunrunner on March 24 2009 (Captioned)

The American People Need To Learn The Truth!

H.R. 5087, Total Gun Ban!
H.R.5087 - Assault Weapons Ban of 2018
"Please copy, and paste the above link into your browser, read the entire Bill, like I said these whacked out Democrats won't stop, until they can take away our Second Amendment Rights!"

It Is What It Is, Comments Worth Sharing!
Zolna on #Parkland #DavidHogg & SWAT Team carrying the duffel bag wearing gloves & #StaceyLippel
POLICIES doesn't change. World's Stage.
F--- #YouTube #DeepState #GunControl

Nikolas Cruz Is An Absolute CIA Patsy!
Nikolas Cruz indicted on 17 counts of murder, jail records reveal odd behavior in days after Florida massacre

How A Grand Jury Works!
"Please copy, and paste the above link into your browser, note how they are already trying to discredit what Stacey Lippel said, no we did not see an armor, no we did not see any guns, because they removed them in that duffel bag, absolute proof of their guilt."
The Cover Up Is In High Gear!
Parkland Teacher Stacey Lippel Witnessed Parkland Shooter Wearing Metal Garb

The Cult Promoted by Alex Jones & Ted Nugent - You NEED to Know About!

Great vid by High Impact Flix.

The Truth Must Get Out!

"All the major cities have become cesspools. And this is all according to plan as everything on every level is deteriorating. Our local govts don't even bother to repair the roads in a timely way or not at all. Yet they continue to make new laws that obviate our GOD-given rights."

#Parkland #StaceyLippel #DRILL
POLICIES doesn't change. World's Stage.
F--- #DeepState #GunControl #Opium
Support #2A

A SHOCKING FACT About Guns They Do NOT Want You to Know!

The Numbers Are Staggering!
F--- #GunControl
13,000 lost their lives, but over 2 million lives saved because people have#Guns #PiecesOfThePuzzle Support#2A

March for Our Lives
March 24th, 2018 is the March For Life a.k.a. fundraising for Satanic sacrifices.
Women's March on March 14th.
March 14th 1+4=5
March 24th 2+4=6
Total of both dates 6+5=11
False Flag????


You Gotta Watch This Right Away (2018-2019) by That Is Impossible

#ShadowChemtrails #SulfericAcid
#DiseaseX after 7 min. mark, CDC employee missing over 2 weeks.
UFO sighting in Henderson, NV
Aliens= #FallenAngels fleet
Freak Accident with Car standing Vertically
Floods in Texas & LV with Snow too. Major Storm in Rio.


Hail Storm in Saudi Arabia injures more than 50 people.
After 5 min. mark #DoubleSunrise
#SandSmuggling #WeatherManipulation
Is #PreSalt connected to Geoengineering? Started in 2000. Pre-Salting linked to Waters Receding.
F--- #GeoEngineering #Chemtrails #HAARP #5G #AI #DeepState

WATCH BEFORE They DELETE This! Hidden Cell Phone Secrets Exposed (Illuminati Exposed)

#Facebook is an evil Organization along with #Google #YouTube #CIA...
Friend Or Foe?
Get rid of it, #Fakebook, Twitter, Smart Phone & Devices free. The Amish had the right idea.

Weather as a Weapon Send in the Troops

"We are having whats been hyped as a killer storm, when in reality its simply a nor'easter. But if they can make the weather into a weapon people will beg for the govt. to occupy their state. RFB"
"Luke 21:25 King James Version
And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;.;"

All by design by the powers that shouldn't be for NWO Agenda for depopulation agenda 21 and 2030. Both sides are the same coin, same end, World's A Stage. The Elite are a Cancer imposing their Satanic s*** on us. There are those who fall for the deception as Sheep who rejected Christ/God/Yeshua to pursue the desires of the flesh, material things, for personal gain for power, wealth at all costs without empathy nor respect to none. Then you have those who say they are a Christian, Awake, etc. turns out they are Illuminati Gatekeepers. Beware of those who say one thing and do another, they are of whom they associate with are their real friends.

Therefore, as result of the propaganda by the powers that shouldn't be are promoting evil in the name of this and that.
Don't forget the rise of Transhumanism, Technocracy, Militarism, Nationalism, etc. all lead to Fragmentation/Division then War.

That is why both political sides are the same coin. Those on both the far right and left associate and worship evil and defend those who are antichristian. Don't get yourself involve with evil leads to destruction and eternal death.

Christ/Jesus/Yeshua came to purify God's word, develop personal relationship with people, save humanity from sin and death with salvation through those who believe in Jesus shall not perish, but have everlasting life. Ongoing process Both with faith and works too. Please get yourself right with God while you still can. Put the Full Armor of God and stand with him against the forces of evil. We're living in Spiritual Warfare.

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Satan wants you for his gay army.

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