One of the things that really appeals to me about the EOS ‘voice’ application apart from it being very clean and up to date in design is the fact that it’s going to be using very secure keys to login instead of the usual mega long keys (some times multiple ones) that we normally have to deal with on crypto — i think feeling some level of security for the masses is something that they need to actively ‘give it a go’ outside of their usual remit of using a social network like facebook.
Photo by Daryn Stumbaugh on Unsplash
I’ve got a yubikey for my password manager (but not active yet because I want to register two keys, one in storage/backup in case I lose the other) and it would be a great feature and storytelling point if we could point to certain keys on amazon for people to buy that work with the steam blockchain, how difficult would it be to get yubikey support integrated into things like steemconnect and steem keychain?

I’d certainly love to have one of those slim line USB keys that allows for a fingerprint press and your logged in — don’t get me wrong steem keychain is awesome but I think from a security standpoint that extra bit we can do that others don’t do might be the difference between usage, coming back and retention — if it’s a faff to ‘do’ things on the chain people get bored.
I know one of the big attractions here on the steem blockchain is not the need to have KYC accounts compared to something like the EOS voice app but we can certainly learn from some of the other implementations and I think security and keys is a big one for the average Joe.

pinterest epic wins pinboard → brand advocate for nokia, 1000heads, verisign → won vloggie for node666 (san fran 2006) → television for time team history hunters 1999 → sold me.dm to evan williams in april 2011 → went to phil campbell, alabama to help raise money after tornado (was on sky news, bbc news)→ CNN for sxsw 2013 about austin sxsw → video chat with robert scoble → music video can you spot me?