Hello everyone, how are you? If you're interested in joining the design, YURA you should read the information that will help you get information that can help you in seeing your vision and charge
The world of freelancing is a massive bone. One simple reason for this is the lack of trust. There needs to be a system in place that helps freelancers connect in a more transparent, fair and secure way.
Yura is a platform that helps to keep you and your freelancer customer agreements normal and free from politics for you to get further and better work done.
Yura is created with a clear thing in mind; empower the global pool of the future. We know that the coming times will be filled with unknown challenges and openings to make money, that's why we believe that through utilising the right tools, you can be empowered to reach your full eventuality and achieve great effects. We aim to give a platform that fosters a community of generators and entrepreneurs who can work together in a way that's more effective and secure than in the history.
Yura is the first commemorative designed to be both a cryptocurrency and to serve as an mileage commemorative. The Yura platform makes it easier for freelancers to seamlessly manage payments, agreements and tasks without having to use dozens of different operations.
The freelancing frugality is growing presto. In fact; it's prognosticated to produce nearly$ 2 trillion out of a total global pool of$ 100 trillion within the coming decade.
We see freelancing as a way for people to manage workers and we want to help freelancers find the stylish jobs that suit their bents and interest by empowering them with essential digital tools and adding conveniences for both sides. We're trying to grow the assiduity rather than trip it like numerous others.
With the future of work evolving at a rapid-fire pace, a new generation of startups is aiming to disrupt specific verticals of traditional businesses. This is where we believe that the business for on- demand gift will be headed in the coming times. Yura Equalize is trying to resolve a lot of issues that freelancers and guests presently face by introducing cutting edge collaboration medium noway seen before in Blockchain assiduity. By using Ethereum grounded Smart Contracts and our native commemorative Yura, freelancers will be suitable to offer their services encyclopedically to guests who want them without any walls or interposers involved, and payments can now be made either edict or our personal cryptocurrency, all this makes us believe that decentralized frugality will come mainstream veritably soon.
In the world of freelancer agreement, effects get complicated. There are lot of coveats and agreement can get lost or misinterpreted.
Still, be sure to take your agreements seriously, make sure unborn mates have a clear understanding of what's needed of them so they stick to the plan without hesitancy or detainments, If you're a start up.
Long gone are the days when freelancers would have to stay until they returned back home with their work before taking care of payment issues. Block chain technology now makes it possible for them to be paid incontinently for delivering their work rather of having to take the veritably long and nervous lift back home, tossing up their pitchforks just in case there was trouble with getting their fair pay. It's ignited into our pasty DNA that we believe in making sure slavish tasks like account is taken care of so all business possessors have to do is distribute payments to properly- earned miners!
Structure good connections is really important in business, but what makes or break a relationship? How can you make strong connections with your guests to insure the trust and fellowship needed to make up your brand power? Make a commitment as a freelancer to your customer who's investing in your business. Avoid always using the reason that you aren't paid on time spent or responding to customer. You'll noway be suitable to deliver quality work or make a strong relationship.
Freelancing means that you're working for yourself, but that does not mean there are no boundaries. It's important that you know that if you're#freelancing, also you're responsible for your business. It's important you take responsibility for your business and work.
Visualise the creation process, it's essential that you know everything that happens and also be suitable to distinguish way with the capability to intermediate at different stages. We want to work with you on understanding your unique approach workflow so we may help point out any areas for enhancement or exfoliate light on possibilities of participating strategies withing our ecosystem so as not to repeat gratuitous crimes in development.
Participating of Profit
Staking and governance
Website: http://www.yura.io/
Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/ek2sw9z_T3U5MjI8
Twitter: https://twitter.com/appyura
Medium: https://medium.com/@Yura.io
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrZpRpKd-5EJ3aSQXwn0apw
Author :
Bitcointalk : sajedul islam
ERC20 address : 0x3492f5a4C3D3764aDA5f4a17d7c8B575b5A99AD4