"Invaders" a 99 word story in three parts (33 words per part). Part Two: Waiting

in zap33x3 •  7 years ago  (edited)
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You're attempting a story in 99 words, and you still can't put them all in one post?

First of all, I think 99 words just seems lazy, and the fact that you put them in three separate posts just tells me you want to milk the voters.

I want Steemit to have more and better fiction, but I'd like for people to work harder than this.

I am using zappl which has a 240 character limit, that then posts to steemit. Yeah, check out my posts and see how much I am milking steemit for. I really don't know what I am going to do with the 13 cents I make from each post. Oh, yes I do Vest it back into the system, or give it to other people. I haven't taken one steem out of this system. I don't go round judging other peoples work and calling them lazy. I don't know you, and I don't care to. Have a nice fucking day

It was my attempt at criticism, but yes, it came off as dickish. I should learn better social skills, that one was on me.

Giving you an upvote for your troubles as a sign of peace.

Thanks. Maybe just have a look at a person's profile and interaction before passing judgement next time! :)

You're right about that. :)

It does raise a question about viability of @zappl if people think short posts on steemit milk the system. It can never hope to be as successful as twitter... :(

This is part two of a 99 word story (told on zappl in three 33 word parts). It is a response to @mydivathings' #365daysofwriting challenge (please go check her post, and see the photo that inspired this story)

You can start at the beginning here

You can find the final part here